Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 2304: Sincerity is not enough

   Chapter 2304 Sincerity is not enough

   The people on the outside were even more startled, but Lin Tian stretched out his hand and touched Li Jiuge's forehead.

   When Lin Tian wanted to control his immortal soul, a powerful force burst out from his immortal soul, and a voice warned, "Looking for death!"

   At this time, Li Jiuge's immortal soul was suddenly possessed by something, flew up, and broke free from Lin Tian's shackles, and then his eyes changed like a person, staring at Lin Tian coldly.

   Everyone was startled, "What's the situation?"

   "It seems to be the Li family's spirit enchantment."


   "Yes, it is rumored that every core member of the Li family has a hidden power inside. Once that power is captured by a guy, it will be possessed by the ancestors of the Li family."

   "So, Li Jiuge was possessed?"

   "Well, I just don't know who is in the Li family."

   When everyone was discussing, that Fan Tianzun looked ugly, and Wang Yanyu was even more shocked. As for Lin Tian, ​​he smiled and said, "It's interesting."

   "Boy, I am the eighth-generation ancestor of the Li family, Li Ba."

   Everyone was startled when they heard Li Ba, and some people stammered, "It is rumored that Li Ba is already an eight-star Immortal Venerable."

   "Not really."

  But Lin Tian was not frightened, and laughed, "Your immortal soul is pretty good, but do you think that if you possess him, you can deal with me?"

   "Boy, I don't care who you are, as long as you dare to provoke my Li family, you will die!" the Li Ba said wildly.

   Who knows, Lin Tian laughed, "He only has a fairy soul left. If you continue to toss him like this, it's easy for him to be wiped out."

   "It's ridiculous, I just need to kill you and take your body to him." The other party stared at Lin Tian's body.

  Lin Tian said with a smile, "Then let me see how powerful your Eight-star Immortal Venerable is."

   "Looking for death!" This Li Bayi palm produced a ghost palm print, but Lin Tian avoided it, but in the original position, a huge palm print appeared.

  Everyone was startled, and Li Ba saw Lin Tian dodging and hummed, "Looking for death."

   After that, countless ghost palm prints went down, and Lin Tian's were all ghosts, which made Li Ba annoyed, until Lin Tian's deity appeared behind him and smiled, "I'm here."

   "Looking for death." Li Ba immediately turned around and slapped Lin Tian with his palm. Since the opponent was a soul body, the power he used was soul magic or ghost magic.

   It is precisely this kind of power that can directly penetrate a person's soul, but Lin Tian's soul is very powerful, so when this Li Ba fights down, Lin Tian floats there with nothing at all.

   Everyone blinked one by one, thinking they were blinded, even this Wang Yanyu wondered, "Is this, okay?"

   That Li Ba was stunned for a while, still staring at Lin Tian, ​​"You, why are you alright?"

   "You should ask yourself such a boring question." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he directly borrowed his soul power, and then hit him with a phantom annihilation.

   That Li Ba was seriously injured by Lin Tian, ​​and then took a leap of anger, rushed out of the formation and disappeared, but his voice was cursing, "Boy, if you hurt me, you will not end well."

  Lin Tian smiled and looked at the air, "You better stop making trouble for me, or next time, you won't have a chance to escape."

   The other party was so angry that he ran away, and then everyone knew that Lin Tian had seriously injured Li Ba.

  Lin Tian looked outside and smiled, "Is there anyone else?"

   At this moment, no one dared to come out, and Lin Tian had to continue resting. As for Wang Yanyu, he was depressed, "This kid is really crazy."

  Liu Jin said, "Miss, why is he so powerful."

   "What's so great? Let him get lucky!" This Wang Yanyu refused to admit it, and that Liu Jin didn't know what to say, so he could only watch silently.

  Wang Yanyu stared at Lin Tian until the next day, Lin Tian's sound transmission stone smiled at Fan Tianzun after receiving the news, "Let's go."

   "Yes." Fan Tianzun knew that Lin Tian had news from Tiangu, so he quickly followed Lin Tian and walked out of the formation together.

   The people who are still near the formation at the moment only dare to watch, and dare not deal with Lin Tian, ​​so they can only follow behind.

   "Miss, what about us?"

   "Follow." Wang Yanyu followed, and when those people saw Wang Yanyu coming out, they quickly surrounded him.

   Wang Yanyu said, "Don't come near me."

   But these people refused to let her, so angry that Wang Yanyu could only enter the ring and let that Liu Jin take her.

   These people outside, seeing that there is no chance to contact Wang Yanyu, they can only continue to follow the flow of gold.


   After a while, Lin Tian came to Xianxun Pavilion and came to the place to get news.

   "Here, this is yours." The person in charge of the news took back Lin Tian's sound transmission stone, and then took out a wooden slip and placed it in front of Lin Tian.

  Lin Tian picked up the wooden slip and injected consciousness, and soon the whereabouts of this Tiangu flashed in front of Lin Tian's eyes.

   "It's interesting." Lin Tian laughed, and that Fan Tianzun asked curiously, "Sir, have you found it?"

   "Well, let's go."

After Lin Tian finished speaking, he took Fan Tianzun and left, and Liu Jin kept following him until after Lin Tian and others left Wangyang City far away, Wang Yanyu ran out of the ring and said to Liu Jin, "Okay, you can go back. already."

   "But Miss."

   "Don't worry, I can handle it." After Wang Yanyu finished speaking, she followed in the footsteps of Lin Tian.

  Liu Jin had to leave, and that Fan Tianzun asked suspiciously, "Miss Wang, you."

   "Are you going to Lingyou Valley?"

  Fan Tianzun looked at Lin Tian, ​​but Lin Tian didn't speak, which made that Wang Yanyu urgently say, "Boy, please say something."

   "Am I familiar with you?" Lin Tian asked back, and this made Wang Yanyu feel very aggrieved, especially when he used to be surrounded by everyone, but now, Lin Tian ignored him.

   Therefore, after thinking about it, Wang Yanyu said, "You are a small eye."

   "If I were careful, I would have sent you to the ghost realm long ago." Lin Tian stopped suddenly and smiled at Wang Yanyu, who was nervously alert, "You, what do you mean."

   "Anyway, you have nothing to do with me, so if I want to kill you, it should be fine." Lin Tian smiled and looked at Wang Yanyu.

   Wang Yanyu was anxious, "I, my master is your apprentice."

   "I said, I don't have such unfilial disciples and grandchildren."

   "You." Wang Yanyu's face was ugly, while Fan Tianzun laughed non-stop, so angry Wang Yanyu said, "Why are you smiling?"

  Fan Tianzun didn't say anything immediately, while Wang Yanyu stared at Lin Tian, ​​"Don't you just want me to call you Shizu?"

   "This can be considered." Lin Tian said with a smile, while that Wang Yanyu gritted his teeth angrily, "Did I call you Shizu, just tell me, where are you going?"

   "That depends on my mood."


  Wang Yanyu was going crazy, but Lin Tian stared at her and smiled, so angry that Wang Yanyu had to grit his teeth, "Okay, I'll call you Shizu."


   "I called you Shizu, are you not sincere?"

   "You ask him, sincerely." Lin Tian looked at Fan Tianzun, and Wang Yanyu immediately stared at Fan Tianzun.

   (end of this chapter)

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