Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 2283: The first fairy sword, Baimang

   Chapter 2283 The first fairy sword, Baimang

  Lin Tian ignored the shock of the crowd and went directly into the stone gate. As for the nine great Immortal Venerables, they looked at each other in dismay.

   "Go?" Someone couldn't help but ask, and the Great Immortal Venerable and Ma Bo were already Lin Tian's people, they knew they had to go, so they followed silently.

   The other seven Immortal Venerables saw that both of them had entered, so the other seven silently followed and came inside together.

   After a while, everyone came to a place full of murals, and in front of these people, there was a stone statue, and laughter came from the stone statue, "It's not easy, I can find this."

   The nine Immortal Venerables immediately said, "Sect Master."

  Lin Tian stared at the stone statue, "Are you the sect master of Fanmen?"

   "Yes, I am a sect master and a celestial being."

  Lin Tian heard this and said, "I don't seem to have heard of you."

   "You haven't heard of me, but I know the prestige of Emperor Lin." The Fan Tianzun laughed, and Lin Tian had to say, "I won't talk nonsense with you."

   "Oh? I don't know Emperor Lin, what do you want to talk to me about?" That Fan Tianzun said with a smile.

  Lin Tianze asked the Fan Tianzun, "Tell me, do you know that person?"

   "Did you say master?"

   "It should be your master." Lin Tian replied, but the Nine Great Immortal Venerables wondered who their master was.

  Fan Tianzun smiled slightly, "Emperor Lin, if you have the ability, go and investigate by yourself, what's the use of asking me?"

   "If anyone in the Immortal World is the most powerful right now, it's probably your mortal sect."

   "That's right, we Fanmen has been standing in the fairyland for many years, but we usually never care about the disputes in the fairyland, so everyone thinks that we are just a hidden world, but we control everything in the fairyland." This Fan Tianzun proudly said.

   "The alliance was destroyed, and my top ten immortal emperor apprentices were also disintegrated by you one by one?" Lin Tian stared at the mortal Tianzun.

  Fan Tianzun laughed, "Then I don't have the ability."

   "Oh? Is that him?"

   "Master? He is not in the fairyland, but he is in the fairyland. There are many people like me, and we have a unified title."


  Fan Tianzun smiled and said, "Master won't let me say that unless you can defeat me."

   "Do you think I can't beat you?"

  Fan Tianzun smiled and said, "If you can defeat me, I can tell you our unified title, and at the same time, I will give you a big gift."


   "Yes, the person you most want to find."

  Lin Tian solemnly, "Who."

   "Tiangu!" That Fan Tianzun laughed, while Lin Tian said coldly, "So, do you know where Tiangu is?"

   "Of course, we have already monitored your movements, so we all know where you are and what you have done, and this Tiangu is afraid of being caught by you, so he will naturally avoid you at all times."

  Lin Tian understood and asked again, "You have answered me so much, so why don't you answer me one more question."


   "Why did you destroy the teleportation formation at Fanmen Gate? Don't you want to see me?" Lin Tian asked, and the Tianzun Fan smiled bitterly, "I didn't destroy it, but I already guessed who it was."

   "What? Are you with me too?"

   "Yes, but she is more unruly. To be precise, her style is that she doesn't want you to find us, but I, according to the master's instructions, must let you find me and repair you well."

Lin Tian finally understood, otherwise the owner of the voice wouldn't isolate himself, and that Fan Tianzun smiled when he saw Lin Tianfa, "Okay, don't think about it, come on, let me see how powerful you are. ."

After    finished speaking, the stone statue moved, and then a white shadow condensed, and this white shadow held a white sword with an ivory handle.

   This white sword shone with a powerful light, and the nine great immortals stared at the sword in surprise, and some people even muttered, "This is the first sword of the immortal sword, is it Baimang?"

   "Yes, it must be."

   "It is said that once the sword light of this white light hits a person, the person's body will bleed continuously."


   Those Immortal Venerables became more and more afraid, but Lin Tian was very calm, and stared at that Fantian Venerable, "So what if you have such a good sword?"

   "How? Lin Di, you are really crazy." After the other party finished speaking, he smiled strangely, and countless sword shadows appeared around Lin Tian, ​​but the only thing he saw was Lin Tian's ghost.

  Fan Tianzun laughed, "Do you use shadows?"

   At this time, Lin Tian released countless shadows again, and Lin Tian's deity knew that this Mortal Heavenly Venerate was not an ordinary Immortal Venerable, so that Immortal Soul Barrier would be very strong, so Shadowless Swordsmanship and Soul Painting Technique were temporarily ineffective against each other.

   So Lin Tian intends to continue to use the shadow to carve divine patterns on his immortal soul barrier.

   But Lin Tian knew that the other party would not attack him foolishly, so Lin Tian said, "Shadow, I can defeat you too."

   "It's ridiculous." The other party had a thought, those sword shadows flashed, and countless shadows dissipated.

   Everyone was dumbfounded, especially the Great Immortal Venerable muttered, "What a fast swordsmanship."

  Fan Tianzun continued to laugh, "Emperor Lin, this is not your style."

   "You are indeed very strong, but I naturally have a way to deal with you." Lin Tian continued the shadow, and then continued to attack.

  But that Fan Tianzun didn't take it seriously, and while letting these ghosts attack, he destroyed the ghosts, but the ghosts continued.

   Even Tianzun Fan said impatiently, "What a waste of time."

   "I don't think so." Lin Tian looked at him with a smile, while Venerable Fan snorted and threw some swordsmanship, but he couldn't hit the deity Lin Tian.

   This made Tianzun Fan gradually unhappy, "Lin Di, do you want to spend time with me like this?"

   "Well, I'll let you attack too, don't say I bullied you." After that, Lin Tianfang unearthed his clone.

  Fan Tianzun thought that Lin Tian was joking, but he still went down with a sword, but this sword hit Lin Tiantufen, and Tufen just shot some dust and powder, and nothing else happened.

   Everyone was dumbfounded, and some people stammered, "Baimang, is it invalid for him?"

   "It's not invalid, it's his flesh, and it's a stone at all."

   "Not an ordinary stone."

  Fan Tianzun was also blinded, and stared at Lin Tian strangely, "How is that possible."

   "Come on, continue." Lin Tiantu's clone teased the opponent, and then the ghost continued to attack the opponent around.

   But that Fan Tianzun didn't take Lin Tian seriously, instead he continued chasing this earth clone to kill him in various ways.

  However, the earth avatar is so hard that this Venerable Mortal cannot do anything to Lin Tian at all.

   This was so angry that Venerable Fan cursed, but Lin Tian smiled evilly, "I think it's almost there!"

   "It's almost there? What do you mean?" That Fan Tianzun didn't understand, and the other nine immortals were also curious about what Lin Tian was going to do.

   "Almost, it means the end." After Lin Tian finished speaking, countless immortal crystals were thrown out.

   (end of this chapter)

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