Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 2270: channel is abolished

   Chapter 2270 The channel is abolished

   Immortal Emperor Shuiyun made Lin Tian feel at ease, but he still asked the person on the ice bed, "Who are you? Why can you control these snowmen?"

  The woman on the ice bed hesitated, "Can you not tell me?"

   "If you want me to believe in you, you have to tell me." Lin Tian naturally couldn't let the other party fool him, so he stared at the woman in the mist on the ice bed and said coldly.

  The woman said after thinking about it, "I strayed into the ice cave many years ago, and then I didn't die, and was brought here by these snowmen, and then they treated me as their master."

"Do you think I will believe this reason?" Lin Tian asked back, and the woman assured, "What I said is true, why doesn't this space kill me, why do these snowmen recognize me as the master, I am I don't know at all."

  Lin Tian didn't quite believe it, so he approached step by step, and the woman got anxious and said to Lin Tian, ​​"I, I really didn't lie to you!"

  Lin Tian still didn't believe it, and the woman had to make a cloud and land in front of Lin Tian.

   "This is all my memory. If you don't believe me, you can take a look."

After    finished speaking, the cloud fell on Lin Tian's palm, and then a piece of memory entered Lin Tian's mind.

   After seeing that these memories were the same as what the other party said, Lin Tian stopped and said, "I'll trust you for once."

   "Thank you." The woman breathed a sigh of relief, while Lin Tian looked at Immortal Emperor Shuiyun, "Are you really not leaving?"

   "I won't leave until Immortal Venerable." The Shuiyun Immortal Emperor said, while Lin Tian smiled bitterly, "You are the same as in the past, once you decide something, you have to do it."

   "Master, there are outsiders here, so don't train me." Immortal Shuiyun said embarrassedly, but Lin Tian smiled and said, "I'm praising you, not training you!"

   But in the eyes of Immortal Shuiyun, Lin Tian was a lecturer, so she said, "Master, you are still nagging like you were ten thousand years ago."

   "Really? I think it's much better." Lin Tian didn't feel like he was nagging.

  Shuiyun Immortal Emperor couldn't help but complain, "Still so narcissistic."


  Shuiyun Immortal Emperor saw Lin Tian's serious look, and couldn't help but ask, "Master, did you find a partner after you went to the God Realm?"

   "Companion? Do you think your master needs it?" Lin Tian asked back, and the Shuiyun Immortal Emperor complained, "Master, look at you, we are not by your side, you must have forgotten our explanation."

   Lin Tian smiled bitterly when he heard the explanation, "Didn't I tell you? Your master has someone in his heart."

   "Master, your junior sister is dead, why do you still miss her?" The Shuiyun Immortal Emperor said with emotion.

  But Lin Tian suddenly said, "I don't think she's dead, and I see more than one person who looks exactly like her."

   "What?" Immortal Emperor Shuiyun was startled, while Lin Tian briefly explained the matter and said, "That's probably how it happened."

   Immortal Shuiyun said anxiously, "Master, is there a terrible person who wants to deal with you?"

   "Well, he must be from the realm of the gods, and he is very good at arithmetic. He even knows a lot about my past." That Lin Tian frowned.

   Immortal Emperor Shuiyun said depressedly, "I can't help you much like this."

   Lin Tian soothed, "You cultivate well, and when you reach Immortal Venerable and become a god, it is the best help for your master and me."

   "Well, I will try my best." Immortal Emperor Shuiyun nodded, while Lin Tian took a deep breath, "That's fine, I should go too, continue to meet that guy for a while."

After    finished speaking, Lin Tian turned around and was about to leave, but Immortal Shuiyun suddenly said, "Master."

   "It's been ten thousand years, is it still so clingy?" Lin Tian didn't look back, but said as he walked, while the Immortal Shuiyun reminded, "Be careful!"

   "Well, don't worry." After Lin Tian finished speaking, she disappeared. Although Immortal Shuiyun didn't get up, her soul was very active and even excited.

   The woman on the ice bed couldn't help but ask, "Master, have you really been to the realm of the gods?"

   "Of course, and the legend of Emperor Lin, have you heard of it?"

   "I've been here for hundreds of thousands of years. If he was famous 10,000 years ago, I really don't know him." The woman said embarrassedly.

  Shuiyun Immortal Emperor smiled and said, "That's your loss."


   "Yes, he is very powerful in the Immortal Realm." Immortal Emperor Shuiyun worshipped, but the woman said, "You don't need to be in the Immortal Realm, he is very scary here."

  Shuiyun Immortal Emperor smiled, "Just know."

The    woman stopped talking, but fell into contemplation.

  Lin Tian left here until he walked out of this ice cave, and then returned to Yunshangzong again.

   Then Lin Tian got Lu Jinye and this Nangongyan out, and the Nangongyan asked curiously, "Big brother, has your apprentice found it?"

   "I found it." Lin Tian nodded, and that Nangongyan immediately asked curiously, "Where?"

   "She is going to retreat and won't come back for the time being." Lin Tian explained, while that Nangongyan was a little disappointed, "It's a pity that I didn't say hello to this sister."


   "Yes, she is your apprentice, so she must be very majestic." That Nangongyan adored, and Lin Tian smiled bitterly, "You are not bad."

   "Me? It's a long way off." Nangongyan was very modest, but Lin Tian laughed after seeing her modesty at such a young age, "Let's go."


   Lord Lu Jin looked around, and after making sure that there was no one blocking the Yunshang Sect, he let out a sigh of relief and walked out of the Yunshan Sect.

   "Sir, the entrance to our door is a small shop near here."

   "Oh? Small shop?"

   "Yes, a teleportation array, only those who have our special token of the mortal sect can pass, so wait, you may not be able to pass." That Lu Jinye directly stated the special situation.

  Lin Tian laughed and said, "If it doesn't work, change the formation method."

   Hearing the change of the formation, that Lu Jinye stared at Lin Tian strangely, "Sir, are you kidding me? Change the formation?"

   "Yes, is there a problem?" Lin Tian asked this Lu Jinye, but Lu Jinye hesitated, "This is really difficult!"

  Lin Tian smiled without saying a word, and that Lu Jinye already knew that Lin Tian was Emperor Lin, so he still planned to take him to see it.

  So the three of them came to a shop together, but the formation here was turned into ruins.

   "This." Lu Jinye was shocked, and Nangongyan said urgently, "Big brother, someone broke the formation."

  Lin Tian was suspicious, "That person must be in the Fan Sect, and according to his character, he must be eager for me to find him, so it is impossible to destroy the formation."

  Nangongyan didn't quite understand what Lin Tian said, but she said, "Where are we going now?"

  Lin Tian stared at Lord Lu Jin, "Is there only one way to go to Fanmen?"

   "There is another one, but that is a space crack, it is difficult to pass through, unless you have the strength of Immortal Venerable, you can barely pass." That Lu Jinye said embarrassedly.

   (end of this chapter)

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