Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 2267: spooky snowman

   Chapter 2267 Weird Snowman

   After those people "survived", they muttered one by one, "This Emperor Lin is really scary."

   "No, he killed the black ancestor of more than 800,000 Immortal Venerable Shadows in one fell swoop."

   "It's scary."

   "Fortunately, he wasn't careful, or we would all have to die just now!"


  Lin Tian left, not knowing what they were talking about, but after he entered the vortex, he instantly came to a world of ice and snow.

   But this time, the ice and snow were in the void, so the void was full of snowflakes and floating stones.

  These stones, all snowflakes, look like a painting.

   "I didn't expect this ice cave to be such a place." As Lin Tian finished speaking, a very powerful cold air rushed towards him, instantly freezing Lin Tian's body.

   Then a gust of wind whistled, and Lin Tian took a deep breath, "Is a cold wind so strong?"

   When Lin Tian was sighing, Lin Tian saw ice cubes floating everywhere, and inside these ice cubes were people.

   However, those people were completely dead, and even their souls dissipated, and Lin Tian muttered to himself, "There are so many people frozen here."

   At this time, the Fire King was about to move in Lin Tian's body, still staring at Lin Tiandao, "Master, can I come out?"

   "You want to perform?"

   "You know, fire and water are incompatible? And I especially like challenging things, so I'm going to come out and fight the cold wind, snowflakes, etc. here."

  Lin Tian knew the character of this Fire King, so he smiled helplessly, "Okay, come out!"

  The Fire King immediately became happy, and he fought against the ice layer on Lin Tian's body at once. Only after the ice completely melted did the Fire King jump up, "It's really comfortable."

   But at this time, a gust of cold wind came over, and the Fire King immediately weakened a lot, but she was not reconciled, and became stronger again, and then hummed, "Want to play with me, it's far away!"

  Lin Tian didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he still quickly released the water body and put away the deity, because the water body can absorb the water immortal energy here.

   So those flying ices were swallowed up by Lin Tian's clone Xian Ge as soon as they hit Lin Tian.

  The Fire King said in surprise, "Master, how many clones do you have?"

   "Nine clones."

   "So much?" The Fire King took a deep breath, while Lin Tian smiled and said, "Okay, stop talking nonsense and start looking for someone."

"Find someone?"

   "Yes, a woman." Lin Tianbian said, showing her appearance, and then released countless ghosts, walking around.

   But the cold wind here is too strong, and those ghosts were swallowed by the cold wind before they encountered the cold wind.

   Seeing this result, Lin Tian said helplessly, "It seems that I can only find it slowly."

  The Fire King laughed and said, "Master, watch me!"

   After finishing speaking, the fire king spread out countless flames, and these flames spread out in the void.

  Those cold air, for a while, can't do anything to these Mars, but after a quarter of an hour, they will dissipate.

  The Fire King said embarrassedly, "Master, I will continue."

   "It's alright, I'll wait." Lin Tian knew that this was the only way to go at the moment, while the Fire King continued. As for Lin Tian himself, he was flying and searching.

  Just like this, after half a day, some boulders suddenly floated around, and there seemed to be a figure on the boulder.

   Lin Tian immediately said to the Fire King, "There is something."

  The Fire King was curious, "Why is there anyone here?"

  But when these boulders approached, Lin Tian and Huo Wang saw that they were some snowmen, but these snowmen looked like snow on the surface, but they actually had snow and flesh.

   Not only that, these snowmen are very imposing one by one, close to the existence of Immortal Venerable, but the Fire King is enthusiastic, "I want to learn from them."

   "Ask them first." Lin Tian was more interested in this at the moment.

  The Fire King had to shout to the snowmen, "You guys, why are you here?"

   "This question, we should ask you." One of the yeti said strangely, and the other snowmen also shouted, "This is our place, what are you humans doing here?"

  The Fire King said, "We're here to find someone."

   "Anyone who comes here will have to die, so if you want to find it, you can go to the ghost realm to find it." The snowman who took the lead continued to say strangely.

  The Fire King said angrily, "You really think that I don't dare to bully you and clean up you, right?"

   "Clean me up?" The snowman thought the Fire King was joking, so he pointed a finger, and a huge snowball fell on the Fire King, instantly sizzling, and the snow melted, but the Fire King said unwillingly, "It's my turn."

   After finishing speaking, the Fire King shot out a flame and rushed towards the snowmen, and the snowmen immediately opened their mouths and exhaled a cold wind, which directly extinguished the fire.

   This surprised the Fire King, "These guys, actually exhale?"

  Lin Tian said, "I'll do it."

   After Lin Tian finished speaking, his water body flew over, and those guys spit out cold air, but they were all sucked away by the power of water body.

   This surprised those guys one by one, and the snowman who took the lead even asked, "Who are you? Why aren't you afraid of us attacking?"

   "I can devour any of your strength, so you should give up." Lin Tian said a word, which made these snowmen hotly discuss.

   "This guy, can really devour our power?"

   "It seems to be the case."

   Then Lin Tian saw a few snowmen in various discussions, and finally even said that he wanted to vote, should he deal with Lin Tian.

   As a result, everyone voted, unanimously decided, "withdraw".

  The snowmen immediately rushed into a hole in the huge stone, and then the huge stone was like a spaceship, planning to disappear from here.

  Ke Lin Tian smiled bitterly, "I'm here, still want to leave?"

   After finishing speaking, Lin Tian rushed into the cave in a hurry, and the snowmen inside immediately released the cold air frantically, and also created an ice wall in the cave, trapping Lin Tian there.

  But Lin Tian smiled bitterly, "I'm not afraid of your cold, but I'm still afraid of these ice walls?"

   "This ice wall, but it takes a hundred years for you to break down this ice wall with our strength." The snowman who took the lead said with great interest.

  Lin Tian smiled at them behind the ice wall and said, "Are you sure it will take a hundred years?"

   "Yes, it's a hundred years!" The snowman said proudly, but Lin Tian said, "Then, you should be optimistic."

   After finishing speaking, Lin Tian put one hand on the ice wall, and then began to frantically absorb the power of the ice wall.

   In less than a quarter of an hour, countless cracks appeared in this ice wall, and Lin Tian let the fire clone come out again and cast the magic fire thousand layers of palms.

   Then countless palm prints fell on the wall in a frenzy, directly smashing the huge ice wall.

  The snowmen behind the ice wall stared wide-eyed and looked incredulous, but Lin Tian smiled at them, "Are you going to continue?"

   (end of this chapter)

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