Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 2254: does it exist

   Chapter 2254 Does it exist?

   Zilei Demon Venerable knew that there was indeed, but he didn't know the exact location, so he could only look at Lin Tian, ​​"Please point it out."

  Lin Tian smiled when he heard the words of this Zilei Demon Venerable, "Are you begging me?"

   After seeing that Lin Tian deliberately made things difficult, everyone wanted to attack, but Lin Tian glanced at him, and the expressions of these people immediately changed one by one.

   After that, not a single one dared to say a word, and the Purple Thunder Demon Temple thought it could bend and stretch, so he smiled at Lin Tian, ​​"Yes, I beg you."

  Lin Tian smiled slightly, "I am actually a good talker."

   "I don't know about you, what are your thoughts?" Seeing Lin Tian like this, the Purple Thunder Demon Venerable would definitely not tell them the location so easily, so he could only ask.

  Lin Tian stared at the Zi Lei Demon Venerable and said with a smile, "It's very simple, you Demon Venerable, there should be a lot of good things, and now those things are useless to you, it is better to give them to me."

   "What?" Those Demon Venerables who were present were about to kill Lin Tian, ​​but Lin Tian smiled at them, "What? Don't you want to?"

   "Boy, we are Demon Lords!"

   "Yes, we have tempers!" Some people got angry and wanted to kill Lin Tian, ​​but Lin Tian smiled at them, "Oh? So, you won't agree to my request?"

   "Yes!" Someone shouted loudly, and Lin Tian laughed, "That's fine, I'll go to the Demon Palace by myself later."


After   , Zi Lei Demon Venerable took out a space ring and threw it to Lin Tian, ​​"My things are all inside."

  Dayin Demon looked ugly, "Zilei Demon Venerable, do you really agree?"

  Others were also curious, "Old Zi, you are."

   "He's right, this Demon Palace has many opportunities to help us become gods, and if we become gods at that time, what use are these demon world things to us?"

   Zilei Demon Venerable's words made everyone look at each other, thinking that it seemed quite reasonable.

   But it was too difficult for them to give Lin Tian what they had collected in their lifetime.

  But Lin Tian smiled and said, "You can get it if you give up, you can figure it out."

   Everyone looked at each other in dismay, and in the end they were very helpless. They took out their things one by one, but Lin Tian put them away and smiled at everyone, "You guys, didn't you hide anything?"

  Everyone said no, but Lin Tian said with a smile, "I hope so, otherwise, if I hide something and I find it, it will be the end."

   But everyone despised it in their hearts, and some people laughed inwardly, "I hid it, and you don't know."

  Lin Tian glanced at these people and said with a smile, "Then please come with me."

After    finished speaking, Lin Tian took a leap and rose into the sky, and the others followed silently, until after a while, they came to a small whirlpool.

   But this vortex was only the size of a fist, which made everyone frown, and the big voice demon looked ugly, "Boy, are you kidding me? Is it so small?"

   "Isn't it, you won't know if you go in?" Lin Tian smiled slightly, sprinted, and then his body touched the vortex, and the whole person disappeared.

   Seeing this, everyone was startled, and some even shouted, "Quick, don't let him grab the good stuff."

   "Yes, be sure to take down the good stuff."

   These people rushed in, especially the Purple Thunder Demon Venerable. Although he didn't speak, he was definitely the fastest, and he rushed to the innermost.

   When these people reappeared, they were standing on a platform surrounded by clouds.

   "This, where is it?" Some people were startled, while others were suspicious, "Didn't you say that the Demon Palace is full of good things and godheads?"

   At this time, Lin Tian appeared in a cloud and said with a smile, "There are good things and godheads everywhere? Who told you?"

  Everyone looked at the Zilei Demon Venerable, and the Zilei Demon Venerable stared at Lin Tian, ​​"There's something in that picture."

  Lin Tian took out the picture, then looked at the back of the picture, and then there was a line of words on it.

   It is indeed written on it that there are many gods and good things, but this text, Lin Tian discovered, was written recently, and it will not exceed 10,000 years.

   "How did you get this picture, and how many years did you get it?" Lin Tian stared at the Zi Lei Demon Venerable, and the Zi Lei Demon Venerable glared, "Why should I tell you?"

   "If you don't tell me, you won't know what this Demon Palace really has."

  The Zilei Demon Venerable didn't take it seriously at the moment and said, "Boy, we've already come here anyway, as long as we look around, we'll know where the Demon Palace is, not by you!"

  Those Demon Venerables thought it was reasonable, but Lin Tian laughed, "So, you want to fight me?"

   "Boy, I thought you were not pleasing to the eye!" The Zilei Demon Venerable hummed, and the big voice demon began to say recklessly, "Boy, hurry up and return our things to us, otherwise, you will never live."

   Seeing the faces showing, Lin Tian smiled, "Looks like, you guys really don't know your own life, it's in my hands."

   "In your hands? Boy, who do you think you are?" The Purple Thunder Demon Venerable hummed, while Lin Tian spilled the magic crystals one by one, and these were all collected secretly by Lin Tian these days.

   Those Demon Venerables, seeing these magic crystals, were curious about what was going on, and the little old man knew that Lin Tian was going to attack the demon soul barrier of these people, so he secretly retreated to the side and kept a certain distance from those people.

   But those Demon Venerables didn’t take these things seriously at all, but the next moment, everyone knew how terrifying it was.

  I saw that all the magic crystals suddenly burned, and the next moment, the demons suddenly felt that there was something on the demon soul barrier. They didn't know what happened until these barriers were completely shattered, and then screamed one by one.

   As for the Purple Thunder Demon Venerable, he was slightly stronger, but he looked ugly and stared at Lin Tian strangely, "Boy, what's going on?"

  Lin Tian recounted what happened when they injected power into the formation, and when everyone heard Lin Tian's words, they were so angry that they vomited blood on the spot.

  Some people cursed, "You, you actually set up a situation."

   "Damn, you villain!"

  Lin Tian sneered, "If I don't set up a game, you guys probably want to tear me apart now?"

"You." These people looked at Lin Tian angrily, and Lin Tian smiled and said, "Now, your demon soul barrier has been broken, and you are all injured, if I want, I can kill you one by one. already."

   "Dream!" Zi Lei Demon Venerable didn't want to sit still. He took a leap and disappeared quickly, while the other Demon Venerables also flew away and did not stay here.

  The little old man came to Lin Tian and asked, "That lord, what should I do now?"

   "Whether the Demon Palace exists or not is still a question." Lin Tian stared at the picture in his hand and fell into deep thought.

   The little old man was suspicious, "Sir, what do you mean?"

   "In the beginning, who first proposed to unify the continents?"

   "Purple Thunder Demon Venerable."

   "Then there is such a thing as the Demon God Palace, and he also told you?" Lin Tian looked at the little old man, and the little old man nodded, "Yes."

   (end of this chapter)

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