Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 2252: It's you

   Chapter 2252 You are the one who pits

   These Demon Venerables didn't expect Lin Tian to fight them all, so these people looked at each other with strange expressions.

  Lin Tian smiled at these people, "What? Is there a problem?"

  The big voice devil hummed, "Boy, don't be crazy."

   "It's not that I'm crazy, it's that you couldn't do anything to me." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he continued to wait for them to take action.

  These Demon Venerables couldn't bear it, and immediately started a battle in this Demon City.

   Fortunately, this Demon City is unique after all. Even if the Demon Venerables fight here, those forces cannot smash the building.

  Lin Tian looked puzzled, "This Demon City is really not easy."

   As for the various attacks of those Demon Venerables, they found that they couldn't do anything to Lin Tian at all, so those people frowned.

   The big voice demon was even more confused and didn't know what to do, but Lin Tian smiled and looked at everyone, "What? Can't do it?"

   Those people immediately shouted, "Boy, if you have the ability, don't let out so many shadows."

   "Yes, relying on shadows, what is it?"

   Seeing that these people started to play rascals, Lin Tian laughed and said, "You are Demon Lords, the overlords of Demon Land, why are you all like shrew?"

   "You!" The popularity was fading, and the little old man muttered to himself, "It's not easy!"

  Lin Tian looked at it and continued, "Everyone, you can't win me anyway, so you might as well cooperate with me."

   "Cooperation?" These people looked at each other, and the big voice devil said strangely, "Boy, what kind of cooperation do you want?"

   "It's very simple. After I open the Devil's Palace, I'll choose what's in it first, and you can choose the rest." Lin Tian smiled at the crowd.

   When everyone heard it, they were immediately upset, and some people even said, "Boy, why do you choose first?"

   "Bastard, do you know how much time it took for us to bring the world's major planets together?"

   "That's right, we waited for so many years, you actually said you picked first? Do you think we are fools?"

   These people were all unhappy and dissatisfied, but at this time there was a strange voice from the crowd, "I think it's okay."

   Everyone looked over, it was a smiling old man in a purple robe and holding a black cane in his hand.

   Everyone knows who he is, and they are very respectful to him, but some people are puzzled, "Old Zi, this is not right."

   "If you look up to me, then do as he says."

   Dayin Demon Venerable said solemnly, "Zilei Demon Venerable, this is not good."

   "If he can open the Demon Palace, then we can reduce the wait, isn't it good?"

   "The stuff inside."

   "No one has been inside, and they don't know what's inside. Or, if there are some good things, is there any danger?" The Purple Thunder Demon Venerable smiled and looked at the crowd.

   Everyone felt relieved when they said this, and Zilei Demon Venerable continued, "Who knows how big this Demon Palace is?"

   Everyone nodded, so everyone felt that they could agree to Lin Tian's conditions, and the Purple Thunder Demon Venerable smiled and said, "If everyone has no opinion, then we will cooperate with him."

   Everyone looked at each other in dismay, and finally agreed, and Zi Lei Demon Venerable was still staring at Lin Tian, ​​"Young man, we have already agreed, I don't know when you can open the Demon Palace."

   "I'll go right now." Lin Tian smiled slightly, then entered the hut and escaped into the ground, and those Demon Venerables quickly followed.

  I saw Lin Tian came to the stone pillar and started to form an array, while the other demons were curious, and the big sound demon asked Zilei demon, "Zi Lao, this."

   "Let's see." Zi Lei Mozun stood there, smiling at the busy Lin Tian, ​​and everyone had to wait silently.

  Lin Tian knew that these Demon Venerables would definitely not be so at ease, so he said as he was busy, "As for me, I want to set up a formation around this place, and you guys, don't bother, I know?"

   After hearing this, everyone nodded, saying that they would not disturb Lin Tian, ​​and even the Great Voice Demon Venerable said, "Hurry up then."

  Lin Tian continued to be busy, and the formation expanded a little bit, even around those Demon Venerables.

   "What is this kid doing to make such a big formation."

   "Whatever he does, as long as he can make the Demon Palace appear in advance."

  Others thought it made sense, so they waited silently, but the Zilei Demon Venerable whispered in his heart, "Can he do it?"

   However, Lin Tian has been busy there for many days, and those Demon Venerables are getting impatient, especially the Big Sound Demon, "Boy, it's been five days, what do you think?"

"I'm busy."

   "Why are you busy for so long?" Dayin Demon Venerable was very upset, but Lin Tian said there, "The formation requires time, unless."

   "Unless what?" Demon Venerable Dayin glared, and Lin Tian laughed, "Unless you help me, then I can shorten a few years to a few days."

   "How many years?" Everyone's eyes widened, and some demons were impatient. As for the big sound demon, "You take us to brush?"

   "It's been a few years. If you find someone to input power to this stone pillar, it is estimated that tens of thousands of years, or even hundreds of thousands of years, may not be possible."

   These words are very real, so everyone looked at each other, but Lin Tian smiled at everyone, "So a few years are fast enough."

   "Tell me, what to do." The big voice demon couldn't help but said.

  Lin Tian nodded and said, "It's very simple, you guys, input power into the formation, and I'll direct the power of the formation to the stone pillar, that's all."

   "Ours is okay?" The big sound demon was dubious, and the Zilei Demon Venerable was also surprised, "Really?"

   The little old man even stared at Lin Tian suspiciously, while Lin Tian smiled and looked at everyone, "If you don't believe me, you can try!"

   So someone immediately tried to inject power into the formation, and the formation began to flicker with purple light, and then these purple lights shot out a force one by one and fell on the stone pillar.

  The stone pillar, which originally shone faintly, became strong, and this scene made everyone happy.

   Some Demon Venerables also said, "It really works."

   "Not really."

   "Then hurry up!" Those Demon Venerables started frantically injecting power into this stone pillar without calling.

  The same is true for Dayin Demon Venerable, so he began to inject power frantically, while Zi Lei Demon Venerable saw nothing out of the ordinary, and joined the ranks himself.

   The little old man watched suspiciously, while Lin Tian secretly activated another formation hidden in the formation.

  I saw the power of these formations pass through the barriers of these people's demon souls one by one, but they didn't know it at all. They thought they were just injecting power into the formation, which was a weird feeling.

  Just like that, those Demon Venerables fell for Lin Tian's trick.

   Until a few days later, the stone pillar began to shake, and then the surroundings began to change, and a Demon Venerable even said, "I sense that the continents are united."

   "Really?" Some of the relatively weak Demon Venerables were startled, and the Purple Thunder Demon Venerable took out a picture and opened it directly, and everyone saw that the picture was flashing with white light.

   "It really is one." The Purple Thunder Demon Venerable who saw all the white lights on the picture gathered together was overjoyed.

   (end of this chapter)

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