Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 2249: The usefulness of dreaming

   Chapter 2249 The usefulness of dreaming

   At this time, the old man began to grow bigger and turned into a normal middle-aged man, and he was also a little handsome, not the bad old man just now.

   Not only that, the breath released, the standard Demon Venerable, but Lin Tian smiled, "Two-star Demon Venerable?"

   "That's right!"

   "With two stars, you can barely fight me, but it's a bit difficult to beat me." After Lin Tian finished speaking, the other party suddenly came behind Lin Tian, ​​and a golden light went down in his hand, "Death!"

   This speed is very fast, it can be said that it is much more terrifying than the Devil Emperor, and it seems that it will arrive in the blink of an eye.

   But that guy, when he slammed it down, he found that it was empty, because Lin Tian was a ghost, and it dissipated at once.

   This made the Demon Venerable frown, "Where's the human?"

  Lin Tian appeared at the edge of a pile of slates at the moment, stared at the sleeping people and said with a smile, "What would happen if I woke them all up?"

   "Boy, if you dare to wake up, I will kill you."

   "Tell me why they are lying here, and I won't wake them up, otherwise, I'll wake them up one by one." Lin Tian smiled at this Demon Venerable, as if he had settled for him.

   This demon was so angry that he gritted his teeth, and even said angrily, "You dare!"

   "Why don't you dare?" Lin Tian smiled at the Demon Venerable. After speaking, those lying down were lifted up by Lin Tian.

   Those people opened their eyes one after another, like waking up from a dream, and this Demon Venerable quickly burst into force, pressing them all down and falling asleep again.

  Lin Tian smiled at the Demon Venerable, "You can stop me for a while, but you can't stop me all the time."

   Lin Tianbian said, and released a group of people, so angry that the Demon Venerable madly suppressed those people, and then said angrily, "Boy, if you do this again, I'm going to be angry."

   "Aren't you angry now?" Lin Tian teased, and the Demon Venerable went mad, "You bastard!"

   The next moment, the room was filled with golden light, and this golden light was released by the other party.

  Lin Tian saw these golden lights and quickly disappeared, and these golden lights exploded a powerful attack in the hut, causing the entire hut to vibrate.

  Lin Tian's earth avatar turned into a grain of sand at this moment, mixed in one's hair, but the Demon Venerable didn't notice it at all, but looked around and said angrily, "Have the courage to come out."

  Lin Tian ignored it, instead his consciousness sneaked into the body of the person he met through the sand, and at the moment that person was dreaming.

  Lin Tian can clearly see all his dreams.

   I saw this person standing in front of the stone pillar with one hand and laughing, and put one hand on the stone pillar, and frantically output power.

   This made Lin Tian puzzled, because in this man's dream, the place where the power output was a stone pillar, but in reality, this man's power reached the ground through the stone slab.

   So Lin Tian turned into countless sand and attached to different people, and then through their dreams, Lin Tian discovered that everyone's dreams are the same.

"What the **** is going on?" Lin Tian wondered in his heart, and that Demon Venerable was still staring at any objects around him carefully, until after a while, he noticed something strange in the sand, and he immediately sent a strong airflow, The sand was all wrapped up and brought to the palm of his hand.

   Then a hood trapped the sand, and the Demon Venerable laughed, "Boy, if you think you've turned into sand, I won't be able to see through you?"

   "The Demon Lord is the Demon Lord, you can see through it all." At this time, the deity Lin Tian smiled at him from a distance.

   The Demon Venerable was shocked. He couldn't believe that Lin Tian had fled not far away, but Lin Tian smiled at him, "What are you thinking?"

  The Demon Venerable returned to his senses, still staring at Lin Tian angrily, but Lin Tian said, "I know they had the same dream, and they injected power into a stone pillar, right?"

   "Boy, do you still know Shi?" The Demon Venerable was shocked, obviously not expecting Lin Tian to know so much.

  Lin Tian laughed when he saw that the other party was hooked by him, "Why should I tell you?"

   "If you don't tell me, I will kill you." The Demon Venerable said angrily, while Lin Tian smiled and said, "Then you can come, but when I leave here, I will tell everyone the secret here."

   "Secret? You, what else do you know?" The Demon Venerable was shocked, but Lin Tian smiled without saying a word. He didn't reveal much, but wanted to wait for the other party to take the initiative to speak.

   Sure enough, this Demon Venerable was fooled, and he took the initiative to say, "So what if you know? Anyway, this Demon Realm is almost completely integrated."

"Is the Demon Realm united?" Lin Tian thought of the picture on the wall when he came just now, and the Demon Venerable said proudly, "Yes, as long as the Demon Realm is unified, there will be a rumored Demon God Palace in the center of the Demon Realm. It is rumored that there are many Demon Gods in it. Grid, and some things of the gods."

"Devil God Palace?" Lin Tian became puzzled, and the Demon Venerable had already said so much, and he didn't hide it at all, "Yes, Demon God Palace existed in ancient times, but later because of the weakening of the gravitational force in the center of the Demon Realm, it led to It cannot be condensed, and now we have to create a miracle to make the Demon Palace appear again."

   "You? Is there anyone else?" Lin Tian showed a curious look, and the Demon Venerable smiled strangely, "That's right, all Demon Lords in the Demon Domain are looking forward to this day."

   "They are here too?" Lin Tian showed a strange look.

   "No, they are located in the Demon Continent, but they are waiting, and I will complete the task for them and open this Demon Palace."

   This Demon Venerable became more and more excited, and Lin Tian smiled and said, "You did it for them?"

   "That's right, I'm the housekeeper of this Demon City and their agent, understand?" The Demon Venerable said in a high-spirited manner.

  But Lin Tian was puzzled, "You Demon Lords are so powerful, you can just rely on your strength, why use these people who are only Demon Emperors?"

"Boy, I told you so much, I can't hide it, in this Demon City, there is a huge boulder, which is connected to the center of Demon Region. As long as you inject the power of different Demon Emperors into this boulder, it will become stronger. , the gravitational force in the center of the Demon Domain will be larger, and the Demon Domain Continent will be closer around, understand?"

   "Must be the Demon Emperor?"

   "Yes!" The Demon Venerable said proudly, and Lin Tian said after he understood, "That's actually the case, there are so many Demon Emperors in the Demon Realm, why don't you arrest more people?"

   "Catch more? Do you think anyone is qualified to enter Demon City?" The Demon Venerable said contemptuously.

   "Could it be that other devil emperors can't enter yet?"

   "That's right, this Demon City is chosen by itself, and only the right person can provide energy to this boulder. Others are impossible!"

  Lin Tian suddenly realized, "No wonder, some people can see Demon City, some people can't, and when they see it, they can't go back."

   "Boy, you've seen it too, it means you're also suitable, you know?" The Demon Venerable said with a greedy look.

   (end of this chapter)

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