Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 2229: Demon town

   Chapter 2229 Devil Town

   At this moment, Madam Hua's voice laughed, "Boy, I'll be waiting for you at Moyu Mountain, I hope you don't hesitate!"

"I will definitely go, and you will send a message to the people who want to deal with me in Moyu Mountain. If they dare to hurt my disciples and grandchildren, I will let Moyu Mountain be buried with me!" Lin Tian exuded the aura of a king, and the waves standing beside Lin Tian The demons were frightened.

  Not only the wave demon, but the old slave was dumbfounded, staring at Lin Tian in a stunned glance, while the petals in the air gradually disappeared.

  Lin Tian returned to his senses, looked at the wave demon, "Go."

  Langmo was a little uncomfortable, especially when he felt like he had been tricked by someone, but Lin Tian said as he walked, "I can't protect you from the Magic Sect, and there are people like that, so be careful yourself."

   "I, I want to follow you."

   "What are you doing with me?"

   "I'm going to Moyu Mountain, too, to save my master." The wave demon was not afraid of death, but Lin Tian asked, "Aren't you afraid of Moyu Mountain?"

   "I have nothing to lose." The wave demon said in a trance when he thought of Uncle Li's fate just now.

  Lin Tian knew his mood, so he said, "Okay, let's go together, but when the time comes, I will listen to everything."


  Langmo nodded heavily, while Lin Tian quickly left the brothel, until when he returned to the inn, he happened to see a group of people outside the inn.

  Nangongyan and others were also there.

   "Look, big brother is back." Nangongyan immediately pointed at Lin Tian, ​​while Lang Mo was puzzled, "Aren't those people from the Holy Palace?"

   Lin Tian said, "I guess I have already thought about it."

   "Have you figured it out?" Lang Demon didn't know what Lin Tian meant, but after Lin Tian and the two walked over, a voice came from the sedan chair in the crowd, "When will we leave?"

   "Now, but, you don't have to bring so many people, right?" Lin Tian glanced at the people in the holy palace with a puzzled look.

   "Don't worry, I'll go alone." The saint came out of the sedan chair, and the people nearby exclaimed, "It's really a saint."

  The demon monk in the dark saw this scene and muttered to himself, "This saint, why did you find this kid?"

   Lin Tian picked up his mood and looked at Nangongyan and the others, "Let's go."

   "Yes." Everyone nodded and left the holy city together.

  Langmo even took a picture and said to Lin Tian, ​​"It is estimated that it will take many days to get from this holy capital to Moyu Mountain."

   "Isn't there a teleportation formation?" Lin Tian couldn't help but ask, while the wave demon shook his head and said, "Mountain Mountain is a unique place, so there is no teleportation formation there, and outsiders want to enter, they have to pass through a bunch of formations."

  Lin Tian understood and said, "Understood, let's go."

  Lang Demon's kindness, but Nangongyan and Tianbing have been looking at this Mu Xintong, after all, this Mu Xintong and Fen Qingqing are too similar, as if they were carved out of a mold.

  Mu Xintong was very cold and did not say a word along the way.

  Nangongyan had to find Lin Tian, ​​"Big brother, how did you persuade her?"

Tian Bing also looked at Lin Tian curiously, and the others stared at Lin Tian strangely, but Lin Tian said as he walked, "She and Fen Qingqing are twins of fairy and demon, as long as one dies, the other will also To die, so she is willing to come, just because she doesn't want to die."

   Everyone suddenly realized, but Mu Xintong said, "Don't look at me like that."

   Everyone looked back, but that Mu Xintong asked Lin Tian, ​​"How sure are you!"

   "Ten percent."

   "Moyu Mountain, the strongest force in the Devil's Continent, are you sure you are sure?"

  Lin Tian stared at her and asked, "Do you think I'm joking?"

   "But you are the Immortal King."

  Lin Tian laughed, "Immortal King, not necessarily weak."

   But this Mu Xintong was always unconfident, but that Nangong Yan smiled and said, "You can rest assured, my big brother, but he is very powerful."

  Langmo also said, "Do you know his identity?"

"It's just an immortal king in the fairy world." That Mu Xintong didn't think Lin Tian was anything special, but the wave demon smiled and said, "My master is Mobuyun, and he is my friend, Emperor Lin, you should know him. Bar."

   "Emperor Lin?" Mu Xintong's expression changed immediately, and the wave demon said proudly, "Yes, he is Emperor Lin, the number one person in the Immortal Realm. He has come to our Demon Realm to challenge countless geniuses, but no one is his opponent."

   "It is rumored that Emperor Lin has already become a god, so why is he here?" Mu Xintong felt unbelievable, but Lang Mo laughed and said, "Because he has returned from the realm of the gods."

   "Ridiculous, do you think that in the realm of the gods, you can go when you want to go, and come back when you want to come back?" Mu Xintong said contemptuously, but Lang Mo knew that Lin Tian was Emperor Lin, so he laughed, "Anyway, he is Emperor Lin."

  Mu Xintong didn't believe it, but Lin Tian didn't explain it, and just like that, everyone left together.


  Three days later, everyone came to a small town, and the wave demon took the picture and said, "This is the town closest to Moyu Mountain."

"How far is it from Moyu Mountain?" Lin Tian asked, the wave demon looked embarrassed, "The map on Moyu Continent now only goes to this town, and there is no record of the way to Moyu Mountain, so I think If you want to go to Moyu Mountain, you have to inquire from this small town."

   Everyone's eyes widened after hearing this, but Lin Tian asked calmly, "What is this town called."

   "Magic Town."

  Lin Tian recalled Uncle Li's memory carefully and said, "The town of Moyu is the place where the disciples outside Moyu Mountain gather. Although these people don't know how to get to Moyu Mountain, they must know the people who contact Moyu Mountain like this."

  The Wave Demon nodded and said, "That's right, that's the reason."

  Mu Xintong said worriedly, "Outer disciples? Isn't that why we are all being watched by the people from Moyu Mountain?"

  Lin Tian said to himself, "It's better to monitor, I'm afraid they won't come to me."

  Mu Xintong was stunned for a moment, staring at Lin Tian strangely, but Lin Tian didn't say a word, and directly led everyone into the town.

   At this moment, the town seems to be very ordinary, just like a small town for mortals, there are small traders, some children, and some ordinary people.

   Therefore, Nangongyan was confused when she saw this, "Didn't you mean the disciples on the outskirts of Moyu Mountain? Why are they all mortals?"

   Tianbing was also puzzled, "Are we in the wrong place?"

  Langmo took out the map and looked at it carefully, "That's right, it's this place, the town of Demon Domain."

  Jin Jue and a few people stopped a few children to ask questions, and the result was the same as that of the Wave Demon. This is the Demon Domain Town.

  Nangongyan and the others were startled, and even that Mu Xintong wondered, "If it's a small town in the Demon Domain, how could this be?"

   "Let me ask." The wave demon hurriedly came to a small doll and asked, "Little doll, is this a Demon Domain Town?"

   "Yeah, Demon Realm Town." The little doll nodded, and the Wave Demon asked unwillingly, "Then, in your Demon Realm Town, are there any powerful people?"

"Yes, there are a lot of masters in our Demon Domain Town!" The child said very arrogantly, and the Wave Demon immediately looked at Lin Tian and said, "It seems that we are not wrong, it's just that there are many more mortals in this town. "

   (end of this chapter)

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