Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 2217: This sect must also be abandoned!

   Chapter 2217 This sect has to be abolished!

  Jin Qianwang finished speaking, golden light flashed on his body, and finally turned into a golden man, and everyone exclaimed.

  The ancestor of the water sect was shocked, "Golden magic?"

   "Yes! Golden magic! It can make the body super strong!" After that Jin Qianwang finished speaking, he punched proudly. There were countless punches in the fist, which directly knocked the ancestor of the water sect into the sky.

   The scene was stunned, and the Jin Qianwang floated up and looked down at Lin Tian, ​​"Boy, now you know how scary I am?"

   "Your body is indeed very hard, but anything hard has a fragile side!" Lin Tian analyzed lightly.

   But in Jin Qianwang's view, Lin Tian was an alarmist, so he stared, "Boy, come if you can, I promise to break you with one punch!"

   "Oh? Really? Then stand up and see how many palms your body can withstand." Lin Tianxie smiled.

  Jin Qianwang said proudly, "Come on, I'm still afraid of you becoming?"

   After finishing speaking, this Jin Qianwang floated there with confidence, allowing Lin Tian to attack, while Lin Tian smiled strangely, and then cast a thousand magic fire palms.

   This palm technique, which can be used to quickly go out with one palm, was not very powerful at first, so the people from the sect were still discussing what was going on.

  Jin Qianwang even laughed, "With your power, do you still want to hurt me?"

   "Don't worry, it'll be fine soon!" After Lin Tian finished speaking, he continued to attack this Jin Qianwang frantically, but Jin Qianwang gradually felt that this palm technique was not right, especially when he had more than 200 palms, his body still retreated.

  Lin Tian smiled evilly, "Don't hide if you can!"

   "Do I need to hide?" That Jin Qianwang was still holding on for face, and the golden light on his body flickered wildly.

  Lin Tian secretly laughed in his heart, "What a megalomaniac."

  Jin Qianwang didn't know this palm technique at all, one palm was more terrifying than the other, so when he got to the back, Jin Qianwang gradually felt that something was wrong, and was finally beaten by Lin Tian with one palm.

   Everyone was dumbfounded, and some people stammered, "He actually knocked out the Golden Sect Master of Golden Magic?"

"How is this possible."

   "Isn't he an Immortal King? Why is he like a powerful force?" Someone couldn't help but ask.

  Huozhong muttered, "He can hit more than 300 palms?"

   At this moment, the Jin Qianwang flew back and landed in front of Lin Tian, ​​looking at Lin Tian angrily, "Boy, let me tell you, I didn't cross."

"Oh? Are you still coming?" Lin Tianxiao looked at him, and Jin Qianwang found the clue and said, "The more you move back, the stronger you are. If I guess correctly, it should be the rumored demon from the Huoshangzong. Thousands of Fire Palms."

   "That's right." Lin Tian said simply, while this Jin Qianwang hummed, "Then I don't need you to attack so many times."

   "Oh? Don't let me attack?" Lin Tian smiled strangely, while Jin Qianwang stared, "I'm not a fool."

   "Oh? Then what are you going to do?" Lin Tian smiled at this Jin Qianwang, but Jin Qianwang said coldly, "I want you to know that I am amazing."

   After finishing speaking, Jin Qianwang suddenly arrived in front of Lin Tian, ​​and punched down, "Go to hell!"

   Everyone thought that Lin Tian would be sent flying, but this Jin Qianwang was hit by a ghost again. Jin Qianwang was so angry that he looked around, "Get out of here."

   "You're angry if you don't hit me?" Lin Tian sat on a roof and laughed, while the Jin Qianwang snorted and hit countless nets with both hands, directly trying to catch Lin Tian.

   But those were all ghosts, and they disappeared as soon as they touched it, making that Jin Qianwang realize that Lin Tian couldn't be caught, so he turned his attention to Nangong Yan and the others, "Then, it's you."

   Nangongyan and the others were shocked, and that Jin Qianwang gathered a powerful force, and then prepared to destroy Nangongyan and the others.

   But at this time, Lin Tian used the Shadowless Sword Technique and directly hit Jin Qianwang one by one, planning his attack.

  Jin Qianwang suddenly felt uncomfortable and angrily said, "Bastard!"

   Then Lin Tian let some ghosts condense the brushes, and hit the shackles one by one, and the Jin Qianwang was so frightened that he hurried to dodge around, and scolded, "Boy, you can never touch me."

   Who knew that Lin Tian's earth clone suddenly fell behind him, and took out the whip from the other side and hit it hard, "Crack!"

  Jin Qianwang screamed, then turned around, and Lin Tian disappeared again, but the brush attacks of countless ghosts around him were waiting for him, so he didn't dare to pause too much.

Lin Tian's clone surrounded him with various attacks, until after a few hundred times, this Jin Qianwang was too frightened to stay here, and flew away quickly, and before leaving, he cursed, "Wait, I can't forgive him. yours!"

After    finished speaking, Jin Qianwang was frightened and fled away, and the people from other sects were even more frightened and left one after another.

  Lin Tian put away the magic shadow, and then looked at the magic Wujue, "Next time I see him again, just make up for it."

  Wujue didn't expect Lin Tian to stand up for them like this, so they were grateful to look at Lin Tian, ​​while Lin Tian turned to look at Huo Zhong, "It seems that you are going to be fired by them."

  Huo Zhong was ready in his heart and said, "Let's get rid of the name, anyway, they are also some very selfish sects."

   Lin Tian said, "Where is this Jin Shangzong?"

   "What are you doing?"

   "I want to catch him and make up for the rest." Lin Tian said with the whip, but Huo Zhong didn't expect Lin Tian to be so persistent and said, "This."

   "Let's go, destroy the Jin Shangzong, and you will be the leader of the twelve sects." Lin Tian directly stated his plans.

   Huoda paled in shock, "This."

   "Only in this way, Huo Shangzong will not be isolated." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he let Huo Zhong lead the way.

  Huozhong is a little nervous, after all, this is equivalent to challenging this alliance, and there will be countless masters you will encounter.

  But Lin Tian didn't take it seriously at all, and led people to follow him, while the water sect continued to stay in the water sect.

   At the same time, the ancestor also took out the painting and asked the water devil, "Did you hear it?"

  Water Demon Crazy looked envious, "It's so lucky for this Huozhong to meet such a strong person."

   "Who made you offend others?" The ancestor continued to complain, while the water demon madly said, "Me."

   "Fortunately, this time I didn't get wiped out, otherwise it would be miserable." The old ancestor sighed as he spoke.

  The water devil said depressedly, "My physical body has suffered a terrible loss."

   "Shut up, give me an order quickly, let the Shui Sect not get into trouble with the Sect, and stop these people, do you hear?"

   "Yes, I'll order it now." The Water Demon said depressedly, and the old ancestor had to clean up his mood and rectify the Water Sect.


   After half a day, Jin Qianwang fled back to Jin Shangzong, and found an old man who was in retreat, "Master."

  This old man, covered in golden robes, has a bald head, white hair and a long white beard. He looks like an eminent monk.

   "What's the matter?" The other party closed his eyes and asked suddenly.

   (end of this chapter)

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