Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 2172: Fire Genius, Fire Makes Wind

   Chapter 2172 Fire Genius, Fire Makes Wind

The Fire Emperor pointed to the front and said to Lin Tian, ​​"There is a mountain in front, which is guarded by our Fire Immortal Hall. Except for the hall master, all the geniuses in the hall are gathered there, and there are many hundreds of thousands, even 200,000 Immortal Venerable Shadows. genius."

   Tianxing gasped when he heard this. After all, 200,000 was an astronomical number for him.

   Lin Tian was very calm, while the Immortal Emperor Lanjian took a deep breath, "It's a little scary."

  Nangongyan said to herself, "I have bubbles, so don't be afraid!"

   Immortal Emperor Lanjian nodded, "Yes, you have bubbles, so don't be afraid of anything."

  Ke Lin Tian took a few steps and suddenly thought of something, and asked Tianxing and Huohuang, "You Tiandaomen, there are five immortal halls, right?"

   "Yes." The two said in unison, while Lin Tian asked the Fire Emperor, "Where is the Jinxian Temple stationed?"

   "Golden Immortal Hall?"


   "It's behind our Fire Immortal Hall." The Fire Emperor explained, but Lin Tian smiled and said, "Well, let's go first."

  Everyone didn't know why Lin Tian asked this, but Lin Tian didn't say anything, and continued to move forward until a quarter of an hour later, they came to the front of the mountains.

  I saw flags planted all over the mountain, and there were many dark whistles.

   At this moment, after seeing Lin Tian and the others, the dark whistle went to notify the people in the Fire Immortal Hall, and then these mountains were filled with geniuses from the Fire Immortal Hall.

  The person who took the lead was a middle-aged man, and he stood on the top of a mountain and looked at the forest sky in the distance.

  The Fire Emperor introduced to Lin Tian, ​​"That person, called Huo Qifeng, is the first genius of the Fire Immortal Hall, and he is also the leader of the fire department masters in the Immortal Realm."

  Lin Tian glanced at it and said with a smile, "I see, it's really not easy."

  The Fire Emperor hesitated, "It is said that he has cultivated a lot of fire-like elves, and he can change positions with those elves, so be careful."

"Oh? Is that so? Then I want to take a look." Lin Tian suddenly came to the interest and continued to move forward, but the Huoqifeng saw that Lin Tian and others were not afraid, and after continuing to move forward, he immediately shouted to the people around him. Said, "Give them a bit of horse power."


   Then the immortal magic flew in the sky, and that Nangong Yan immediately added a ball to everyone.

  When those attacks hit the ball, everyone was fine, and the Fire Emperor took a deep breath, "It's amazing."

   Fire and Wind was a little unhappy, and he asked the people around him, "What's wrong with you? Can't even break the defense of an Immortal King?"

   "Senior brother, that ball is a bit weird." Someone said hesitantly, and the Huoqifeng didn't want to hear this, but instead hummed, "I don't care what method you use, you must crush it for me."


   "What is this? Continue for me." The fire shouted, and the man's kindness had to continue there.

   But the result is the same, it is impossible to do anything to Lin Tian and others, but let Lin Tian and others come to the foot of their mountain.

   The fire ignited the wind and said coldly, "You guys are so courageous, you actually came here?"

  Lin Tian smiled at the fire and the wind, "Are you the team leader?"

   "Yes, I am a fire and wind, 200,000 Immortal Venerable Shadows, and the top ten talents on the Fire Element list in the Immortal Realm." The fire and the wind said proudly.

  Lin Tian smiled, while the Huo Qifeng stared, "What are you laughing at?"

   "I'm thinking, you can't break our defense, how can you take us down?" Lin Tian asked with a smile.

  The fire broke out in a frenzy, "Boy, don't be mad, I haven't shot yet."

   "Oh? What are you going to do?" Lin Tian smiled at him, while the Huo Qifeng glared at him, and then the surroundings of Lin Tian and the others instantly turned into a sea of ​​fire.

   These flames quickly turned from red to purple, and were so powerful that even the naked eye could see everyone's bubbles, shrinking a little bit.

  Nangongyan had no choice but to bless you with another one, and the fire Qifeng said proudly, "It seems that as long as I increase my strength, I can burn you to death."

  The Fire Emperor and others were shocked, and the geniuses on the top of the mountain all flattered this fire.

   Someone also said, "Senior brother, it's your trick that's so good."

   "Senior brother, you really deserve to be the strongest person in our Fire Immortal Hall."

   These people boasted in various ways, but that Nangongyan was anxious and looked at Lin Tian, ​​"Big brother, my bubbles don't last long each time."

   "It's okay, I'll deal with him." Lin Tian finished speaking, one leaped up, and everyone laughed when they saw that Lin Tian dared to fly out.

  You Qi Lin Tian removed the bubbles around him and smiled at the flaming wind, "Come on, let's decide the outcome."

   "Decision? Just you? A one-star Immortal King?" The Huo Qifeng obviously looked down on Lin Tian, ​​and even disdain to take action.

  But Lin Tian smiled slightly, stretched out his right hand, a pen condensed, and countless shackles were still entangled in the fire and the wind.

   Huoqifeng found that something was wrong, and immediately released countless elf flames, and those flames floated on the edge one by one spiritually, and then the Huoqifeng and one of the spirits switched positions.

   In this way, Lin Tian's shackles only entangled an elf, and did not entangle the Huoqifeng deity.

   Then Huo Qifeng said with a sigh of relief, "Boy, you have some ability, but it is ineffective for me."

   The others cheered, while Nangong Yan and others were worried.

  Lin Tian smiled and said, "You do have some skills, but what if I put out all your fire elves?"

   "It's ridiculous, there are hundreds of my fire elves, and each of them is very powerful, how do you destroy them?" The Huoqifeng said in disapproval.

  Lin Tian released the Fire King at this time, and the Fire King was a phantom.

  Lin Tian instructed her, "Destroy all those elves."

   "Yes." The Fire King was very succinct. With one leap, the flame directly devoured the other elves.

   Everyone present was dumbfounded, especially the one who was so angry that he was so angry, "Boy, what the **** are you?"

   "Something that can deal with your elf." Lin Tian smiled at this fire and the wind was burning with rage, "You!"

   "Okay, stop talking nonsense, it's our turn." Lin Tian condensed his pen again, and the fire and the wind released a bunch of elves again.

   But as soon as these elves came out, they were cleaned up by the Fire King. After that Huo Qifeng suffered heavy losses, the Huo Qifeng cursed in various ways.

  Lin Tian smiled evilly, "Are you going to continue?"

   "Damn! I'm going to kill you!" The fire turned into a flame and rushed towards Lin Tian, ​​and in the blink of an eye, it collided with Lin Tian.

   But what this fire and wind hit was just a shadow, but Lin Tian deity took out the Tianyinqin next to him and said with a smile, "You said, what are you doing to attack my shadow so hard?"

  Huoqifeng was not reconciled, and went to attack Lin Tian's deity, but Lin Tian could always release a bunch of ghosts to confuse him, making Huoqifeng all kinds of unwilling.

  Lin Tian's lyre was already playing, and the people on the mountain were crying and howling.

   The Fire Emperor and others at the foot of the mountain were dumbfounded.

   (end of this chapter)

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