Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 2158: life is better than death

   Chapter 2158 Life is better than death

   Seeing that figure, Ancestor Xi Ao and Ancestor were both stunned, especially the Ancestor Xi Ao who was demented and said, "Impossible, he, he clearly went to Moon King Star, why did he come back?"

   At this time, Dongfang Qingming and Immortal Emperor Lanjian arrived, and Lin Tian had already made a leap and landed in front of the little girl to comfort him, "Okay, it's alright!"

   "Big brother!" The little girl rushed up, hugged Lin Tian and cried, while Lin Tian touched her distressedly, and then looked coldly at the ancestor of Xi Ao and Yin Impermanence.

   Ancestor Xiao immediately opened the hood and became alert, "Boy, let me tell you, I'm not afraid of you!"

   "Oh? Aren't you afraid of me?" After Lin Tian finished speaking, countless ghosts scattered around, and the old ancestor of Xiao quickly looked at the impermanence, "What should I do now?"

   "This guy seems to be an immortal king already." This impermanence looked ugly, but the ancestor of Xiao was stunned, "What? Immortal king?"

   Lin Tian stretched out his right hand and condensed a pen, and the ancestor of Xiao and Yin Wuchang wondered what Lin Tian was going to do.

   The next moment, countless shackles entangled this old ancestor of Xiao, and directly pulled the fairy soul out.

   Everyone present was dumbfounded, and the impermanence trembled, "What, what's going on?"

   Ancestor Xiao struggled frantically there and cursed, "Bastard, let me go!"

  Lin Tian brought him to the little girl and said to the old ancestor of Xi'ao, "Do you know who she is?"

   Ancestor Xiao said angrily, "How do I know?"

   "She is my relative, her name is Nangongyan." Lin Tianbing said coldly, while the old ancestor of Xiao stammered, "I, I don't know."

   "I don't know? Will she come to you?" Lin Tian stared at Old Ancestor Xi Ao, and Old Ancestor Xi Ao said nervously, "I, I thought she was looking for me just to make trouble."

  This little girl, that is, Nangong Yan, said anxiously, "I want you to tell me where my big brother went."

   Ancestor Xiao suddenly looked at Lin Tian with a bad look, "This, I, I forgot."

   "Forgot? Then I'll let you improve your memory." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he let the ghost king pass through to ensure that the other party couldn't run away, Lin Tian condensed and attacked him frantically.

   This ancestor of Xiao couldn't escape, he could only stand there and let Lin Tian attack, and then screamed madly, and everyone present was frightened.

   Yin Impermanence was so frightened that he wanted to turn around, but was stopped by a group of ghosts from Lin Tian.

   "And, it has nothing to do with me." The impermanence stuttered, but Lin Tianyi's ghost smiled at him, "It has nothing to do with you? Do you think I am a fool?"

   The impermanence panicked, "Then what do you want?"

   "I don't want to do anything, but I want to tell you that if you offend me and dare to bully my relatives, there is only one way, life is better than death!"

   Impermanence is not as powerful as those on Moon King, so Lin Tian and these ghosts easily injured him, and they also locked him with spirit painting, and finally let the ghost king pass through.

   After everything was done, Lin Tian asked the two to stand together, but the immortal souls of the two were already dying, as if they were going to die at any moment.

   Dongfang Qingming and Immortal Emperor Lanjian were already stunned, and the surrounding Xiao family members, and even the people from the Moon Nether Immortal Mansion, also fled in fear.

  Lin Tian looked at Nangongyan, "What do you want to do, come on."

   "Brother come." Nangongyan was at a loss, to be exact, he didn't know how to deal with them.

  Lin Tian had to seal them up, and then handed the seal to Nangong Yan, "If you want to clean them up, inject power into this seal, and their fairy souls will be burned."

  Nangongyan nodded, and both Dongfang Qingming and Immortal Emperor Lanjian got goosebumps.

  Lin Tian asked curiously, "Why are you the only one? Tianbing, Fen Qingqing, and Shui Liu? And what about those two things?"

Nangongyan explained, "After we ascended to the Immortal Realm, we encountered some bad people, and then those bad people were taken away in order to protect me. I had to think about looking for you everywhere. Later, I heard that you were here, so I came. "

   "Abducted by whom?"

   "I don't know either. When I escaped, I only found myself on a nine-star planet."

   "Nine Star Planet?"

   "Yes, on Wanxianxingxing."

   Lin Tian immediately understood, "People from Wanxian Mansion."

   "Wanxian Mansion?" Nangongyan was suspicious, while Lin Tianen asked afterward, "Then do you know why they arrested you?"

   "I don't know either. After they arrested us, they said that they didn't find the person they wanted, but we were still taken away. I escaped later." That Nangongyan said sadly.

   Lin Tian reassured, "It's okay, we'll go to Wanxianxing now."

   "Yes." With Lin Tian, ​​Nangongyan became more energetic, and Dongfang Qingming flew over and said with a smile, "Who is this little girl, so cute."

   Immortal Emperor Lanjian smiled and said, "You will be flattering."

   "I'm serious, it's really cute." Dongfang Qingming said with a smile, while Nangongyan stared at the two curiously, and Lin Tian introduced, "Her name is Nangongyan."

   "Your relatives?" Dongfang Qingming couldn't help but ask, and Immortal Emperor Lanjian was also curious. After Lin Tianen said nothing, he took everyone back to the city and prepared to leave here on the way to the teleportation array.

   But this teleportation formation leading to Wanxianxing is in the mansion of Xi'ao family, so when Lin Tian and others arrived, those people of Xi'ao family threatened to kill Lin Tian.

  However, these people are not Lin Tian's opponents at all, and they are still very miserable. After no one dared to stop them, Lin Tian and others took the teleportation array and went to the Nine Stars Planet.

  The Wanxian City of Wanxianxing was very lively, and when Lin Tian and others came out, the guards found Nangongyan.

   So someone immediately shouted, "Look, that girl who ran away."

After finishing speaking, countless guards immediately surrounded Lin Tian and others, and the leading guard was a five-star Immortal Emperor, wearing silver armor at the same time, and staring at Lin Tian and others, "Irrelevant people, hurry up, or else Your life!"

  Nangongyan hid behind Lin Tian, ​​but Lin Tian appeased her and stared at them and said, "You want to arrest her?"

   "That's right!" The silver-armored man said coldly, while Lin Tian laughed and said, "What if I said, you all deserve to die?"

   These people immediately ran away one by one, and some guards shouted, "You are a fairy king, what's so crazy?"

   "Stinky boy, do you know where this place is?"

   "Dare to spread wildness on our Wanxianxing, don't want to live anymore?"

Each of these people clamored, and Immortal Emperor Lanjian opened his momentum, Immortal Emperor Nine Stars, making those people's arrogance immediately lower, and their speeches were also whispered, and some even said to the person in silver armor, "Captain, do you want to? Find someone?"

   (end of this chapter)

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