Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 2145: can't sleep at all

   Chapter 2145 I can't sleep at all

   Gao Yan was angry, and shot all kinds of flame **** there, but still couldn't do anything to the masked woman, but Jin Liancheng laughed, "Brother Gao, are you too bad? You can't help a girl?"

   "If you have the ability, come here?" Gao Yan roared violently, while that Jin Liancheng smiled strangely, "I'll come, I'll come, let you know what strength is!"

   After finishing speaking, Jin Liancheng held a long spear, and then danced, countless spear shadows hit the area where the masked woman and her maid were.

  The masked woman was still doing her best, but the maid was anxious, "Miss, you, you should let me go."

   "No, I won't let you do anything." The masked woman said coldly, and continued to move.

   This ancestor Ning looked at Lin Tian, ​​"Sir, this."

   "Let's take a look first." Lin Tian didn't stop immediately, but continued to watch silently.

  But that Gao Yan took advantage of everyone's attention to the masked woman, and suddenly came to Lin Tian's edge, then slapped him and laughed, "You are mine now."

   Who knew that Lin Tian had countless ghosts scattered, and that Gao Yan just hit the ghosts, which shocked everyone present.

   Jin Liancheng scolded, "You dare to pit me?"

   "What am I cheating on you?" That Gao Yan immediately quibble, while Jin Liancheng said in a stern voice, "You asked me to attack that woman, so that you can take the opportunity to take her down, right?"

   Gao Yan said anxiously, "I'm afraid he will run away."

   "Don't argue! I won't believe you!" Jin Liancheng said angrily, while the masked woman and her maid were temporarily safe.

   But those ghosts smiled at the masked woman, "Miss Wen, what's going on?"

   "I'll explain to you later." The masked woman obviously didn't want Lin Tian to be distracted, so Lin Tian had to focus on Jin Liancheng and Gao Yan.

  The Gao Yan stared at the ghost and asked, "Boy, did you make this with a magic weapon?"

  Lin Tian smiled at him, "No."

   "Impossible! You're just an Immortal King, you can't have this ability." That Gao Yan didn't believe it, but Lin Tianxiao said, "Believe it or not, it's up to you."

   After finishing speaking, these ghosts condensed and vanished, and the two immediately opened the hoods, one fiery red and the other golden.

   The two thought that they could resist the attack of Immortal King Lin Tian, ​​but what they didn't expect was that these phantoms passed through the hood and hit their immortal souls directly.

   At this moment, the two of them realized how terrifying the attack was, so they cursed and returned to their respective teams.

   "Just gone like this?" Lin Tian smiled as he looked at the two groups of people in the distance.

   Gao Yan snorted, "Come here if you have the ability."

  Jin Liancheng said not to be outdone, "Yes, come if you have the ability, we are not afraid of you."

  Lin Tian didn't say a word, but put away the ghosts, then stared at the masked woman and said with a smile, "Should I explain it?"

  The masked woman explained, "Actually, I don't have any immortality, but I have cultivated a step that can instantly rise to a high level, making it impossible for people to attack."

   "It's that simple?" Lin Tian asked curiously, while the masked woman said gracefully, "Yes, my maid can testify."

   "Yes, my young lady has learned a pace from her master since she was a child, and this pace has always allowed her to survive on this moon king." The maid also quickly explained.

  Lin Tian turned around and said, "Let's go."

  The masked woman asked curiously, "Don't you blame me?"

   "Why should I blame you for your ability?" Lin Tian asked back, and the masked woman was speechless, and Lin Tian continued to go his own way.

   Ancestor Ning stared at the masked woman and said, "Miss Wen, amazing, your pace is really amazing."

  Xuefenglei also had to admire and said, "If you let me attack at your pace, I won't be able to take it."

  The masked woman said embarrassedly, "It worked."

   But at this time, in the group of people in front of Hongxuefeng, Gao Yan said to a group of people around him, "Wait, if they come, everyone will immediately cast spells, set up an array, and trap them, you know?"

   Someone worried, "Master Gao, is this possible?"

   "Nonsense, didn't we catch experts like this before?" That Gao Yan believed himself, but those people always felt uneasy.

   At this time, Jin Xuefeng's people came, and that Jin Liancheng came over, "Brother Gao, let's work together."

   "Are you sure?" Gao Yan was dubious, while Jin Liancheng said solemnly, "You should have learned it too, that kid, it's really not easy."

   Gao Yan felt depressed when he heard this, "This, I know."

   "So, only by joining forces can we win!" the Jin Liancheng declared, while the Gao Yan hesitated and said, "That's good."

   So the two joined forces and asked everyone to wait on the side, ready to cast spells.

  Jin Liancheng lay there and stared at Gao Yan, "Don't think about fooling me like you did before."

   "Don't believe me, are you coming back?" Gao Yan sneered, while that Jin Liancheng frowned, "Okay, don't talk nonsense, be careful."

   That Gao Yan had to look forward until a group of people came in front.

   Gao Yan immediately shouted to Lin Tian in front, "Boy, do you dare to go further?"

   "Why don't you dare?" Lin Tian knew that this was the only way to go, so he laughed there.

   Gao Yan stared at the others, "Everyone get ready."

   Everyone immediately prepared, and that Jin Liancheng also shouted to his own people, "Everyone, be careful, this kid is not easy."

   Everyone nodded, and then the two teams began to charge up, while Lin Tian smiled and walked over.

   The two said in unison, "Attack."

   Countless immortals flew to Lin Tian, ​​and Lin Tian’s countless ghosts scattered, making those people’s attacks hit only ghosts.

   However, the people behind Lin Tian were shocked, especially Old Ancestor Ning, who said, "It's amazing."

  Xuefenglei did not expect that Lin Tian, ​​the ghostly shadow, could not be consumed.

   That Jin Liancheng and Gao Yan were depressed, especially when they saw the shadow disappear and reappear, they were going crazy.

  But at this time some sand appeared behind these people, and then these sands split into countless clones, and played out one after another emptiness from the back.

  Those people screamed one by one, obviously frightened by the sudden appearance of the ghosts.

   Jin Liancheng cursed, "How did he get behind?"

   Gao Yan didn't know either, but instead said anxiously, "Quick, quickly cast the formation flag."

  Some of the people in charge of the formation flag hurried to make a huge formation, trapping Lin Tian in that area, but Lin Tian disappeared again.

   "Damn, it's the shadow trapped." That Gao Yan cursed, while Jin Liancheng panicked, "Then, which one is the deity?"

   For this question, Gao Yan also wanted to know, but that Xue Fenglei laughed from a distance, "You two, are you comfortable?"

   Gao Yan cursed, "Don't be complacent!"

   (end of this chapter)

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