Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 2122: goodbye mysterious woman

   Chapter 2122 Goodbye Mysterious Woman

   "What about you guys! What are you doing?" The maid asked anxiously, and the masked woman also stared at these people curiously, wondering what they were afraid of.

   Ancestor Ning stepped forward and patted someone on the shoulder, "Little guy, hurry up! I won't kill you guys!"

   These people dared not say it, but they were controlled by the ghost king, so when Lin Tian asked again, those people did not dare to hide it.

   One of the guards also took the lead in saying, "The master here lives in the center of the city, but there is a formation that does not let us pass, otherwise whoever passes will die on the spot."

   "Oh? Really?" Ancestor Ning asked back, those people nodded wildly, and Lin Tian asked them to lead the way.

   These people didn't want to, but their bodies obediently led the way. The city was very desolate, not even a single ordinary person or monk. There were only some guards guarding everywhere.

   At the beginning, those who were guarding wanted to stop Lin Tian, ​​but after Lin Tian threw these people down, they could only obediently open the way.

   In this way, it continued for an hour, and they came to the center of the city.

  I saw a huge blood-red formation there, and no one could see it.

   "That's it." Someone pointed at the formation and said, while Old Ancestor Ning stared at the formation, stunned, "What a terrible formation."

  The maid was even more demented, "Miss, is this all blood?"

   The masked woman is suspicious, "Maybe, no."

  Lin Tian saw the same blood-red gas as in the Xianmai and said, "You guys are waiting here, I'll go take a look."

  Lin Tian then walked over, but the guards were terrified one by one. Some people didn't dare to open their eyes, while others muttered, "Will you die?"

  While these people were muttering, Lin Tian had already arrived in front of the formation, and nothing happened.

   After that, Lin Tian also crossed, walked into the formation, and disappeared in front of everyone.

   "He, actually went in?" Some people were stunned, others felt incredible, and said, "This is too powerful."

  The masked woman frowned, "What is the place in this formation?"

  The maid also wanted to know, but Old Ancestor Ning said, "Let's stay here honestly, that kind of place is not the place we should go."

  The two women had to stay honest, and Lin Tian was in the formation at the moment, and saw a lot of people, some men and women, some young, some old and young.

   These people were sitting around cultivating, but Lin Tian's appearance shocked them.

  I saw these people open their eyes one after another, staring at Lin Tian in surprise. One of the young men jumped and landed in front of Lin Tian. He said with blood on his body, "Boy, who are you? Why can you come in?"

   "It's my ability to be able to come in, but you, who are you?" Lin Tian looked at them suspiciously.

   The other party didn't say anything, but instead hummed, "The outsiders who come here must die."

   Then the young man condensed a ball of blood energy in one hand, and then the blood energy was shot out and hit Lin Tian heavily.

   Lin Tian's golden light flashed, and his powerful golden body resisted the opponent's attack.

   This scene made these people surprised, "How can this person resist Xueou's attack?"

   "Did Xueou release water?"

   The young man named Xueou said, "I didn't release water!"

   Hearing Xue Ou's words, everyone was even more shocked, but Lin Tian looked at everyone and asked again, "Who are you."

   "Boy, you shouldn't know, don't ask more!" After that Xueou finished speaking, like a blood-colored afterimage, he immediately arrived in front of Lin Tian, ​​and then punched Lin Tian heavily.

  Lin Tian was directly knocked flying, and then covered by a pile of ruins.

   Those people breathed a sigh of relief, then chatted and laughed, "I thought he was so powerful."

   "It seems that it's just Xianjun, it's no big deal."

   "Yeah, scared us to death."

   That Xueou also put away his fists and became confident, but something unexpected happened.

  I saw Lin Tian suddenly crawling out of the ruins, and when everyone saw this scene, everyone was frightened, and even ran away.

  Some people even stared at Lin Tian like a monster.

  Xueou's eyes widened, "How is it possible, you, why are you doing nothing at all?"

  Lin Tian smiled at him, "If you just want to take me down just by doing this, then you must be underestimating me too much."

   "You, you are a monster." The blood Ou was anxious and stared at Lin Tian.

   Lin Tian walked towards him step by step, and the blood Ou cast the spell again, but the result was the same, and he couldn't do anything to Lin Tian.

   Not only that, Lin Tian stretched out his right hand and condensed a brush. Seeing Lin Tian's brush, the blood Ou wondered, "What is this?"

  Others also want to know, who knows that in the next moment, chains entangle Xueou, and everyone will know how terrible Lin Tian is.

  Xueou was also anxious and wanted to break free from Lin Tian's control, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't escape, so he could only stare at him and curse, "Boy, hurry up, let me go!"

   "What if I don't let it go?"

   This **** gritted his teeth, "If you don't let go, I'll fight with you!"

   "Oh? Did you fight? How do you plan to fight? Your fairy soul is under my control!"

   "I, I may burn the fairy soul." The blood Ou threatened, and Lin Tian thought of the previous messenger and said, "Are you all going to die?"

  Xueou hummed, "We are not afraid of death!"

  Lin Tian knew that if he continued like this, he would definitely kill the opponent, so Lin Tian deliberately planned to let go, and the blood Ou was relieved when he saw that the chain disappeared little by little.

   But at this time, Lin Tian's earth avatar appeared behind him, and the earth avatar also carried the ghost king, directly letting the ghost king pass through his body and control his fairy soul.

   Then Lin Tian quickly rushed to this Xue Ou and entered the soul mark, and that Xue Ou stared at Lin Tian strangely, "You."

  Others were curious about what happened, but Lin Tian smiled and said, "Now, can you still die?"

  Lin Tian said while stealing his memory, who knew that the blood Ou started to panic, and then shouted, "No, I don't want it!"

   Then this **** body began to rot, and finally turned into a pool of blood, and everyone was frightened and quickly looked up to the sky.

   At this time, there was a stone statue floating in the sky, and it was shining with blood, and Lin Tian stared at the stone statue, felt the breath inside, and said, "It's you again."

   It was the mysterious woman who was inside. She was a little surprised and said, "It's not easy for you to find this."

   "Thank you, that messenger."

   "Oh? That person, was you killed?"

"That's not true, he committed suicide by himself." Lin Tian explained, but the mysterious woman smiled and said, "I said earlier, if he is exposed like this, he will die sooner or later. bingo."

   "Aren't you a gang?" Lin Tian felt a little surprised, but the mysterious woman smiled strangely, "A gang? Which eye did you see?"

   (end of this chapter)

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