Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 2119: Ancestor Ning returned to God

   Chapter 2119 Old Ancestor Ning Returns to God

  Lin Tian thought about it and said, "You can arrange it and trap him, that's all."

   Hearing Lin Tian say sleepy, the masked woman and her maid knew what it meant.

   Lin Tian did what he said and started to set up a formation around this place, until the next day, at dawn, that old ancestor Ning appeared again.

   But as soon as Old Ancestor Ning appeared, he was bound by Lin Tian's formation, so he couldn't leave at all, he could only collide with the formation, and he was stupid, like a fool.

  The maid was startled, "Look, his forehead is bleeding."

  The masked woman said solemnly, "If you hit it like this, you will be injured even if you don't die."

  Lin Tian condensed a pen in the formation, then locked his soul, and then pulled his soul out.

   Finally, Lin Tian's clone stepped forward to check his body, and finally found a stone with a faint white light in his body.

   "I found it." Lin Tian was overjoyed, and then put the soul of this ancestor Ning back.

   Old Ancestor Ning suddenly passed out as if he had lost his strength, and the masked woman and her maid were curious about what happened to Old Ancestor Ning.

  Lin Tian was very calm and went forward to check.

   After a while, Ancestor Ning opened his eyes, but he was not stupid at the moment, but looked at Lin Tian and others suspiciously, "Why am I here?"

   Seeing Old Ancestor Ning regaining his sanity, the maid said excitedly, "Finally sober."

   "Sober?" Ancestor Ning didn't understand, and the masked woman explained everything one by one.

   Hearing this, Old Ancestor Ning was shocked, "What? Will I be controlled?"

   "Yes." The masked woman nodded, while Old Ancestor Ning took a deep breath and couldn't even believe it happened.

  Lin Tian took out the stone in his hand, "It's this stone."

   "Isn't this a teleportation stone? How can you still control people?" The masked woman was puzzled, and Old Ancestor Ning was also puzzled, even confused.

  Lin Tian stared at the stone, and then looked into the air, "It seems that there is a mystery in this stone."

   "Can you figure it out?" the masked woman asked curiously, while Lin Tian said, "Let's see at night."

   Then Lin Tian and the others sat there, while the masked woman continued to ask Old Ancestor Ning, but Old Ancestor Ning seemed to have lost his memory and could not remember anything.

   In the end, they had no choice but to not ask, and Lin Tian waited there until night, when the stone began to flash with strong light.

  Lin Tianzheng felt that he was about to be sucked away when suddenly a powerful force hit Lin Tian, ​​as if it was going to crush Lin Tian, ​​and at the same time he shouted in a majestic voice, "Looking for death."

   Lin Tian was sent flying before he could react, and the teleportation stone in his hand disappeared instantly.

   Old Ancestor Ning and the others were startled and quickly surrounded him, while Lin Tian was fine and stood up, but he could sense the strength of the voice just now.

   What makes Lin Tian curious is that this voice resembles a person.

   "That woman?" Lin Tian recalled carefully, thinking of the blood beast who served the woman he met in the Xianmai.

  The masked woman and the others didn't know what Lin Tian was thinking, so they looked at him curiously until Lin Tian returned to the divine way, "Okay, go to Bu's house."

   "Bu's family? What about this?" The masked woman was suspicious, and the maid didn't understand, "Don't you want to look for the Moon Palace now?"

   "It's not that we don't look for it, but the teleportation stone is gone, and we can't continue our research." Lin Tian sighed.

   Hearing this, everyone suddenly became depressed, and Lin Tian picked up his mood and said, "At least, there is still a little clue."

   "Clues?" Everyone looked at each other, but Lin Tian said, "As long as you find the origin of the messenger, you will understand."

   "The messenger? Origin? Does he have something to do with this month's palace?" The masked woman was curious, but the maid muttered, "That messenger is gone."

   "Find the Bu family and ask about the Moon King Pond, and there should be a result soon." Lin Tian said to the crowd.

  The masked woman and the others looked puzzled, and Lin Tian took them away directly, but Patriarch Ning didn't know about the Bu family or the messenger. He didn't understand until the maid explained them one by one.

   But when Lin Tian and the others came to Bu's house, it was already a few days later.

   At this moment, the city of Bu's family, like some big cities, is very lively, and after the maid entered, she played around and didn't want to leave.

   Lin Tian, ​​however, hurried to Bu's house after directly inquiring about Bu's whereabouts.

   Until an hour later, they came to the gate of the cloth house, and the guards of the mansion were very strict and quickly stopped them.

  One of the guards also said, "Who."

   "I'm looking for you, the head of the cloth family." Lin Tian was very straightforward and didn't talk too much nonsense, and the guard looked at Lin Tian and asked, "Is there an invitation letter? Or, who are you, so I can report."

  Lin Tian didn't know what to say, and the masked woman and the others didn't even know what to say.

   This made those guards suspicious, so the leading guard said, "Everyone, if you are here to make trouble, then I ask you to leave immediately, or we will shoot you away."

  Lin Tian smiled back, "We're not making trouble, but something really happened."

   "What's the matter, tell me!" The guard still questioned patiently, and Lin Tian opened his mouth and said, "Well, there is a messenger, let me come to your Patriarch."

   "The messenger? What messenger?" The guard was puzzled, but Lin Tian hesitated, "It's the messenger who serves as the referee for you when the four major families compete every year."

   "You're talking about him?" The guard was suspicious, but Lin Tianen said, "Yes, it's him."

   "Is there a letter of recommendation from him? Or, to prove that he asked you to come." The guard was very strict.

  Lin Tian wondered, "Why do you guys have such strict audits?"

   "No way, this is our family rules, so if you want to go in, you can show that you are sent by the messenger." The guard was not afraid of Lin Tian's identity, and was serious.

  Lin Tian smiled helplessly, "So, if I can't prove it, I really can't get in?"


  Lin Tian looked at the maid, "I think your eloquence is good, you should come."

  The maid was stunned for a while, then stepped forward quickly, and stared at them and said, "You guys, it's better to get out of the way, or he moves, and you are no match for him!"

   Lin Tian's face turned black immediately, "I asked you to use your eloquence, not to threaten you."

   "It's all the same." The maid replied, and the masked woman couldn't help laughing. As for Old Ancestor Ning, he directly opened the ten thousand immortal way.

   When everyone saw Ten Thousand Immortal Dao, they were immediately frightened. After all, all ten thousand Immortal Dao people went to the Moon Palace, and it was impossible for them to appear on the street, let alone in front of them.

   So the guards ran back to the mansion one by one, then closed the gate.

   Ancestor Ning said happily, "It's not as good as my aura!"

  The maid suddenly said depressedly, "10,000 Immortal Dao, wherever, everyone will be shocked!"

   (end of this chapter)

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