Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 2111: Miss Wen's worries

   Chapter 2111 Miss Wen's worries

   Leprosy is indeed the Nine Thousand Immortal Dao, but he had already used a lot of power just now, but he couldn't do anything to Lin Tian, ​​so his expression was ugly, and he stared at Lin Tian with a puzzled look.

  Lin Tian looked at them and smiled, "I'll let you all go today, but I hope next time, find someone powerful for me."

After speaking, Lin Tian entered the Tianwen Pavilion, and everyone present was blinded, especially Lin Tian's words, when he said that he would find someone more powerful, the people present discussed one by one, "This kid, what do you mean? ?"

   "It seems that they were deliberately let go."

   "This kid is too crazy."

   That maid made fun of Meng Lin, who was stunned, "Did you hear me? Hurry up and find a master, don't stay in a daze!"

   After saying that, the maid happily entered the hall with Lin Tian, ​​and Meng Lin felt the shame of life and gritted his teeth in anger, "Damn, I'm going to fight with them."

   Leprosy said hesitantly, "Master, why don't you try a fairy beast."

   "Yes, you are a genius in fighting beasts, hurry up and release your powerful fairy beasts."

  Leprosy had to take out a bag, and as soon as he released it, he immediately crawled out of a lot of fairy beasts, and each one of them looked fierce, and the people nearby were frightened.

   Then these immortal beasts rushed into Tianwen Pavilion, and when Lin Tian was about to enter a room to inquire, those immortal beasts surrounded Lin Tian under the control of leprosy.

   That maid was taken aback, "How come so many strange things came out."

  The masked woman stared silently, while Meng Lin said proudly, "Boy, are you afraid?"

  Leprosy even stared at Lin Tian, ​​"Boy, these beasts like me, some are powerful, and some are very poisonous."

  Lin Tian despised, "You guys, can you find something decent?"

   Everyone didn't expect Lin Tian to look down on these immortal beasts so much, and the leper was even more angry, "This is my powerful immortal beast."

   "Powerful? Believe it or not, I scared them to the ground."

   "I don't believe it!" Of course the leper didn't believe it, but Lin Tian trapped a beast technique and transformed into a ghostly trapped beast stick in his hand.

   Those immortal beasts ran out one by one in fright, and Leprosy was stunned. As for Meng Lin's face was very ugly, as if he had been burned by fire, he stared at Leper, "This, this is your powerful immortal beast?"

   Leprosy was speechless, but Lin Tian still said, "Find some decent experts, otherwise, it will be meaningless."

   "You." Meng Lin almost vomited blood from the airway, but the maid smiled, "Did you hear me? Look for it!"

   "You, you all wait for me." Meng Lin was so angry that he almost stopped breathing, he could only stare in warning, and looked at Leprosy, "What are you looking at, let's go!"

  Lin Tian entered a room in front of him, while the masked woman and her maid were waiting outside.

  The onlookers were curious about who Lin Tian was, and why he didn't take it seriously in the face of leprosy, and he was even able to drive away those fairy beasts one by one.

   In the house at the moment, Lin Tian was staring at an old man who was sorting books, and the old man was a little crooked, walking up and down, as if one of his legs was short.

   "Is there anything you want to inquire about?" The old man turned around, staring at Lin Tian with a wrinkled face, and his hair was **** and even stood up like a braid.

  Lin Tian smiled when he saw such an odd old man, and then said, "I want to inquire about someone."

   "Oh? Who is it? Is there a picture?"

  Lin Tian drew in the air with one hand and slid Old Ancestor Ning down, while the old man took out a piece of paper and said after rubbing, "What price."

   "What price?"

   "Find it within three days. One hundred high-grade immortal crystals. If it is within a month, it will be twenty. If there is no time limit, one high-grade immortal crystal will suffice."

  Lin Tian said directly, "Three days."

   "Oh? Then pay the deposit first, ten yuan."

  Lin Tian looked at the old man, "Wait for me."

   The old man looked suspiciously at Lin Tian, ​​and Lin Tian stretched out his right hand, and a high-grade immortal crystal appeared for a while, and the old man immediately widened his eyes, and then stared at Lin Tian strangely.

  Lin Tian continued to make the second piece, and handed it over to the other party after all ten pieces were made, "Well, it's all here."

   The old man stared suspiciously at Lin Tian for a while and then asked, "Your ability to create immortal crystals is truly incredible."

   "Thank you for the compliment." After Lin Tian finished speaking, the old man took out a sound transmission stone and threw it to Lin Tian, ​​"In three days, you will receive the news."

   "Thank you." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he took the sound transmission stone and left here. As for the old man, he stared at Lin Tian for a while, and finally said, "It's not a simple person."

  For Lin Tian, ​​he thought it was normal, and after walking out of the house, he looked at the two waiting outside and said, "Let's go."

   "Any news?" the masked woman asked curiously, and the maid was also looking forward to staring at Lin Tian.

  Lin Tian said, "It will take three days, so now we can find a place to stay in the city."

After    finished speaking, Lin Tian took them away, while the nearby onlookers inquired about Lin Tian's origins.

   Meng Lin, who was staying in the city, was sitting in a teahouse and looked at the leper angrily, "You, you said you."

   "Master, calm your anger, I have sent Ling Bird to follow them secretly, and you can know where they are at any time."

   "So what if you know? Isn't there a way to take them down?" Meng Lin slapped the table with one hand.

   Leprosy said hesitantly, "You can invite some old guys in the family."

   "Old guys, there are only more than 9,000 immortals, so what?" Meng Lin has gradually realized that Lin Tian is not easy to deal with, so at this moment, the whole person abandons himself.

  Leprosy became serious, "If it doesn't work, then ask that messenger to do it."

   "The messenger? Only my father can invite him, and I can't at all." When Meng Lin heard this, he became even more angry.

   "That's not necessarily."

   "What can you do?"

   "It is said that this messenger likes the blood of geniuses the most. You tell him that there is a genius, a genius immortal, and then he can ignore the attacks of more than 9,000 immortals. I think he must be interested."

   Meng Lin looked at Leper when he heard this, "Are you sure, this method is easy to use?"

   "Yes." Leprosy nodded, while Meng Lin hesitated and said, "Okay, I'll contact him now."


   Lin Tian, ​​who is in the city at the moment, has found accommodation, and the masked woman and her maid live next door.

"Miss, where do you think the Moon Palace will be?" The maid couldn't help but ask, while the masked woman hesitated, "Everyone wants to know this question, and they have tried many methods, but in the end they are gone. It's over."

   "So, Young Master Lin can't find Old Ancestor Ning?"

   "It's one thing if you can't find it, I'm afraid of danger." The masked woman looked solemn.

   "Miss, what do you want to say?"

   "I'm afraid of the Moon Palace, and I deliberately don't want people to know where it is, so if Young Master Lin deliberately inquires, it's easy to get killed." The masked woman expressed her worries.

   (end of this chapter)

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