Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 2108: Cross the river by boat

   Chapter 2108 Cross the river by boat

  Lin Tian smiled and said outside the hall, "I really only want fairy crystals, but you have wasted a lot of my time, so this is a punishment for you."

After speaking, Lin Tian left, and the six people scolded and even threatened to take revenge on Lin Tian in the future, but Lin Tian didn't take them seriously at all, but went directly to Old Ancestor Ning and took Xianjing threw it to him.

   Ancestor Ning said excitedly after seeing a pile of immortal crystals, "Sir, with these, I should be able to break through."

   "Hurry up."

"En." After Lin Tian finished speaking, the ancestor Ning absorbed all these immortal crystals one by one, and this last point was also the most difficult, but with the blessing of so many immortal crystals, Ancestor Ning still broke through to 10,000. Fairy way.

   "Sir, I did it!" Old Ancestor Ning was excited, and Lin Tian smiled at Old Ancestor Ning, "Yes, very good!"

   Ancestor Ning became happy, "Sir, do you have anything to tell me?"

   "I want to find the Moon Palace." When Lin Tian said these three words, Old Ancestor Ning's smile froze, and the masked woman and her maid were also startled.

  Lin Tian smiled and asked, "What? Is there a problem?"

   Old Ancestor Ning said hesitantly, "Sir, no one knows where the Moon Palace is this month. I'm afraid it will be difficult for you to find it."

   "That's why I moved my hands on your soul." Lin Tian stared at this Old Ancestor Ning and said, but Old Ancestor Ning was stunned after hearing this, not knowing what to say.

  The masked woman said, "The Moon Palace has always been a mysterious place that no one knows about."

   "Aren't you going to leave traces on people? Then try to leave them for him." Lin Tian smiled at the masked woman, but the masked woman hesitated, "This."

   At this time, Old Ancestor Ning suddenly had a golden light all over his body, and then Old Ancestor Ning said anxiously, "Sir, I, I have received a force."

   In the next moment, this old ancestor Ning disappeared in a flash, and Lin Tian was surprised, "Just disappeared like that?"

  The masked woman explained, "As long as you reach the Ten Thousand Immortal Dao, you will be pulled by a force and go to the Moon Palace."

  Lin Tian asked after hearing this, "Did you leave any traces?"

   "I stayed before, but it was useless, as if I lost contact." The masked woman said helplessly.

  Lin Tian closed his eyes, but he sensed this Old Ancestor Ning, but this Old Ancestor Ning was looming, as if he was far away.

   "It's strange, it just disappeared, why is it so far away?" Lin Tian became serious, and the masked woman asked, "How is it? Did you find out?"

   "Yes, but it's a little distance." After taking a deep breath, Lin Tian planned to go by himself.

  The maid looked at Lin Tian's back and asked, "Miss, shall we go?"

   "The Moon Palace has always been mysterious. If he can find it, then we can see it with our own eyes." The masked woman explained.

   The maid was surprised after hearing this, "Miss, what are you going to do?"

   "Go!" Not to be outdone, the masked woman hurriedly followed Lin Tian, ​​while Lin Tian had been following the directions and walking on the moon king star.

   After about half a month, I came to a river, and the river was very wide, and it was impossible to fly on it.

   "This is the Nanxin River. Once it passes here, it will reach the central area of ​​Moon King, and this central area is rumored to be a master, which is different from the four areas of east, west, north, south and south." The masked woman introduced Lin Tian one by one.

  Lin Tian asked, "Oh? Haven't you been there yet?"

   "I've been there a few times, but there are too many masters, so I don't dare to walk there at will."

   "Master, what do you mean?"

   "Everyone is at least 5,000 Immortal Dao or above, so people who are lower than this level of cultivation will not dare to go to that area, otherwise they will easily die." The masked woman explained.

  Lin Tian asked, "Then have you ever thought that the Moon Palace will be located in this central area?"

   "Impossible, after all, there are countless people there. If there really was a Moon Palace, everyone would have known it." The masked woman said one by one.

   Lao Niu Tian laughed and said, "Have you been to all the places?"

   "This." The masked woman hesitated. After all, the central area is the largest area in the entire Moon King. It can be said that it is very large. Even if one person spends tens of thousands of years, he may not be able to explore it all.

  Lin Tian laughed after seeing her like this, "So, before we absolutely understand it, we can't rule out the Moon Palace in this central area."

   "Did you sense that Old Ancestor Ning was there?" The masked woman couldn't help but ask, while Lin Tianen said, "Yes, he is in that area, I want to go look for him."

  The masked woman was not talking, but the maid said anxiously, "But how does this river pass?"

  The masked woman came back to her senses, "There is a big ship every day, and it appears late at night, so if you want to pass, you can only wait here."

  Lin Tian had to sit down and wait there slowly, while the masked woman and her maid also sat down.

   But the masked woman couldn't help but ask, "Young Master Lin, why are you looking for the Moon Palace in such a hurry?"

   "The goddess statue, have you seen it?" Lin Tian asked back, while the masked woman hesitated and said, "I have seen it."

   "How did this goddess statue come from, and whether there is this person in the palace of the moon this month."

   "You just want to understand this goddess?"

   "Yes." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he stopped talking, while the masked woman and her maid were puzzled, but Lin Tian was silent, so they had no choice but to ask more.

   But there are more and more people around, and obviously these people also go to the central area.

   But after seeing Lord Lin Tianxian and the two women with low cultivation, these people discussed it one by one.

   "Look, these people don't even have five thousand immortals."

   "Then what are they doing in this central area?"

   "Isn't this looking for death?"

"who knows."

  These people are all curious, but at first they were fine, until night fell, and hundreds of people had gathered here.

   Then a boat with white light came over the dark river, and everyone shouted, "Come on."

  When the boat pulled aside, everyone rushed up, while Lin Tian and the others followed slowly.

  However, the inside of the boat was not big, and it even seemed a little crowded. Lin Tian and the masked woman had to find a corner and sit down.

   Until a quarter of an hour later, the ship was about to start, and another group of people came outside.

  I saw these people. After they came in, they were also depressed by the crowd. They didn't even have a place to sit, and they were a little unhappy, so they shuttled through the crowd.

   The last person pointed to the area where Lin Tian was and shouted, "Master, look, there are several positions there."

  A young man wearing a silver robe, holding a bird cage and keeping a black bird looked over.

   "Go, go over." I just heard the young man say, and then everyone went over, and among these people, one of them walked out and shouted to Lin Tian and the others, "Get out of the way!"

  The maid said unconvinced, "We came first."

   "What's wrong with coming first? This is where we speak with strength!" The follower roared.

  In an instant, the whole ship became lively.

   (end of this chapter)

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