Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 2096: Kill a purple ghost halfway

   Chapter 2096 Kill a purple ghost halfway

   "What happened?" A voice came from the cloud and mist, and that Yingchuan explained everything one by one.

  The person in the cloud and mist asked the ancestor Ning, "Ancestor Ning, what do you mean?"

   "It doesn't make any sense, I just want to borrow you some top-quality fairy crystals."

   "Borrow? Do you think this is borrowing?" The Shadow Ancestor asked back, while Ning Ancestor didn't know what to say, so he could only look at Lin Tian.

  Lin Tian laughed there, "Lend it to me, and I will give it back double in the future."

   "Are you treating me as a three-year-old child? Will you pay back double?" The Shadow Ancestor hummed, while Ning Ancestor cooperated with Lin Tian and said, "He can make fairy crystals."

   "Making immortal crystals? I said Old Ancestor Ning, you also think of me as a fool?" That Old Ancestor Shadow was a little angry, while Old Ancestor Ning had no choice but to look at Lin Tian.

  Lin Tian stretched out his hand, and then condensed high-grade fairy crystals in front of everyone's eyes.

   Seeing this scene, the family members were shocked, and even the masked woman and maid who saw this for the first time showed a demented look.

  Lin Tian didn't say anything, but looked at the crowd, "Is one piece enough? Would you like more pieces?"

   After finishing speaking, Lin Tian condensed under everyone's attention, and the maid said to the masked woman, "Miss, did he change this?"

  The masked woman shook her head, "It's not like that."

   "Then how did he do it?" The maid was puzzled, and the masked woman was even more confused, "I don't understand either."

   But the shadow ancestor in the cloud and mist in the sky said, "You are really powerful, but you still can't condense the top-quality fairy crystals, so don't fool me in front of me."

   "It's not impossible, but it takes a lot of time to condense the top-quality immortal crystals, and we are in urgent need of the top-quality immortal crystals, so we just borrow them first." Lin Tian smiled and said while looking at the sky.

  However, the other party didn't believe it, "Go away, I won't lend it to you."

   Hearing this, Lin Tian had no choice but to say, "Then, what if I don't leave?"

   "Don't go? Are you planning to rob it?" The Shadow Ancestor asked back, while Lin Tian smiled and said, "I heard that the Ying Family is the most mysterious of the five families, so I just wanted to see how mysterious it is."

After    finished speaking, Lin Tian condensed a mass of emptiness in his hands and broke into the clouds in the air, but the people in the clouds had long since disappeared.

   At this time, an old man appeared on the top of a hill, and this old man changed into countless shadows.

   "Boy, you are an immortal, so dare to attack me?" The shadow ancestor was a little angry, especially Lin Tian's arrogance, which made him feel like he was being humiliated.

   "I not only want to attack you, but I also want you to hand over the fairy crystal." Lin Tian smiled at him, and then released the ghost.

   These magic shadows are all over the mountains, and they seem to be more powerful than their shadow techniques, and the shadow ancestor frowned, "Boy, what are you?"

   "It's the same as yours, but mine is more advanced than yours and can cast countless shadows." Lin Tian smiled and looked at each other.

  Ancestor Ying didn't believe it, but he really couldn't find who was Lin Tian's deity, but Lin Tian smiled at the ancestor of Ying, "Okay, I won't talk nonsense with you."

   I saw that these ghosts condensed and vanished, facing the shadow ancestor, and the shadows of the shadow ancestor immediately radiated powerful power one by one, causing those ghosts to be scattered one by one.

   At the same time, the old ancestor of the shadow laughed, "I thought it was so powerful, but it turned out to be just some useless garbage."

   Lin Tian heard this, but smiled at the shadow ancestor, "Then try my deity."

   "If you're going to die, I'll give you a ride!" Ancestor Ying snorted, then waved his hand, a gust of wind went out, entangled Lin Tian at once, and then tore Lin Tian frantically there.

   But this attack has no effect on Lin Tian, ​​but Lin Tian is smiling, "Not enough, continue."

   Everyone in the shadow house was stunned, and the shadow river also muttered to himself, "He is an immortal, how can he have such a powerful force."

   Ancestor Shadow was not reconciled, and continued to increase his efforts there, but he cursed in his heart, "Where did Ancestor Ning find this monster?"

   At this moment, Old Ancestor Ning shouted to Old Ancestor Ying, "Ancestor Ying, you should give up, you can't help him."

   "I don't believe it!" Ancestor Ying was still persistent, but at this moment a purple light flew in the air, and then the purple light flickered there, "It's very interesting."

   Everyone raised their heads and looked at the purple light curiously, while Old Ancestor Ying and Old Ancestor Ning were surprised.

  Lin Tian was curious about what this Ziguang was and why it had such a powerful power, and that Ziguang said to Lin Tian with a smile, "Boy, I heard that you defeated Old Ancestor Jiang, right?"

   "You were found by Jiang Laozu?"

"What do you think?" The man laughed, and the old ancestor Ning hurriedly said to Lin Tian, ​​"Sir, be careful, this is called Zi Guixian, no one has seen his true face, but he is very scary, Used to take things from a lot of big families."

"Oh? Zi Guixian?" Lin Tian thought it was funny when he heard the name, and the Zi Guixian laughed when he saw Lin Tian read his name, "Yes, my name is Zi Guixian, I think there are many people present. Everyone knows me."

   At this moment, countless people were talking about it, and even the maid asked curiously, "Miss, how did this Zi Guixian come here."

   The masked woman said suspiciously, "There are rumors that there are good things somewhere, and the Purple Ghost Immortal will appear."

   "What's good here?" The maid was puzzled, and the masked woman didn't understand, until the Zi Guixian looked at the indifferent Lin Tian and said with a smile, "How is it, let's talk."

   "What are you talking about?" Lin Tian smiled at the purple light, while Zi Guixian smiled and said, "It's very simple, I'm very interested in one of your painting skills."

   As soon as these words came out, Old Ancestor Ning and the others finally understood what was going on, but Old Ancestor Shadow didn't, but Lin Tian laughed and said, "Do you want to learn something?"

   "It's not a lesson, I want to borrow it to learn." The Purple Ghost Immortal said what he meant, but Lin Tian suddenly laughed.

   "Laugh? What? Don't you agree?" Zi Guixian asked with a smile, but Lin Tian replied, "I was the only one who robbed others, and no one dared to rob me."

Everyone from the   ying family was attracted by Lin Tian's tone, but the Zi Guixian laughed, "Boy, you are crazy, but you can easily pay for it."

   "Come here if you have the ability, I also want to see how strong you are." Lin Tianyou was fearless and forced the opponent to take action.

   This Zi Guixian laughed when he heard this, "What? You think no one can treat you like that?"

   "You can do it, come here, don't talk nonsense." Lin Tian said to the Zi Guixian, and the Zi Guixian smiled strangely, "If this is the case, then I will let you know how terrible I am."

After   , Zi Guixian said to the shadow ancestor, "Ying ancestor, I will give you more strength."

   Shadow Ancestor hadn't reacted yet. A faint purple light hit this Shadow Ancestor in the air, and Shadow Ancestor instantly felt that his power had grown stronger.

   This made Old Ancestor Ying very happy, so he hit a gust of wind again, entangling Lin Tian, ​​and Old Ancestor Ning and the others were shocked.

   (end of this chapter)

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