Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 2089: only the strongest

   Chapter 2089 Only find the strongest

   But the three of them just shouted, but they didn't dare to go out. They could only follow Lin Tian and the others, walked into the city, and finally came to the outside of the Ning family fortress.

  There are countless guards outside the Ning family, and these guards stepped forward one after another, forming a human wall, blocking Lin Tian from the outside.

  Lin Tian smiled at them, "Let the strongest of you come out, otherwise it will be a waste of time."

   These people looked at each other, and the people nearby were puzzled, "Who is this person?"

  Some people also recognized Lin Tian, ​​"Who else? The genius genius of the Immortal Monarch who has been making a lot of noise recently, someone who can't be beaten to death."

"it's him?"

   "Yes, it is rumored that he has also been to the Blood Immortal Devil Valley."

   "It's scary."

   When everyone was talking, a group of people walked out of the gate of the Ning family, and the leader was Ning Erye. He looked at Lin Tian coldly, "Boy, are you really here?"

   "I said, you can't escape." Lin Tian smiled at him, while Erye Ning was annoyed, then looked at King Ning Dao, "A waste!"

   King Knife Ning looked embarrassed and didn't know what to say, but at this time Lin Tian was staring at an old man sitting on a chair behind Erye Ning.

  Lin Tian took a look, this old man is only five or six thousand immortals, so Lin Tian said, "Call you the strongest."

  Ning Erye laughed, "Boy, do you know who is sitting there?"

   "I don't know who he is, but he is not the strongest." Lin Tian's words made everyone in the Ning family very upset, and even cursed Lin Tian.

   Second Master Ning even ran wild, "He is the current owner of the family, my elder brother! Do you know?"

  Lin Tian disdainfully said, "So what?"

   Ning Erye was very angry, and said to the old man, "Brother, you can see how crazy this kid is."

   Ning Patriarch, sitting there, staring at Lin Tian coldly, "Boy, you can defeat the four city lords, I admit that you are powerful, so if you are willing to join us, I will give you anything."

  Everyone didn't expect that Patriarch Ning wanted to win over Lin Tian at this time, but the second Master Ning was anxious, "Brother, don't talk nonsense with him, he won't listen."

   Patriarch Ning stared at Lin Tian, ​​waiting for Lin Tian's answer, while Lin Tian smiled at Patriarch Ning, "Give me everything?"


  Lin Tian laughed and said, "What about your life?"

  Patriarch Ning then became gloomy, still staring at Lin Tian coldly and said, "Boy, you're taking an inch."

   "I don't have an inch, I just want to say that I came from here to find an opponent, not to waste time." Lin Tian smiled at the Ning family.

   After hearing this, everyone showed a strange look, and the onlookers even muttered, "This guy, came to find an opponent?"

   "It is estimated that he is looking for the strongest Ning family."

   "That Ning family has more than 9,000 immortals. Isn't he looking for death." Some people even thought that Lin Tian was looking for death.

   Ning Patriarch said coldly, "If you want to fight with our ancestor, then you have to see if you have the ability."

   After finishing speaking, Ning Patriarch suddenly got up, like a gust of wind, came to Lin Tian, ​​and slapped Lin Tian with his palm.

   Lin Tian was shocked and retreated on the spot, but Lin Tian quickly stopped and smiled helplessly, "Too weak."

  Everyone was dumbfounded, even this Ning family head frowned, staring at Lin Tian in disbelief, "I'm almost six thousand celestial beings, you're still too weak?"

   "Not to mention six thousand immortals, I have seen ten thousand immortals in Blood Immortal Devil Valley." Lin Tian said with a smile.

   Everyone present exclaimed, but some people didn't believe it, "Boy, ten thousand immortals? Who are you lying to!"

   "That's right, 10,000 immortals have already gone to the Moon Palace."

   "It really doesn't hurt to talk."

   These Ning family members didn't believe them at all, and Lin Tian ignored them. As for the Ning family head, he said coldly, "Boy, I'll let you know that I'm not that simple!"

   After finishing speaking, this Ning family head suddenly turned into countless afterimages, surrounding Lin Tian, ​​and then these afterimages attacked Lin Tian together.

   But Lin Tian let the opponent attack at will, until the opponent gave up the attack and stepped aside, Lin Tian stared at him and asked with a smile, "Let your ancestors come out."

   Ning Patriarch looked ugly, and looked at Lin Tian angrily, "Boy, you will die miserably!"

   "Hurry up, don't waste your time." Lin Tian smiled at this Ning Patriarch, and everyone was also curious whether this Ning Patriarch would call this ancestor out.

   At this time, Ning Patriarch took out a ring, and after stroking the ring for a while, he said, "Old Ancestor, someone wants to discuss with you."

   Who knew that there was a shout from the ring, "What's the noise? Don't you know I'm in retreat?"

   "Old Ancestor, this kid is very persistent, he has to ask you to learn from him."

   "What cultivation base?"

   "This, Immortal Eight Stars."

   "You are sick, and Xianjun is looking for me too? Can't you solve it?" The old ancestor was furious, and everyone around was stunned.

   This Ning Patriarch was very embarrassed and said, "But I can't help him."

   "You, you bastard, let him in, I'll see what kind of guy!" The old ancestor said angrily.

  Patriarch Ning had no choice but to look at Lin Tian, ​​"Boy, you heard that too."

  Lin Tian smiled and said, "Small idea."

   But before going, Lin Tian got Immortal Emperor Lanjian and a few people into the lamp to prevent an accident, and then he took a leap and entered the ring.

   Everyone looked at each other in dismay, but Ning Patriarch shouted, "What are you looking at, all retreat."

  Everyone stepped back, and the Ning family head asked him to carry him back. As for the second master Ning, he asked curiously, "Big brother, is that kid dead?"

   "Isn't that nonsense? It's definitely not possible to come out." Ning Patriarch hummed, and Ning Erye let out a sigh of relief, "That's good."

   "What's so good? You got me scolded!" When that Ning Patriarch thought of this, his whole person looked ugly.

  Master Ning didn't know what to say, so he could only sigh, "Big brother, you can only blame that kid."

   "Okay, stop talking nonsense." Ning Patriarch didn't want to speak, and the whole person waited depressed.


   In the ring at the moment, Lin Tian is standing on the top of a mountain, and across from Lin Tian, ​​there is a black cloud, and there is a person in the black cloud.

   This person looked at Lin Tian and said, "A fairy, how dare you be so mad? Do you think I'm too weak?"

   "You, it's really not that good." Lin Tian's words made the ancestor furious, "Boy, when I was crazy, you didn't even know where you were!"

  Lin Tian laughed, "Strength and weakness have nothing to do with age."

   "You." The other party was so angry that he vomited blood, and then he shot a flame from the palm of his hand, and the flame changed from weak to strong, and when it reached Lin Tian, ​​there was an instant "bang".

  This powerful attack ignited in Lin Tian's body, and the old ancestor Ning said proudly, "Boy, are you afraid?"

   (end of this chapter)

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