Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 2083: Goddess, very similar to her!

   Chapter 2083 The goddess statue, very similar to her!

  Lin Tian didn't answer directly, but smiled at her, "I said it all, don't look down on me, or you will regret it."

  The old lady was depressed, "We are unlucky!"

   The next moment, the old lady turned into a pile of grass, and then the whole person disappeared, and Lin Tian smiled bitterly, "This kind of escape ability is really powerful."

  So Lin Tian packed up his mood and continued to move forward. The forest grew more and more trees until a path appeared. Lin Tian walked along the path and came to a valley after a while.

   In this valley, there are caves everywhere, and in many places, people are fighting and watching.

   "Well? It's a bit intense." Lin Tian muttered after seeing these people fighting, but King Ningxi suddenly appeared and smiled at Lin Tian, ​​"How is it? How do you feel?"

   "Are there any powerful ones?" Lin Tian asked directly, while King Ningxi smiled at Lin Tian, ​​"Yes, there are quite a few here, four or five thousand immortal paths, and even some hidden masters."

   "Oh? Where?" Lin Tian asked curiously, while King Ningxi pointed to a stone staircase in front, and on the edge of each stone staircase was a small stone tablet with a name on it.

   "See that death ladder?"

   "Death Ladder?"

"Yes, from the lowest to the highest, it is ranked according to the strength of the lowest to the highest. If you want to find a strong one, just run to the top of the ladder, but each stone tablet is their glory. If you want to go over it, you have to see Let's see if they will."

  Lin Tian looked down at the so-called death staircase, and finally there was a stone statue above the staircase, and this stone statue made Lin Tian frown.

   "What kind of stone statue is this?"

   "Oh, goddess, the goddess of our Moon King, many people worship her." The King of Ningxi said with a smile.

  Lin Tian frowned, because this stone statue too resembled Tianluo, to be precise, it resembled Nangong Xue.

   Just why the goddess of Wang Xing this month is this Nangong Xue, so Lin Tian asked, "How did this goddess come from?"

   "It's been there since ancient times."

   "Since ancient times?"

   "Yes, the statue of the goddess, the portrait of the master of the Moon Palace of the Moon King."

  Lin Tian suddenly asked with interest, "Where is the palace this month?"

"This, it is said that only those who have reached 10,000 Immortal Dao are eligible to receive the invitation from the Moon Palace, but no one has disclosed the specific location, because the person who received the invitation never came back, but everyone said that the invited People, most likely have left this Moon King."

  Lin Tian was a little excited at the moment, but he couldn't help but continue to ask, "Then, why does this stone statue appear?"

   "Generally, in important places, some people like to make stone statues lucky on the spot, so they will put such stone statues in conspicuous places to encourage everyone." Ningxi Wang explained.

  Lin Tian was immediately stunned, and gave up and muttered in his heart, "The Moon Palace, the Goddess Statue, and Nangong Xue, Tianluo? What's the connection?"

   Confusion flickered above Lin Tian's head, especially since Tianluo and Nangongxue's relationship hadn't been fully understood yet, such a thing happened at this moment, which made Lin Tian completely uneasy.

   "What are you thinking about?" King Ningxi asked, while Lin Tian returned to the divine way, "Is it possible to find the Moon Palace with ten thousand immortals?"


  Lin Tian understood and asked, "Then, in the entire Moon King Star, who is from the Ten Thousand Immortal Dao?"

   "This, our Ning family, it is said that there is an ancestor who has more than 9,000, almost 10,000, and other families, it is estimated that there should be a lot of more than 9,000."

   After Lin Tian knew about it, he looked at this place, "Is this there?"

   "This? Seven or eight thousand at most. It is difficult to want more than nine thousand." King Ningxi replied, and Lin Tian said after understanding, "Then let me challenge the person at the top of the ladder."

   After finishing speaking, Lin Tian was about to go up the stairs, but at the first step, a man covered in animal skins stopped Lin Tian with a smile and said, "Boy, do you want to go up? You have to pass me."

  Lin Tian glanced at him. After the other party was only over 3,000 immortals, Lin Tian said directly, "You are too weak!"

   "What?" This person was not happy anymore, and the people around them started talking after seeing an immortal emperor appear and looking down on this person wearing animal skins.

   "Where did this kid come from? Just Xianjun, so crazy?"

   "Whoever came to this Blood Immortal Devil Valley is not crazy?"


   At this moment, the old lady came out of the crowd and smiled when she saw Lin Tian and the man wearing the animal skin, "Crazy beast, this kid, it's not easy, be careful."

The man who wore the animal skin, that is, the guy called Crazy Beast, saw the old lady talking about Lin Tianhou, but he was not convinced, "Grandma Hua, don't scare me, he is just an immortal. How strong?"

"Really, I took a loss from him just now." The old lady laughed, but the mad beast stared at Lin Tian with contempt, "Boy, let me tell you, I don't take you seriously at all. !"

   "Get out of the way." Lin Tian just said three words lightly, but the other party couldn't stand it, and punched him out, "Looking for death!"

   But this punch hit Lin Tian, ​​and with a bang, the opponent stopped, and then stared at Lin Tian strangely, "You."

The people around    also looked curious until someone shouted, "This kid's golden body is not bad."

   "It's interesting, I'm going to try it." Suddenly someone rushed out, looking for Lin Tian to make a gesture, while others went out frantically.

   Who would have guessed that these people actually fought in order to compete with Lin Tian, ​​but Lin Tian was stunned, and muttered to himself, "Sure enough, they are all lunatics."

   After about a while, there were casualties, but none of these people gave in and shouted to continue.

  Lin Tian had no choice but to return to his senses and looked at the mad beast, "Get out of the way, or you will fall."

   "Come on, I'm not afraid of you." The mad beast immediately became alert, and stared at Lin Tian fiercely.

  Lin Tian had to sigh, and then condensed a void in one palm and hit the mad beast.

  The mad beast was very arrogant at first, but the next moment, his brows wrinkled and his face was ugly, but the old lady smiled and said, "I said mad beast, how does it feel?"

   "Stop playing!" The mad beast immediately stepped aside and let Lin Tian go up the second step. Although there was a stone tablet on the second step, no one came out to stop him, so Lin Tian continued.

   After walking about ten steps, he suddenly shouted, "What are you kidding? You even let an Immortal Monarch run to my place?"

   Everyone looked over, and it was a big man with infinite strength and a lot of cumbersome armor on his back.

  This big man, with a rough skin, and walking, the ground is shaking.

   Everyone immediately said, "Why is this Hercules back?"

   "I thought he was gone."

   "I thought too."

   King Ningxi said to Lin Tian, ​​"He is a famous strong king in the southern district, and he can produce a powerful force without relying on immortality. As for his immortality, it has reached more than 4,000."

  Lin Tian heard more than 4,000, and became a little interested, and the strong king glanced at Lin Tian, ​​"Boy, do you know who I am?"

   "I only care about your strength, but I don't care what your name is." Lin Tian's words made everyone bewildered.

   (end of this chapter)

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