Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 2073: A draw is impossible!

   Chapter 2073 A draw is impossible!

  Sanghua City Lord was also a little surprised. He stared at Lin Tian for a while and then smiled and said, "Three hundred immortals can't help you. Your golden body is really amazing!"

   Not only Sanghua City Lord, but also some family members are also talking, "This young man really has a future."

   "Yes, I really hope he can win this Sanghua City Lord, and then he can win over."

  While everyone was discussing, Lin Tian smiled at City Lord Sanghua, "Bring out your strongest strength, stop 300 immortals."

   "If I take it out, I'm afraid to scare you." The Sanghua City Lord smiled at Lin Tian, ​​but Lin Tian believed in himself, "Don't worry, you won't scare me."

   "Not necessarily." Sanghua City Lord smiled slightly, and then ascended to five hundred immortals.

   Everyone was startled, and someone muttered, "It's already five hundred immortals."

   "That kid, can you handle it?"

   But Lin Tian was very excited, "Come on."

  Sanghua City Lord once again squeezed out a colorful petal with one hand, and the colorful petals turned into flying blades, all of which flew out at once.

  I saw these flying blades hit Lin Tian's golden body again, and Lin Tian's golden body trembled wildly, cracking one-fifth of it.

  Lin Tian was still a little dissatisfied and said, "Five hundred immortals, is this only the power?"

   But in the eyes of everyone, Lin Tian's golden body is too terrifying, especially under the Five Hundred Immortals, Lin Tian's golden body is only a little cracked.

  Sanghua City Lord was puzzled, "Why does this guy, Six-Star Immortal Monarch, have such a powerful golden body?"

   Although Lin Tian is a six-star Immortal Monarch, his golden body is already on the seventh floor, which can be said to be very strong. Even if the Sanghua City Lord has five hundred immortals, it is difficult to shatter.

   So Lin Tian returned to his senses and smiled at the City Lord Sanghua, "City Lord Sang, hurry up and use your best strength, don't waste your time."

   "You, are you sure?" The Sanghua City Lord stared at Lin Tian strangely, and Lin Tianen smiled, "Yes."

  Sanghua City Lord had no choice but to say, "Then I'll show you a thousand immortals."

   When everyone heard that Sanghua City mainly used a thousand immortals, they exclaimed one by one, and even Dongfang Qingming was extremely excited, "Did you hear? A thousand immortals."

   "I know, but looking at the expression on his face, he enjoyed it very much." The Immortal Emperor Lanjian said with a smile.

   Dongfang Qingming sighed, "He is a monster, whoever encounters him will be unlucky!"

   Immortal Emperor Lanjian smiled and said nothing, while the maid who was sitting there said, "Miss, a thousand immortals, do you think this Young Master Lin can resist?"

   "This, you'll know after reading it." At this moment, the masked woman was not sure, so she could only watch silently there.

   As for the people of other families, they all stared at it, until after the thousand layers of light flickered around the Sanghua City Lord, her cultivation reached the nine-star Immortal Emperor and a thousand immortals.

   This powerful force, even Lin Tian who was standing there, could feel the fear, but Jiao Guard under the ring became dignified.

  Sanghua City Lord stared at Lin Tian, ​​"Boy, you'd better prepare?"

   "Well, come on." Lin Tian smiled and looked at each other, and the Sanghua City Lord stretched out his hand, and countless flowers appeared in front of him, and these flowers turned into countless petals, and finally spun into a vortex.

  The petals of this vortex all hit Lin Tian, ​​"crackling", and everyone saw that Lin Tian's golden body was cracked a little.

  When everyone thought that Lin Tian's golden body was about to be smashed, the golden body was still strong in the last fifth.

   Seeing that there was still one-fifth left, this Lin Tian said depressedly, "It's a thousand immortals, still can't break it?"

  Sanghua City Lord stared at Lin Tian for a while and said, "It seems that I can only increase my efforts."

   "Continue." Lin Tian suddenly looked forward to it, and everyone wondered if the Sanghua City Lord wanted to increase his strength.

   However, what everyone could not imagine was that the Sanghua City Lord did not increase his strength, but instead released countless petals around Lin Tian.

   caused a wind around Lin Tian, ​​and the wind was getting stronger and stronger.

  When these winds intertwined with the flying blades transformed by these flowers, all kinds of fire came from Lin Tianjin.

   At the same time, he continued to crack the golden body, and Lin Tian was excited when he saw this scene, "Continue!"

   Everyone didn't expect that Lin Tian would continue like this, and the Sanghua City Lord continued, but Lin Tian's last tenth was well preserved.

   Seeing that the Sanghua City Lord has given up, he put away his strength and said, "It seems that I can't do anything to you."

   "Aren't you going to ascend to the Immortal Dao?"

   "It's unnecessary." Sanghua City Lord smiled, while Lin Tian smiled bitterly, "Just admit defeat?"

   "I didn't admit defeat, it's a draw at most." Sanghua City Lord smiled at Lin Tian, ​​and Lin Tian smiled and said, "With me, there is no draw."

  Sanghua City Lord smiled after hearing this, "What? You still want me to lose?"

   "Either I lose, or you lose." Lin Tian laughed at this moment in order to force the opponent to use his maximum strength.

  Sanghua City Lord smiled strangely, "Then let's see if you can beat me."

   "You think I can't do it?"

   "Your defense, I admit that it is very strong, but it is impossible to defeat me." That Sanghuacheng said to himself.

  The people present also felt that the city owner was right.

  Lin Tian smiled at the city lord, "Then I'm going to shoot, you have to be prepared."

"bring it on."

  Lin Tian released countless ghosts at this time, and the city lord released countless petals to protect himself, and some petals also directly scattered all the ghosts.

   Then Sanghua City Lord smiled and said, "You saw it too, you can't help me at all."

   "That's not necessarily true." After Lin Tian finished speaking, the earth clone was already standing behind her, and his hands were already condensed.

  Sanghua City Lord didn't take it seriously, and said, "It's just a soul spell, do you still want to hurt me?"

   Lin Tian hit the emptiness, and the emptiness fell on the opponent, the Sanghua City Lord didn't have anything at all, and smiled at Lin Tian, ​​"I said, the soul method is invalid for me."

   "You're not afraid of soul magic?" Lin Tian was a little surprised, and the Sanghua City Lord smiled and said, "I can stay here for many years and defend my city, naturally because I have the ability."

  Lin Tian had to smile in admiration, "It seems that I underestimated you."

   "How about it? A draw, how about it?" The city owner of Sanghua said with a smile, and the scene was hotly debated.

  Lin Tian didn't want to draw, because he still had to force the opponent to show his maximum strength, so Lin Tian smiled and said, "A draw is impossible."

After speaking, countless ghosts appeared again, but this time, these ghosts were not attacking Sanghua City Lord, but those ghosts released their ghosts one by one, and then formed an enchantment, wrapping the entire arena so that everyone could not see it. In this arena.

   "What's going on here?" Everyone wondered after seeing the darkness and a strong ghostly aura.

  Guard Jiao said anxiously, "City Lord, how are you?"

   Inside, the Sanghua City Lord smiled and said, "It's okay, I'll see what he's going to do."

   At this moment, everyone can only listen to the voice, so one by one guessing what Lin Tian is going to do.

   (end of this chapter)

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