Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 2060: shocked the audience

   Chapter 2060 Shocked the audience

  Lin Tian smiled slightly, "Come on!"

  The King of Bei Li snorted and stomped his feet hard. The entire ring shook, and the people watching around the ring also shook. Some people muttered, "This King of Bei Li is amazing!"

   "No, it's too powerful!"

   "The Way of the Five Immortals, it's just different." Someone was amazed, but the maid asked the woman beside him, "Miss, do you think he can resist a blow from King Bei Li?"

   "It's difficult, the King of Bei Li is here, and he has been number one for several months in a row. His strength is very huge, and it is not comparable to ordinary people."

   After hearing this, the maid said, "Then this kid, isn't he dead?"

  The young lady hesitated for a while and said, "It will probably be crushed."

   At this moment, not only this woman, but other people present also felt that if Lin Tian was hit by King Bei Li, his life would be worse than death.

   Immortal Emperor Lanjian and Dongfang Qingming laughed strangely, because they knew that Lin Tian would definitely be able to resist. As for King Beili, he punched in the air, and that punch contained a powerful force, and rushed in front of Lin Tian.

"Boom", that punch sent Lin Tian flying, but was stopped by the formation of the ring, so that he could still stand on the ring, and everyone thought that Lin Tian would fall apart, but who knew that Lin Tian was fine at all, instead he stared at himself Jin Jin He smiled and said, "Half cracked, not bad."

   Everyone was blinded, and they all looked puzzled, but Lin Tian returned to his senses and smiled at the King of Beili, "Come again."

   "You!" King Bei Li stared at his fist in disbelief, and muttered to himself, "My punch just now was so powerful, but why is he not afraid at all?"

   When King Bei Li was wondering, Lin Tian smiled evilly, "What? Don't continue?"

   "Boy, I'm just going to continue charging." The Beili King returned to his senses, and then continued charging, targeting Lin Tian, ​​but the others present began to be interested, and even talked about Lin Tian.

   "This kid, it's not easy, he was able to resist a punch just now."

   "No, the future is boundless."

   "Now he is an Immortal Monarch. If it is an Immortal Emperor, wouldn't he be the first person in Sanghua City?"

"Definitely is."

   Even the maid who was sitting there was excited, "Miss, he actually resisted, and nothing happened."

  The woman was also excited, "He, maybe that's what I'm looking for."

   "Miss, do you think he is very powerful?"

   "He's only an Immortal Monarch now, so he is so terrifying. What if Immortal Emperor? Or condensed into Immortal Dao?" The woman asked back, and the maid understood, "That's very scary."

   "Yes, no matter what, we must win him over." The woman was looking forward to it, but the maid said anxiously, "Look, there are people from other families sitting around, they probably want to abduct him immediately."

"You, find a way to keep an eye on those two people." The woman said to the maid, and the maid sat there silently, waiting for Dongfang Qingming and the two of them, and on the ring, the Beili King attacked again, and the target was exactly Lin Tian.

   The punch from King Bei Li this time was countless times bigger than before, and there was a buzzing sound in the air. This was the scene when the shadow of the fist was scratching in the air.

   "Boy, go to hell!" King Bei Li shouted, then punched him.

   Lin Tian had nothing to do, and he resisted this attack abruptly, while Lin Tian's golden body was broken by two-thirds, and it was still a third short of it.

  Lin Tian also looked down at himself, then smiled at King Bei Li, "It's not enough."

"You." King Bei Li was stunned, and the onlookers stood up one after another. Some people shouted in excitement, but King Bei Li looked ugly because he knew that if he lost to Lin Tian today, he would be very sad in the future. It is difficult to get immortal crystals every day, and other families may not necessarily give him high prices.

   Thinking of this, King Bei Li was not reconciled, and said, "Boy, next, I'm going to get serious."

   After saying that, King Bei Li sat down and his strength began to condense, and then this King Bei Li had scales on his body, and his eyes were still fixed on Lin Tian, ​​"Boy, it's time to give you a ride."

   Everyone asked suspiciously, "Is this Lin Armor Technique?"

   "Yes, one of the thaumaturgical arts."

   "I didn't expect that, Lin Jiashu, is like this."

   Dongfang Qingming asked curiously, "What is Linjiashu?"

   Immortal Emperor Lanjian didn't understand, "This month, Wang Xing's cultivation method is a little different from ours, and I have never heard of this thaumaturgy."

   Dongfang Qingming snorted and continued to look at Lin Tian, ​​but the King of Northern Power suddenly made a move, all the scales on his body flew out, and turned into flying knives, hitting Lin Tian one by one.

   This power is stronger than the power just now, and Lin Tian's golden body is completely shattered.

  The King of Northern Power was overjoyed, "It's dead!"

   Everyone felt that it was a pity, after all, Lin Tian was so strong, but now that once the golden body is broken, the fairy will also be shattered, and in the end life is better than death.

   What everyone couldn't think of was that Lin Tian suddenly had another golden body, and the King of Northern Li was blinded, "Isn't your golden body broken?"

  Lin Tian smiled and said, "This is the fifth golden body."

   At the same time, Lin Tianxiu arrived at the Four-Star Immortal Monarch, and the people present were dumbfounded, and the girl said strangely, "Miss, isn't there only one golden body? Why does he have so many."

   "I don't know either." The woman didn't understand, and King Bei Li was annoyed, "I don't care how many you have, I will smash you today."

   After finishing speaking, the King of Northern Power continued to try, but the result was the same, no matter how hard the King of Northern Power tried, he could not do anything to Lin Tian, ​​and the fifth-layer golden body was not affected in any way.

  Lin Tian had no choice but to say, "It's time to end."

  Beijing King was stunned, "End?"

   "Yes." Lin Tian took out his qin, and the King of Bei Li immediately stepped back and became alert, "Boy, what are you doing?"

   "It seems that you are a little smarter than the person just now, and you know to keep a certain distance from me."

   "Hey, boy, I don't care what magic weapon you use, I'm not afraid of you." After speaking, the Lin armor appeared on King Bei Li's body again, protecting himself, leaving only a pair of eyes staring at Lin Tian.

  Lin Tian smiled at them, "Okay, no nonsense."

The   qin sounded again, and the King of Northern Power stepped back in discomfort and kept his distance, "Hmph, as long as I keep a distance from you, it will be fine."

   Everyone also discovered this problem, but Lin Tian smiled and said, "Do you think I only have this piano sound?"

"Don't you have any other means?" The North Power King teased, and Lin Tian's avatar suddenly appeared behind the North Power King and fell directly on his back. Even if the other party had Linjia, the result would be one Like, screamed directly.

   Everyone present was dumbfounded, especially some members of the family, who became demented one by one, "What kind of avatar is this?"

   "What attack was that just now?"

   That maid was even more stunned, "Miss, this."

   (end of this chapter)

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