Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 2053: Ten thousand worlds come

   Chapter 2053 Ten Thousand Realms Come

The ghost beast rushed into Lin Tian's body at once, looking fierce, and Fan Qing in the sedan chair said proudly after seeing the ghost beast succeed, "Dare to be arrogant in my Fantong City, and don't even look at anyone's territory. "

   Mu Xiao, who was there, was shocked, and Mu Qing held Lin Tian's arm and said anxiously, "You, are you alright."

  Lin Tian stood there motionless, but he was actually subduing the ghost beast, while Fan Qing in the sedan chair laughed, "Little baby, stop shouting, his fairy soul is being eaten away by my ghost beast a little bit!"

   "You, you big rascal!" Mu Qing shouted angrily, while Fan Qing in the sedan chair laughed and even teased, "You curse just like your mother."

Mu Qing immediately burst into tears, and Mu Xiao hurriedly protected Mu Qing, then stared at Lin Tian, ​​but he found that Lin Tian's soul did not weaken, so he comforted, "Don't worry, he may not be in trouble. "

  Mu Qing stared at Lin Tian with tears in her eyes, while Fan Qing in the sedan chair laughed, "Beggar, don't appease your daughter, it's useless!"

   But as soon as these words fell, Lin Tian regained his senses, and looked at Mu Qing who was tearful and said with a smile, "Why are you crying?"

  Mu Qing was stunned for a moment and then said with tears, "I thought you were going to die."

  Lin Tian smiled slightly after hearing this, "Don't worry, in this world, no one can hurt me."

   But the onlookers were stunned, especially the guards staring at Lin Tian as if they were looking at monsters. Fan Qing in the sedan chair was even more anxious, "Impossible, how could this happen?"

  Mu Xiao heaved a sigh of relief, while Lin Tian turned to look at the sedan chair and said with a smile, "Would you like to see your ghost beast?"

   "You, what do you think of it?" Fan Qing became anxious after he was suddenly unable to contact his ghost and beast.

  Lin Tian released the ghost beast, and the ghost beast stood there, like Lin Tian's servant, motionless, listening to Lin Tian's orders at any time.

   Everyone was dumbfounded, and that Fan Qing controlled and shouted in various ways, just to let this ghost beast return to his control.

   But this ghost beast doesn't care about him, and let this Fan Qing shout, making everyone look stupid, and Lin Tian smiled and said, "Stop shouting, it's useless, now this ghost beast, it only listens to me."

   "Impossible!" Fan Qing said, while Lin Tianxie smiled, "Don't believe it? Then you should be optimistic."

   After finishing speaking, Lin Tian ordered the ghost beast, "Go, bring all these guards down to me."

  The ghost beast was like an afterimage, and then passed through these guards one by one, and the next moment, these guards fell one by one.

   The rest of the guards were frightened and fled one after another, while Fan Qing who was in the sedan chair was in a hurry, leaped and came out of the sedan chair.

   Then there was a ghost energy from his body, and his right hand was stretched out. Then the ghost energy on his right hand turned into a whip, and he threw it out, entangled the ghost beast, and quickly pulled it back, and then the ghost beast disappeared.

  Lin Tian smiled and said, "That's right, this ghost beast was taken away so easily."

   "What I made out, I can easily destroy it." This Fan Qing exuded a ghostly energy and glared at Lin Tian.

  Muxiao stared at the plain dantian, found that there were many layers of faint black light emitting, and said in surprise, "He is already in the Nine Stars Immortal Emperor Five Thousand Realm."

  Lin Tian laughed when he heard this, "Five thousand realms? That's just stronger than that sea of ​​swords."

Having said that, Mu Xiao knows that there is a difference between the Three Thousand Realm and the Five Thousand Realm, and Fan Qing's immortal is close to the king level, much stronger than the earth-level immortal like Daohai, so he Some concerns.

  Ke Fanqing became annoyed when he saw that Lin Tian dared to insult himself, "Boy, are you insulting me?"

   "I didn't insult you, I just thought that you were weak." Lin Tian looked at him with a smile, while Fan Qing was annoyed, and the whip in his hand hit Lin Tian again.

  But Lin Tian stood there, doing nothing at all, letting the opponent attack.

   Everyone present was stunned, and Fan Qing was stunned, "Impossible, how can you resist my attack as an immortal."

   "You should still use the immortal technique, this kind of ghost technique is really useless to me." Lin Tian smiled strangely after looking at the ghost technique whip that the other party cast.

  Fanqing glared angrily, and then threw the whip in various ways, just to kill Lin Tian, ​​but the result was the same, Lin Tian was fine.

   "Boy, you are so nasty!" The Fan Qing finally panted.

  Lin Tian smiled, "Find some more powerful people, otherwise, with your strength, it will not work at all."

   Hearing this, Fan Qing said angrily, "Boy, do you really think that I can't help you?"

   "Come on, let me see." Lin Tian smiled at him.

   This Fanqing gritted his teeth in a hurry, and immediately took out the sound transmission stone. After talking about it, that Fanqing put away the sound transmission stone and hummed, "Boy, I have let the four guards of my mansion come out."

   "The four guards? Are they good? If they are not good, I won't play with them." Lin Tian said with a smile.

   Everyone heard that the four guards were already frightened, but Lin Tian didn't take it seriously and laughed, while Fan Qing sneered, "The four guards are all nine-star Immortal Emperors of ten thousand realms."

   Hearing Ten Thousand Realms, some of the loose cultivators were stunned, and that Mu Xiao also took a breath and stared at Lin Tian, ​​"Little brother, hurry up and withdraw."

   "No, I'm here, in addition to helping you get revenge, I'm looking for those experts." Lin Tian smiled at this Mu Xiao.

  Mu Xiao was stunned for a while, not knowing what to say, and at this moment, four fast shadows appeared behind this Fan Qing, and respectfully said, "Young Master."

   These four people had their faces painted black, and they couldn't see what they looked like, but the aura they exuded was really strong.

   Countless people present were stunned by this powerful breath, and some were unable to breathe, so they quickly retreated far away.

   Fan Qing pointed at Lin Tian happily, "Take him down for me."

  The four masters glanced at Lin Tian, ​​and someone asked suspiciously, "Young Master, this is just a fairy, do you want us to take action?"

  Fan Qing glared, "If I can solve it, why would I ask you to do it?"

   The four masters looked at each other, so one of them said, "I'll try it!"

After    finished speaking, the man walked out, and then a powerful force was condensed with one palm, and then the force was shot out.

"Boom!" The palm hit Lin Tian hard, causing Lin Tian to take a few steps back, but Lin Tian was not injured at all, and even looked at the person who shot, "10,000 realm, is this ability? "

   "You!" The man was stunned, and the other three felt a little surprised. As for Fan Qing, he posted an order, "You guys, you must take him down for me!"

   After receiving the order, the four responded, "Yes."

   So the four of them stepped forward one after another. After they were only a short distance away from Lin Tian, ​​the four of them charged up together, while Lin Tian asked Mu Xiao and the others to retreat. As for Lin Tian, ​​he stood there alone, waiting for the attack of the four.

  The onlookers murmured curiously.

   "What is this guy's golden body made of, why is it so hard."

"who knows?"

   "This is the first time I have seen such a terrifying golden body!"

   (end of this chapter)

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