Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 2017: don't mess with me!

   Chapter 2017 Don't mess with me!

  Tianxing Mansion, as the Seven Star Immortal Mansion, but today suddenly an order, the mansion became lively, making everyone on guard.

  Some people are still wondering, "What happened? You have to be on guard."

   "It is said that an angel is coming."

   "Heaven Immortal? What's there to be afraid of?" Some people wondered, while others didn't understand. As for Yuan Hunter, who was swimming in some guard groups, he warned them, "Be sure to pay attention to me, you know?"

   Those people were kind, until after Yuan Li left, these people muttered again, "What's wrong with this commander? Why does it seem like some terrible person has come."

   "Isn't that angel?"

   "I don't understand, it's just a fairy, is this necessary?"

   Everyone complained, until after a while, someone shouted, "Come on, everyone is on guard!"

  Everyone immediately looked at the gate of the mansion, and at this time, Lin Tian and Sha Yuan, led by Dong Feijian, entered the mansion and went to a corridor.

   But Lin Tian suddenly discovered those dark whistles in the dark.

   This made Lin Tian have to laugh, "They're all waiting for me."

   Dong Feijian shook his head quickly, "I, I didn't."

   "I'm not talking about you, I'm talking about some people." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he took out an immortal stone and hit a place.

   There was originally a blocking formation in that place, but the formation disappeared the next moment, and a bunch of people were exposed in front of everyone.

  Sha Yuan gasped, "So many people."

  Lin Tian laughed and said, "There's more!"

After    finished speaking, Lin Tian hit another immortal stone in a place, and a bunch of people immediately appeared in that place.

   Seeing Dong Feijian here, he said embarrassedly, "Sir, this."

   "Continue to lead your way." Lin Tian ignored them and smiled, and this Dong Feijian had to continue to lead the way.

  Sha Yuan, who was beside Lin Tian, ​​laughed at them, "You say you, all ignorant guys."

   These people were despised, so naturally they were unhappy and wanted to go out and teach Sha Yuan a lesson, but Yuan Hunt ordered them to stay there.

   Then Yuanhun appeared in front, and stood outside a teleportation hall, smiling at Lin Tian, ​​"Boy, do you want to use a teleportation array?"

   "I didn't expect you to get another body." Lin Tian smiled when he saw this Yuan Hunter, and Yuan Hunter glared, "Don't be complacent, my hatred with you is not counted yet!"

   "What are you going to do?" Lin Tian asked with a smile, and that Yuanhun was afraid to say it, so Lin Tian fled, so he said coldly, "I won't say it now."

   "Don't say it? Then I'll go." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he asked Dong Feijian to continue to lead the way, but Yuanhun didn't mean to stop Lin Tian.

   On the contrary, the guards nearby were anxious, and some even shouted to the Yuanhun, "Commander, when are we going to start?"

   "Commander, wait for him to leave."

   "Commander, make a decision."

   Yuan Hunter held back until Lin Tian and others entered the hall, the Yuan Hunter was overjoyed, "It's done."

   Everyone was puzzled until someone discovered that the hidden formation in the hall was activated, and Lin Tian and others were trapped in a formation.

   Yuan Hunter laughed, and even came to the door of the hall, staring at the transparent formation and said with a smile, "Boy, be fooled."

   "Do you think I don't know anything?" Lin Tianxiao asked this Yuanhun, and Yuanhun asked suspiciously, "What do you mean?"

   "I knew you had a formation in this temple." Lin Tian smiled slightly, then threw a few immortal stones, destroying the formation, and punched the formation.

   That formation was immediately shattered, and everyone present was stunned, and some people stammered, "Isn't he a genius? Why was he able to break the formation?"

   "It seems that he broke the formation first before breaking the formation." Someone said with sharp eyes.

  Some people said strangely, "This, isn't it too powerful?"

   "It seems that this fairy is not an ordinary fairy." Some people suspected, and the Yuanhun was frightened, and quickly backed away, and ordered, "Give it to me!"

  These unbearable people rushed up immediately, blocking Lin Tian and others at the entrance of the main hall, and some powerful Immortal Kings entered the hall first and surrounded Lin Tian and the others.

  Sha Yuan said excitedly, "Little Master, hurry up and release that dragon of yours and clean up these Immortal Kings."

   Those Immortal Kings didn't know what Sha Yuan said, but someone warned, "Boy, if you don't want to die, just surrender obediently, or you'll be finished when we do it."

  Lin Tian smiled bitterly, "Commander Yuan, is this your subordinate? Why are they all so stupid!"

   When these people heard Lin Tian's words, they immediately became angry, and the Yuan Li said, "Boy, last time I was overcast by you, but this is our place, I don't believe what you can do to them."

   "Oh? Really? Then you can be optimistic." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he released the Jiaolong Ghost King, and the Jiaolong Ghost King said impatiently, "Let me clean up this garbage again."

  Those people were annoyed when they heard the garbage, and some of the guards even shouted, "Who are you talking about garbage?"

   "It's you who said it!" After the Dragon Ghost King finished speaking, he leaped over and exhaled the ghost dragon energy.

   This ghost and dragon anger corroded half of the man's body.

   Everyone present was frightened, looking at each other, and some shouted, "Come on together."

  Some immortal kings rushed up immediately, but the dragon ghost kings shuttled and sprayed them one by one, and all those people were corrupted to the end.

   The people blocking the outside were so frightened that they quickly backed away, while Yuan Li said in a rage, "What are you afraid of, give it to me."

   But everyone ran behind Yuan Hunter, and the Dragon Ghost King looked down on Yuan Hunter and said with contempt, "Are you going to go?"

   "I, I'm not going." Yuan Hunt was so frightened that he turned around, and the Dragon Ghost King grabbed him by the shoulder and threw it to Lin Tian's side, "Here it is for you."

  Lin Tian looked at Yuan Hunter, who had been seriously injured, and said with a smile, "You said you didn't cultivate well, why did you come to join in the fun?"

   "Boy, I, the Palace Master, will not let you go!" The Yuan Li stammered, while Lin Tian sneered, "The Palace Master? What about him?"

   "I'm here." At this moment, a voice came from not far away, and then an Immortal Emperor appeared, and it was a five-star Immortal Emperor.

   Not only that, but next to this Immortal Emperor, there are also several Immortal Emperors with three or four stars.

   Yuanhun said excitedly, "Palace Master, save, save me!"

  Lin Tian looked at the five-star Immortal Emperor Palace Master and said with a smile, "Is your Tianxing Immortal Palace the same as the Xuanming Immortal Palace?"

   "Boy, are you threatening me?" The palace lord glared at him, while Lin Tian smiled at him, "I never mess with people, but if others mess with me, there is only one result."

   When everyone heard this, they suddenly felt that Lin Tian was too crazy, and even their Palace Master didn't even care about it.

   The mansion owner laughed, "Boy, we are all immortal emperors, do you think that with such a ghost beast, you can do whatever you want?"

   (end of this chapter)

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