Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 2004: capricious group of people

   Chapter 2004 A capricious group of people

   "For you? Do you think it's possible?" Lin Tian smiled strangely, then threw the armor to that Dongfang Qingming, "What are you looking at? Put it on!"

   That Jin Daoya said angrily, "Dongfang Qingming, if you dare to wear it, you will be finished!"

   "This, I picked it up on the ground, it's none of my business!" Dongfang Qingming pretended to be stupid and cooperated with Lin Tian, ​​while that Jin Daoya said angrily, "You, take it off for me!"

   "I said that I picked it up, and I kept a record just now. If someone asks, I will just show them the picture I picked up." Dongfang Qingming said with a smile.

  Jin Daoya was not spitting up blood on the spot, but he still had reason and reason, "But I asked you to give it back to me now, but if you don't give it to me, it's illegal!"

   "Illegal? I don't know what the alliance's regulations are. If you find something, you must return it?" Dongfang Qingming asked back.

   Jin Daoya was too angry to speak, he could only look at Lin Tian angrily, "Boy, it's all you!"

   "It's me, so what? What can you do to me?" Lin Tian smiled at Jin Daoya, but Jin Daoya was annoyed, "You think I can't help you, right?"

  Lin Tian released a ghost and said with a smile, "Come on, come on, I'll see how many you can destroy."

   Jin Daoya glanced at him, and all he saw in the foggy sight was Lin Tian, ​​so angry that he shouted to the people around him, "Give me, kill, kill those!"


   These Immortal Emperors spread their momentum one by one, directly shaking all the surrounding ghosts away, and the Jin Daoya hummed, "If you don't see it, don't worry about it!"

  Lin Tian's deity fell to the side and said with a smile, "I see, you guys, don't wear armor."

After   , Lin Tian took away all the clothes and armor of these people, and then they were all shocked, and some people were even more scared, "How can we go out without clothes?"

   "What's more, soon, we'll have trouble breathing!"

   "It's over, hurry up and get your clothes back!"

   These people shouted one by one, so they locked Lin Tian one by one. Who knew that Lin Tian destroyed all the armor in front of him and turned it into a pile of scrap metal.

   "It's over!" One by one was shocked and pale, but the Jin Daoya pointed at the Dongfang Qingming and said, "He has another one."

   Everyone immediately looked at Dongfang Qingming one by one, as if seeing a baby, and that Dongfang Qingming was startled, "There's only one piece of this, and there are so many of you, it's not enough for you!"

   When these words came out, everyone thought it was reasonable, but the Jin Daoya said, "As long as you get this clothes, you can find your way out, so one piece is enough."

   Everyone suddenly realized, so they accused Dongfang Qingming one by one, and even asked this Dongfang Qingming to hand over his clothes.

  Lin Tian looked at everyone with a smile, "Whoever took it, then I'll scrap this last one."

   These words frightened everyone, and all of them stared at Lin Tian in horror, "You, what do you want?"

   Jin Daoya couldn't help but said, "What do you want to do?"

   "It's very simple, beg him and let him take you out." Lin Tian smiled and looked at these people, and these people just started to get angry, go berserk, and some cursed.

Lin Tian smiled and said, "You keep scolding, keep getting angry, or find a way to kill me, so that I won't destroy the magic weapon, but don't forget, I can unleash countless shadows indefinitely, and here and there It’s all fog again, how could you all destroy me?”

   When everyone heard this, they all knew that it was impossible to destroy Lin Tian, ​​so someone looked at Dongfang Qingming, "Brother Dongfang, for the sake of our alliance, take us out."

   "Yes, if we stay here for half an hour, we will soon be unable to use the power in our body, and we will have to wait to die in the end."

   "No, we are all allies after all. If you are kind, just take us out."

   Jin Daoya looked at these people with an ugly expression, "You, you bunch of useless things."

   Someone immediately despised Jin Daoya, "Brother Jin, it's all you, if it weren't for you, we wouldn't be like this."

   "That's right, Brother Jin, it's all your fault, you must apologize to Brother Dongfang!"

   This scene made Jin Daoya look at everyone angrily, but that Dongfang Qingming didn't expect everyone to compliment himself and despise Jin Daoya in order to go out.

  Lin Tian smiled at Dongfang Qingming, "See, these people are the people in your so-called alliance."

   Dongfang Qingming didn't know what to say, after all, just now these people were yelling to clean up themselves, but now they are.

  Jin Daoya stared at Lin Tian, ​​"Boy, don't be complacent!"

   "What? Do you have any other way?" Lin Tianxiao asked this Jin Daoya.

   Jin Daoya was furious there, but in the end he suddenly said to Lin Tian, ​​"Boy, as long as you let us out, I will give you as many immortal stones and magic weapons as you want."

   "What? Are you begging me? Or?"

   "Cooperation!" Jin Daoya said cheekily, while Lin Tian smiled and said, "Cooperation?"


  Lin Tian smiled strangely, "I have conditions."

"What conditions?" Jin Daoya asked happily after seeing that Lin Tian agreed to compromise, and Lin Tian said, "This, first of all, you have to apologize to him, as well as to the Ghost Demon and Immortal Emperor, and what Lin Emperor apologizes for? , and secondly, hand over all the valuable things on you, as for the last one, I will tell you when I think about it."

   When Jin Daoya heard this, this was acceptable, so he hurriedly said to that Dongfang Qingming, "Brother Dongfang, I was wrong just now. I shouldn't say that you are not with that ghost and fairy emperor, and that what Lin emperor."

   Dongfang Qingming knew that the other party was not sincere, so he glared and said, "Do you think I am a fool?"

   "I've already apologized to you, what do you want?" This Jin Daoya was very depressed.

   Dongfang Qingming smiled strangely, "Is this an apology? How about sincerity?"

   "What kind of sincerity do you want?"

   Dongfang Qingming thought about it, "Well, I'll talk about it when I think about it."

   "You, you bastard, are you kidding me?" The Jin Daoya scolded in anger, but Dongfang Qingming said, "What? Don't want to go out?"

   Jin Daoya held back his anger and said, "What do you want?"

   "I said it, I'll talk about it when I think about it."

  Jin Daoya had no choice but to hold back, and then voiced to several other people, "See, this Dongfang Qingming has no intention of letting us go at all."

   Everyone was startled, and Jin Daoya reassured, "Don't worry, let's discuss how to take this Dongfang Qingming down."

   "Won Dongfang Qingming?" Some people were curious, and the Jin Daoya said gracefully, "Now he is easy to deal with, and that guy has too many shadows to deal with."

   "Brother Jin, Brother Dongfang, although he is a two-star Immortal Emperor, you and I both know that his talent is very strong and can completely resist our attack." Someone said.

   Jin Daoya stared, "Sneak attack, do you know?"

   "Sneak attack?"

   "Yes, wait, I will find a good opportunity, and then an order, everyone will immediately attack him first, you know?"

   Everyone felt that this method was okay, so they reached an agreement in private.

   (end of this chapter)

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