Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 1976: Temporary formation

   Chapter 1976 Temporary formation

   Yuanhun on this tiger's back stared at Fen Shitian, smiling like he was looking at his prey, "I am the strongest Immortal King, how dare you compare with me?"

   "I'm not bad either." Fen Shitian felt that the power in his body was bursting out all the time, and the Yuanhun sneered, "Oh? It's still crazy, right?"

   That Palace Master Xuan also stared at that Fen Shitian and teased, "Don't think that you are the inheritor, just think that you are very powerful!"

   "Anyway, it's enough to deal with him." Fen Shitian believed in himself, but Palace Master Xuan smiled strangely, "Do you have the Immortal Throne?"

   "No, so what?" Fen Shitian didn't care at all, and the Xuan Palace Master laughed, "People are Yuanhun, but Seven Stars Cepheus, do you know what Seven Stars mean? There can be several forms!"

   Fen Shitian didn't take it seriously, and still stared at the Yuanhun, "Come on!"

   "Just you? My mounts are better than you." After that, Yuan Hunter stroked the old black, and the white tiger suddenly opened his mouth, and then spewed out a golden lightsaber.

   Fen Shitian was shocked and quickly avoided, but this white tiger attacked very quickly, with one blow and one sword, Fen Shitian could only dodge, and there was no chance to attack that Yuanhun.

   This made the people in the courtyard marveled, and Fen Shitian was very depressed. As for Yuan Hunter, he laughed, "Even my mount, you are struggling so hard, how can you fight me?"

  The weather of burning the world flew away in a hurry, fell to Lin Tian's side and said ashamedly, "Senior, me."

   "Your Immortal Throne hasn't condensed yet, so you can't reveal the true power of Immortal King." Lin Tian comforted, but Fen Shitian was still very depressed.

  Lin Tian took a leap, came to the air and stared at the Yuanhunter and said with a smile, "I'll do it."

  Yuanhun smiled strangely, "He can't do anything about the Eight-star Immortal King. You are an immortal, so you just want to make a gesture? Do you think you are not dying fast enough?"

   "Try it, maybe I can do it." Lin Tian smiled at the other party, while the Yuan Hunter sneered, "Don't think that you have accepted a few Immortal Kings, you really think you are very powerful."

   Lin Tian smiled, and the Yuanhun was not happy, and said to the white tiger, "Crush him to pieces."

   The white tiger immediately opened his mouth to Lin Tian, ​​and shot a sword shadow at the same speed as before, very fast.

   But Lin Tian has a ghost, and it spreads out, and the White Tiger's attack is naturally empty.

   Yuanhun was not happy, and said to Baihu, "Exterminate all his shadows for me."

  The white tiger shot out countless sword shadows, and these sword shadows flew around in the air, smashing all the shadows at once.

   Until the end, these sword shadows flew towards Lin Tian, ​​but these sword shadows hit Lin Tian one by one, but they had no effect on Lin Tian.

   Everyone was startled, in fact, this is Lin Tian's golden avatar, and the golden avatar can absorb the golden fairy.

   The opponent's attack landed on Lin Tianjin's body, and naturally it would have no effect, and this scene shocked Palace Master Xuan, "Elder, he must have a magic weapon on him."

  The white tiger still showed his fangs and looked very angry, but Yuanhun smiled, "Magic weapon? Then let me see, what magic weapon!"

After   , Yuanhun let the white tiger continue to attack, so the white tiger attacked wildly, but the result was the same, and he couldn't do anything to Lin Tian at all.

  Lin Tian asked and smiled at them, "Is there any way?"

   Yuanhun had to stop the white tiger, and hummed, "Then I'll let you try my animal whip!"

   "Beast whip?"

   "Yes, those who specialize in whipping beasts, it's enough to deal with you." After the other party finished speaking, a whip hit him, and there was a crackling sound in the air, as if scratching.

   But the whip stopped in front of Lin Tian, ​​which shocked Yuan Hunter, "What's going on here?"

   Palace Master Xuan also became weird, "Elder, what's wrong with you?"

   "This whip is out of my control!" The Yuan Hunter was very depressed, and Palace Master Xuan was worried, "Then what should we do now?"

   Yuanhun hummed, "I can take care of him without using magic weapons!"

After   , Yuan Hunter was going to put away the magic weapon, but it ended up in Lin Tian's hands, and Lin Tian smiled and said, "This whip is pretty good, but I don't know how it would feel if it hits you."

   Yuanhun said coldly, "Stop dreaming!"

Lin Tian hit the whip at once, and the white tiger moved away in an instant, then Yuanhun said proudly, "Boy, my white tiger's movement speed is comparable to that of the Nine Stars Immortal King, so you immortal, let alone attack, just want to see where it goes. , impossible!"

  Lin Tian laughed and said, "Then let me try this."

   Then Lin Tian took out the ghostly trapped beast stick, and when the white tiger saw this, he felt inexplicably uneasy and even trembled.

   Yuanhun shouted, "What are you doing?"

   "I don't know either, this guy's magic weapon is not simple." Baihu said to him through voice transmission, while Yuanhun stared at Lin Tian and said, "Boy, take a broken stick, it's amazing?"

   "It's not that great, but it's quite useful to deal with this fairy beast." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he moved quickly and rushed towards the white tiger.

   But this white tiger is strong after all, comparable to the Nine-star Immortal King, so it moves so fast that Lin Tian can't keep up.

   Yuanhun still laughed on the mount, "Tianxian, still want to chase? Stop dreaming!"

  Lin Tian had to admit that his cultivation was still too weak, but he laughed and said, "Can't you help me?"

   Yuanhun sneered, "I can't help you? That's because I didn't exert my strength!"

   "Then try your best!" Lin Tian stared at Yuan Hunter and said, while Yuan Hunter said coldly, "Okay!"

   The next moment, the white tiger suddenly appeared behind Lin Tian, ​​and Fen Shitian was shocked, "Be careful!"

   But this Yuanhun had already shot and slapped it directly, and Lin Tian quickly separated out countless ghosts and avoided the opponent's attack.

   That Yuanhun cursed, "Rogue!"

   "This is called a means." Lin Tian laughed, but Yuan Hunt was not reconciled, and asked the white tiger to find Lin Tian's deity again.

  Lin Tian, ​​these ghosts are the same as the deity, so the white tiger has no choice but to continue spraying sword energy to disperse those ghosts.

  Lin Tian knew this was not the way to go, so he took a leap and said with a smile, "If you have the ability, come here."

  Everyone was curious about what Lin Tian was going to do, but the white tiger immediately caught up, and Yuanhun shouted, "Don't run away!"

   Then Baihu and Yuanhun were chasing Lin Tian.

   But several of Lin Tian's clones were on the ground, and Fen Shitian said in shock, "Senior, why are you here?"

  Second Elder Xuan Ming and the others also stared at Lin Tian strangely. As for Lin Tian, ​​he said with a smile, "Let him play slowly, and I will set up the formation first."

   "Arrange a formation?" Everyone was puzzled, but Lin Tianen said, "I want to arrange a formation to deal with him."

After   , Lin Tian began to look for a place in this Xuan Nether Palace, but the Xuan Palace Master saw that Lin Tian's clones were there, but he didn't dare to go down, so he could only stare there.

   Lin Tian's clones came to a corner, and then started to form the formation, and Fen Shitian asked curiously, "Senior, can this deal with him?"

   "Of course there's no problem!" Lin Tian smiled confidently, but others didn't believe it. After all, the Nine Stars Immortal King cannot be trapped by ordinary formations.

   (end of this chapter)

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