Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 1961: obediently obey

   Chapter 1961 Obey obediently

   Fen Shitian was about to explode with anger, but he had to stare at Lin Tian and said, "I don't want to grab it, I can take it too!"

   After finishing speaking, as soon as this Fen Shitian entered, he shouted to the boss, "Shopkeeper, I want all your things."

   Everyone present was stunned, especially some of the people who came to buy things, and they were still resentful. Some people even said, "I said Young Master Fen, what do you mean?"

   "Fen Shitian, you coward, don't you really think we're afraid of you, right?"

   All of a sudden, all kinds of noises spread, and Fen Shitian flashed a flash of light and pointed at Lin Tian, ​​"He asked me to come in and grab it. If you want to find him, just find him."

   "Grab?" Everyone was even more confused, but Lin Tian didn't expect this Fen Shitian to be careful and smiled helplessly, "Come out for me."

   Fen Shitian came out, stared at Lin Tian and said triumphantly, "What? Go back?"

   "Go, attack them." Lin Tian said to Fen Shitian, and Fen Shitian widened his eyes, "You."

   Those onlookers also wondered who this Lin Tian was and why he could let Fen Shitian do things, but Lin Tian smiled at Fen Shitian, "You want to dig a hole for me, do you think you are very good?"

   "I." This Fen Shitian was speechless immediately, but Lin Tian smiled strangely, "Okay, now I don't want to talk nonsense, you, hurry up."

   Fen Shitian turned around depressed and stared at everyone in the store, "Everyone, you saw that this guy asked me to hit you."

After   , Fen Shitian was about to take action, but there were many golden immortals here, and how could this immortal Fen Shitian be someone else's opponent, so a group of people rushed out.

Some people even scolded, "Young Master Fen, do you think we will be afraid of you?"

   "That's right, we're not afraid of you burning your home."

   All of a sudden, everyone was attacking that Fen Shitian, and Fen Shitian pointed at Lin Tian, ​​"It's him."

   But no one believed it, and some people even said, "He is a genius and can control you? Or what?"

   "My father asked me to listen to him." Fen Shitian said honestly, but no one believed him, but Lin Tian laughed and said nothing.

   That Fen Shitian was depressed until Lin Tian smiled and said, "What? Don't you dare to do it?"

   Fen Shitian gritted his teeth, and then prepared to continue attacking those people, but he was blasted out again.

   In the end, this Fen Shitian was very embarrassed, still staring at Lin Tiandao, "Now, are you satisfied?"

   "At this level, you still want to bully people all day long. You must be dreaming too much."

   "You just dreamed." Fen Shitian refused to accept it, but Lin Tian smiled and said, "Oh? It's still very dragging, isn't it? Well, I'll take you to a more dangerous place."

   "What are you doing?" Fen Shitian's eyes widened, but Lin Tian ignored him and continued to walk down the street with Fen Shitian, while the onlookers scolded Fen Shitian for being sick.

   Regarding Fen Shitian, he asked angrily, "Where do you want to go?"

   "Find an interesting place." Lin Tian started to walk around the city and looked around, while that Fen Shitian was depressed, "What place?"

   "You can learn from each other, and there are benefits to take. I think there are quite a few in every city." Lin Tian looked around.

   Fen Shitian's eyes widened, "You want me to fight in the ring?"

"Is there a problem?"

   "Poor people, desperadoes, only go there. What am I going to do there?" That Fen Shitian despised that place, but Lin Tian smiled and said, "You have to fight too."

   "You, what do you mean?"

   "If you want to fight, what's the matter? Still not satisfied?" Lin Tian stared at Fen Shitian and asked, but Fen Shitian had to grit his teeth, "You, you are cruel."

   "Be good, or else I'll go back to your Fen's house and hide!" Lin Tian reprimanded rudely, while Fen Shitian was speechless and could only snort.

  Lin Tian inquired about passers-by, and then knew that there was really a backstage laughter, "Let's go."

   Fen Shitian said in shock, "Boy, I'm not joking with you, can you stop making trouble?"

   "I just made trouble, what's wrong?" Lin Tian smiled at Fen Shitian, but Fen Shitian panicked, but Lin Tian ignored him and took him to a place.

   This place is called Xianwutai. To put it simply, it is a place to learn from each other and earn benefits.

   However, this kind of place is only for the desperados or the poor, because every time they compete, there may be accidents or even death, but there are also rich rewards for winning.

   Therefore, as soon as you enter, you can still hear a lot of lively sounds, and those lively sounds are naturally countless people cheering each other on the people in the arena.

  Not only that, there are also gambling games on the spot, so there are many gamblers here, and among these gamblers, there are many rich people, and even some big-name people.

  Even if Fen Shitian was here, it wouldn't be considered a number, but instead attracted many people to laugh at him, "Look, this coward is here."

   "This guy is timid, but he makes good money."

   "No, you lose billions each time."

  Lin Tian didn't expect that Fen Shitian would often come to this kind of place and said with a smile, "That's right, I come to this kind of place often."

   Fen Shitian looked ugly, "Boy, let me tell you, I want to save face."

   "You want face, what does it have to do with me?"

"Everyone knows my origin. If I go up to discuss with others, I will be laughed at." That Fen Shitian stared, and Lin Tian laughed, "If you want to save face, you can go back now and tell your father, you If you don't want to listen to me, and then you lose to me in the morning, you can rest assured and continue to be your coward and useless."

"Who's a jerk?" That Fen Shitian was immediately stimulated, and Lin Tian laughed, "Isn't it? You live by the aura of the Fen family all day long. If it weren't for the Fen family, you probably wouldn't know where to hide. ."

   "I won't die." That Fen Shitian proudly said, while Lin Tian smiled and said, "This is also the inheritance power of the Fen family, but you are the most trashy one, aren't you?"

   "You, you're trash." The weather in the Burning World was deteriorating, but Lin Tian didn't say anything, just smiled silently at him.

   Fen Shitian didn't want to be underestimated by Lin Tian, ​​but hummed, "Compare it."

   "That line, I picked it up."

  Fen Shitian ignored it, while Lin Tian came to the counter and said to the registrar, "He, he wants to challenge the number one angel."

   As soon as these words came out, the people on the scene were stunned, and those noble children and people with background came to watch.

   "I said, Young Master Fen, you actually want to fight in person?"

   "Master Fen, what happened to you today? You actually want to compare yourself?"

   "Master Fen, with your body, can you do it?"

   Seeing the ridicule of the crowd, Fen Shitian even plucked up his courage and said, "What's wrong with me going up? Can't it work?"

   "It's not impossible, it's because you are too weak." Someone laughed, but Fen Shitian ignored it, but then there was laughter from the crowd, "Fen Shitian, I haven't seen you for a few days, you have grown bolder."

  The crowd moved away, when a young man appeared, and there were two women waiting by his side, obviously a great young master.

   (end of this chapter)

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