Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 1959: meet old friends

   Chapter 1959 Old friends meet

  Sun Huo was already provoked by Lin Tian, ​​and regardless of whether Lin Tian was a friend of the Fire Immortal King, flames flickered directly on his body, and his whole body was about to become a fireball.

   Not only that, the next moment, this Sun Huo shot a powerful flame from the palm of his hand.

  The flames sprayed onto Lin Tianhuo's body, and everyone thought that Lin Tian would be disabled if he didn't die.

   But Lin Tian's fire clone was just knocked flying, but he still got up without any problems, and everyone was stunned.

  Sun Huo was even more unwilling, "How is this possible!"

  Lin Tian's deity was overjoyed, because the fire clone had absorbed all of the opponent's immortal magic, but the back of the clone was a little uncomfortable, after all, the back was directly bumped with a pile of stones.

   Therefore, when Lin Tianhuo got up, there was nothing in front of him, but there were some marks behind him, so Lin Tian quickly put away the fire avatar.

After    put it away, Huo Xiange returned to Lin Tian's body, not only that, Huo Xiange was still intact, and then Lin Tian condensed his fire clone.

   For a moment, the fire clone was intact again, and even the back was gone, as if it was reborn.

   However, it was mentioned in the "Tianxian" that the condensed avatar cannot be broken, otherwise it will not be able to return to the body, which is equivalent to abolishing a celestial. If you want to re-condensate it, it will be even more difficult.

   "There are pros and cons." Lin Tian smiled wryly after seeing the content, but that Sun Huo had already flown, and then a huge flame condensed in the air.

   "Boy, let me see how you can resist this time." That Sun Huo began to frantically attack the area where Lin Tian was.

  Lin Tian's deity withdrew to the dark place, and the fire clone began to resist the flames one by one. Fortunately, these flames are only immortals, and they have no impact, just powerful flames.

   Therefore, these fires have no effect on the fire clone, and Sun Huo was very unwilling to see that Lin Tian, ​​who was standing in the flames, was not burned, so he attacked countless times.

   After about a while, a voice came from the main hall, "Stop!"

  Sun Huo immediately stopped and returned to the entrance of the main hall. At this time, a young man walked out, wearing a flame robe and a flame crown on his head.

   This young man is the Fire Immortal King. He looked at Sun Huo with a serious look, and then looked at that Lin Tian.

  Lin Tian put away his avatar, and then the deity walked out of the ruins, and walked to the Fire Immortal King step by step and said with a smile, "Long time no see."

   Fire Immortal King stared at Lin Tian for a while and then said, "Are you sure it's Emperor Lin?"

   Hearing Emperor Lin, everyone present was shocked. Obviously, everyone here has heard of Emperor Lin, because he had been here before, and he even turned the world upside down.

   But now the angel in front of him seems to have a strong defense, but compared to Emperor Lin, it is far worse.

  Sun Huo is even more disbelieving, "God, he, how could he be Emperor Lin!"

   "Only Emperor Lin knows my Fire King technique." The Fire Immortal King said coldly, but Sun Huo still didn't believe it, and stared at Lin Tian, ​​"This kid, you must have learned it by stealth."

   Fire Immortal King looked at Lin Tian hesitantly, "Tell me, are you Emperor Lin, or his friend, or his disciple?"

  Lin Tian didn't expect Fire Immortal King to smile bitterly after thinking so far, "Can you find a place to talk?"

   "Come in." Fire Immortal King was not sure about Lin Tian's identity at the moment, so he didn't show much enthusiasm, but invited Lin Tian into the hall at will.

  Lin Tian walked up, then smiled at Sun Huo as he passed by, "Long time no see, be careful."

  Sun Huo was startled when he heard this tone and looked at Lin Tian, ​​"You."

  Lin Tian smiled half-smile, then left from his original position and reappeared, already in a secret room.

  In this secret room, the Fire Immortal King stared at Lin Tian, ​​"Tell me, who are you?"

  Lin Tian's soul condensed at this time, and said with a smile, "What? I haven't seen you for more than 10,000 years, so I don't recognize you as a benefactor?"

   Immortal King Fire stared at Lin Tian for a moment when he saw Lin Tian, ​​"How is this possible?"

   "What's possible, it's impossible!" Lin Tian smiled, but the Fire Immortal King said strangely, "Why did you become like this?"

  Lin Tian said it briefly, and the Fire Immortal King took a deep breath, "So, you went to the God Realm, and then came back after rebuilding?"

   "Yes, but the rebuilding is pretty quick this time." Lin Tian said with a smile, while the Fire Immortal King still surrounded Lin Tian in disbelief.

   "Look at what?"

   "After rebuilding, is it stronger?" The Fire Immortal King asked, while Lin Tian smiled bitterly, "Would you like to try it?"

"How to try?" The Fire Immortal King naturally wanted to try, and Lin Tian condensed the fire avatar, "In this way, you can beat your fairy spells on my avatar one by one, but don't use too much force, otherwise it will fall apart, it will not be fun. ."

   Fire Immortal King stared at the avatar strangely, and then condensed a flame, "Is the flame hitting it?"

   "Yes, just burn it."

   Fire Immortal King shot, the flames entangled Lin Tian, ​​and Lin Tianhuo's clone did nothing at all. Not only that, those flames were also absorbed by the immortals of Lin Tianhuo's clone one by one.

   Seeing this scene, the Fire Immortal King took a deep breath, "Heavenly Immortals have such abilities, wouldn't it be more terrifying if they became Immortal Emperors or Immortal Venerables in the future?"

   "What do you think?" Lin Tian smiled, but the Fire Immortal King envied, "I really envy you for having the courage to rebuild. If it were me, I wouldn't want it."

  Lin Tian didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "This is not a question of courage, but a bottleneck. I have to do this, otherwise in the God Realm, sooner or later, I will be weakened."

   Fire Immortal King didn't know what the God Realm was like, but asked curiously, "How did you come here?"

   After Lin Tian said it briefly, the Fire Immortal King understood, "So that's what happened."

   "This Burning Family, what's going on?"

"Actually, it was a person who went out from the First Layer. He created the Fen Family outside, and then provided us with a genius every 10,000 years, and this genius has the characteristics of a First Layer, ignoring the immortal magic and the soul magic. , can escape." The Fire Immortal King said with a smile.

  Lin Tian understood after listening, and then asked curiously, "How did you become a god? And what about the old guy from the previous one?"

   "He, he went to Erzhongtian, and I will take his place." The Fire Immortal King said with a smile, while Lin Tian wondered, "Then this Erzhongtian is still the same as before, is it difficult to pass?"

   "It's difficult, I've tried many times, but I can't get past it." The Fire Immortal King sighed.

  Lin Tian had to say, "Okay, take me back."

   "Send you back?"

   "Yes, I still have to go back to Fen's house. There are still a lot of things to do. I can't be here, can I accompany you?" Lin Tian smiled bitterly, while Fire Immortal King hesitated, "This is easy, but going back is difficult."

   "Oh? How difficult is it?" Lin Tian asked, and the Fire Immortal King said, "That passage is very squeezed, I'm afraid your body can't handle it."

   "Don't worry, I'm not that fragile yet!" Lin Tian stared at the Fire Immortal King and said, while the Fire Immortal King hesitated, "Then let's go and have a look first!"

   (end of this chapter)

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