Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 1957: Fortunately, there are acquaintances

   Chapter 1957 Fortunately, there are acquaintances

   When Lin Tian was depressed, some people appeared nearby, but Lin Tian had no choice but to withdraw, not wanting to confront them.

   But after all, these people still found Lin Tian and forced Lin Tian into a forest, and flames flickered around the forest, forming a huge hood, trapping Lin Tian inside.

   "Who is coming, please report your name to come." The leader stared at Lin Tianbing and said coldly, while Lin Tian smiled and said, "I came from Fen's house."

At this moment, Lin Tian wanted to try his luck, and these people stared at Lin Tian strangely, and the leader said suspiciously, "The heir of the Fen family? That's not right, you don't have the aura of an heir, and it's not since the last time. In ten thousand years, no one will come."

  Lin Tian smiled and asked after seeing that they were familiar with the Fen family, "You are also from the Fen family?"

   "Some are, some are not." The leader of the team said, and Lin Tianoh said, "Actually, I was a guest of the Fen family, and I accidentally entered here."

  People didn't believe it, and the one who took the lead said, "The passage that Fen's family enters here is guarded by guardians. You are a god, how can you come in?"

  Lin Tian smiled bitterly, "Then where do you think I should come in?"

   These people looked at each other in dismay, and Lin Tian knew that this was not the way to go, so he tried his luck again, "That, Fire Immortal King, is there?"

   "Fire Immortal King?" Those people stared at Lin Tian strangely, and Lin Tian smiled and said, "Yes, Fire Immortal King, many years ago, I even discussed with him, and he still owes me a favor!"

   "Liar, Fire Immortal King, how could it be possible for this Heavenly Lord to know you as an Immortal?"

   "God? So fast?" Lin Tian was surprised. After all, when Lin Tian came here, the Fire Immortal King was still one of God's subordinates, but he didn't expect that he would become a God.

   This made Lin Tian a little surprised. After all, God is the most powerful existence in the first layer of heaven, if it is the guardian of the second layer of heaven.

  But these people thought that Lin Tian was a liar, so they all stared at Lin Tian like a fool, and the person who took the lead stared at Lin Tiandao, "Boy, do you want to die?"

   "Who wants to die?"

   "Then you still dare to lie?" The other party gasped, and Lin Tian smiled bitterly, "I really didn't lie, if you don't believe me, take me to this Fire Immortal King."

  The people present didn't believe it, and the person who took the lead didn't believe it even more, and snorted, "Looking for death!"

When I saw this person, a powerful flame rushed towards Lin Tian as soon as he shot, but Lin Tian didn't dodge, he released the Fire King directly, absorbed the opponent's fire, and said, "When it comes to playing with fire, I am your ancestor! "

   Everyone felt insulted, and they ran wild one by one, and Lin Tian knew that these people were strong, so he quickly released one after another ghost, but in front of these people, the ghost didn't work at all, and disappeared all of a sudden.

   Lin Tian's deity was forced to have nowhere to escape, so he could only say depressed, "Wait."

  The crowd stopped, and the one who took the lead stared, "Say, what are your last words."

  Lin Tian stared at them and said with a smile, "You guys, why don't you take me to the Fire Immortal King?"

   "We are not fools." The person who took the lead said, and Lin Tian said depressedly, "How can you be so incompetent, you wooden head?"

"Believe it or not, I'll let you die now." The other party became gloomy, and Lin Tian smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'll show you a skill. After reading it, you'll know whether I know you Fire Immortal King. "

   Everyone didn't know what Lin Tian was going to do, but the person who took the lead hummed, "I want to see what you are going to do."

   At this time, Lin Tian moved, and his body changed into a flame, and then the flame turned into a huge figure.

   "How is it? Does it look like it?" Lin Tian, ​​the giant in the form of flame, smiled at everyone there.

   Everyone was stunned, and the leader stammered, "Fire King Technique?"

"You have eyes." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he quickly recovered, but he was out of breath, because this kind of fire king technique can only be performed by the immortal king or above, and the immortal Lin Tian, ​​who used it once, consumed all the immortals in his body. gas.

   Not only that, but it was less than ten breaths, and Lin Tian quickly recovered, not daring to continue, for fear that his subconscious would be blurred.

   But the people present were already shocked, because this Fire King technique, only the Fire Immortal King can do, and this is not a secret, but Lin Tian can do it at the moment, which scared everyone to wonder what the relationship between Lin Tian and the Fire Immortal King is.

   So these people immediately became polite to Lin Tian, ​​and some of them even respectfully said, "What's the name of this son?"

   The person who took the lead even stammered, "I'm in a hurry."

   "You look really anxious." Lin Tian smiled bitterly, and that Fenji didn't know what Lin Tian meant, but Lin Tian said to everyone, "My name is Lin Tian."

   Fenji immediately said respectfully to Lin Tian, ​​"Young Master Lin, we'll take you to the Lord right now."

   "Let's go." Lin Tian breathed a sigh of relief, scolding in his heart, "Fortunately, this Fire Immortal King has become a god, otherwise I would be dead in a different place at this moment."

   Fen Ji and others immediately led the way, while Lin Tian walked over and found that many of them were already at the level of Immortal Emperor.

  Lin Tian knew that this couldn't be easier in the next day, but for Lin Tian, ​​who was an immortal, these were all very strong, and he couldn't deal with any of them. Even the ghosts were completely decorations in front of them.

   But Lin Tian also knew that he would come here sooner or later, so Lin Tian learned more about it here until he came to a palace.

  This palace is made up of flaming stones, so when Lin Tian walks on it, he can still feel the powerful fire spirit.

   "This guy really enjoys it." Lin Tian muttered to himself when he saw the palace.

   But just when Lin Tian was about to be brought into the gate of the palace, an old man walked out with wide eyes, "Who is this person, and how did you bring him here?"

   Fenji immediately reported, "Elder, he is a friend of God."

   This person called the Great Elder stared at Lin Tian strangely, "Friend of God? Why don't I know him?"

  Lin Tian knew this Great Elder, and he taught him a lesson at first, but Lin Tian didn't dare to reveal his identity to him at the moment, otherwise he wouldn't know how to make things difficult.

   "Yes, he is a friend of God, his name is Lin Tian." The Fenji introduced, while the elder frowned, "You said you are a friend of our God, is there any evidence?"

   "This." Lin Tian didn't know how to explain it, but the Fenji said immediately, "Elder, he just performed the Fire King Technique."

   "Fire King Technique? How is that possible!" The elder didn't believe it, and stared at Lin Tian with a strange look.

   Fen Ji and others expressed that they had just seen it with their own eyes, but the Great Elder looked at Lin Tian, ​​"Then you can do it again."

  Lin Tian laughed and said, "If you let me do it, I will do it? Isn't it too shameless?"

   When the elder heard this, he immediately became angry, and Fenji immediately spoke for Lin Tian, ​​"Elder, don't be angry, or you will hurt him, and it will be difficult to explain to God!"

   (end of this chapter)

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