Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 1951: God assists

   Chapter 1951 God Assists

   Seeing Nie Wuxuan like this, Lin Tian smiled and said, "Tell me, who is your master."

  Nie Wuxuan was about to speak when this General Nie punched him and knocked Nie Wuxuan unconscious.

  The people present looked at each other in dismay, and Lin Tian smiled, "It's ruthless, I fainted twice a day."

   "Boy, what exactly do you want to do?" General Nie asked, while Lin Tian stared at General Nie and smiled, "I just want to hear your son talk about his master, why are you so excited?"

   "Boy, let me tell you, if you don't untie these people, my Xuanming Immortal Mansion can't spare you!" That General Nie threatened.

  Lin Tian smiled but not, "Do you really think that I am afraid of your Xuanming Immortal Mansion?"

  People didn't expect that Lin Tian was so arrogant that he didn't take Xuanming Immortal Mansion in his eyes, and that General Nie said, "You."

   At this time, Lin Tian's countless ghosts dispersed, and one of them was still standing behind this Nie Wuxuan.

   Seeing this, General Nie became annoyed, "Boy, if you dare to touch him, I can't spare you!"

   "You said many times today that you can't spare me, but can you touch me?" Lin Tian smiled at this General Nie.

   This General Nie said in a hurry, "You'll find out later."

   As soon as he finished speaking, a black fog appeared over the mansion, and that General Nie was overjoyed, and hurriedly laughed at Lin Tian, ​​"Boy, you are finished."

  Lin Tian felt that the black fog was not simple, and he might even be close to the Immortal Emperor.

   At this time, countless black smoke hit the ghosts of Lin Tian one by one, and Lin Tian immediately put Sha Yuan and others into the lamp to ensure that they were not in danger before he prepared to leave.

   But the person in the black smoke said, "Want to go? No way!"

   At this time, a black smoke directly entangled Lin Tian, ​​and then Lin Tian disappeared.

  General Nie stared at Marquis Wu Fei and the others, "Why don't you get out of here?"

  Marquis Wu Fei was so frightened that he quickly took people out, and the mansion became quiet again, but that General Nie came to Nie Wuxuan. After seeing that he was all right, he looked at the black smoke, "Master, what should I do now?"

   "He is probably controlled by a ghost book. I will find the ghost book when I look back," the master said.

   "Ghost book?"

   "Yes, that kid probably has a ghost book, I'll have a good chat with him." The black smoke disappeared after speaking.


   At this moment, Lin Tian, ​​standing in a barren mountain, looked up at the sky, and said with a smile, "I've been stealing for so long, why don't you come out?"

   "Boy, this is one of my spaces, if you want to come up with it, just say it, but you have to tell me what I want to know."

   "What do you want to know?"

   "Yes, such as your ghost book, how did it come from, and you, who are you? Why do you have so much ability." The person in the dark said.

  Lin Tian smiled and said, "What if I didn't tell you?"

   "You should know this space, only I can take you out, otherwise you will never be able to go out." The other party was very confident.

   Lin Tian smiled slightly, "I advise you, don't be so confident, or you will regret it!"

   "Regret? Boy, I don't think you are as good as you, think about how to answer me, or wait, you will regret it."

  Lin Tian didn't take the other party seriously, and said, "If you could destroy me, why should I be trapped here?"

   "I have my reasons for trapping you here." The other party believed, but Lin Tian laughed.

   "Are you still in the mood to laugh?"

   "Should I cry?"

   "Okay, it seems that you are determined to do the right thing with me." The other party hummed, and then a lot of fairy spirits appeared on the ground.

   These immortal souls include heavenly immortals, golden immortals, and immortals.

   Seeing these immortal souls, Lin Tian said with a smile, "You, are you still raising immortal souls?"

   "Yes, in my space, there are tens of thousands of immortal souls, so if you don't want to be tortured to death by them, just answer obediently, otherwise these immortal souls will only follow my orders to destroy you!"

  Lin Tian laughed again, but the other party was puzzled, "What are you laughing at?"

   "I'm laughing, you don't know me at all."

"What's the meaning?"

   "These immortal souls can't hurt me at all." Lin Tian believed to himself, but the man teased, "Can't hurt you?"

   "If you don't believe me, you can try it."

   "It seems that without giving you a little color, you really think you are amazing." After that, the man gave an order, and those immortal souls rushed into Lin Tian's body frantically.

  Lin Tian's body was like a big container, and those immortal souls went mad one by one, as if they wanted to **** this body away.

   As a result, these immortal souls poured in frantically and did not stop, and the people in the dark said proudly, "Boy, if you don't want to be wiped out, surrender quickly, or your immortal soul will be smashed by them in a while."

  Lin Tian smiled without saying a word, but instead refined these fairy souls frantically, until suddenly a powerful force emanated from the fairy.

  Lin Tian's cultivation level directly hit the one-star fairy, and the "Tianxian" was also completely opened.

  Lin Tian swept through them one by one and found that this "Heaven Immortal" also broke through the cultivation base by refining the soul of the immortal.

   However, "Tianxian" gives Xiange a unique ability, that is, the nine immortals can change into nine clones.

   But the one-star angel has only one avatar, and it is still a fire in gold, wood, water, fire and soil.

   "Nine clones? It's not bad, but I don't know what happened to Jinxian." Lin Tian looked puzzled.

   Just when Lin Tian was curious, the man laughed, "Boy, I didn't expect you to be able to break through at this time."

  Lin Tian smiled and said, "Thank you for this."

"Thank me?"

   "Yes, thank you for those immortal souls." Lin Tian was half-smiling, but the other party was puzzled, and said with contempt, "You can be successful, right? That's fine! I will continue to let you experience it!"

After   , countless immortal souls appeared again, and they all flew to Lin Tian.

  Lin Tian gratefully said, "Come on, it's best to be from the Immortal Monarch, so the power will be stronger."

   "I don't believe that your body can withstand so many immortal soul attacks!" After the other party finished speaking, he released a lot of immortal souls.

   Ke Lin Tian refined them one by one, making the cultivation base go from one star to two stars, and then a little bit, and finally stayed after the five-star fairy, who could no longer grow, and sighed, "These fairy souls are too weak."

  The people in the dark are already blinded, "Why in the blink of an eye, your cultivation has reached the five-star fairy?"

   "This? I have to thank you." Lin Tian said with a smile, and the man was suspicious, "What do you mean?"

   "I can **** immortal souls, do you believe it?" Lin Tian smiled strangely, but the man didn't believe it. He tried to sense those immortal souls, but found that none of the immortal souls that entered Lin Tian's body were gone.

   This startled the man, "Boy, you."

   "What? Did you just find out now?" Lin Tianwei laughed, and the man said anxiously, "Boy, let me tell you, I will definitely find a way to deal with you."

   "Think slowly, I don't need to accompany you." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he took a leap and came to a space crack.

   The man laughed, "Boy, although there are flaws in my space, this space crack leads to the space crack in the fairy world. Once you enter, you will be torn to shreds!"

   (end of this chapter)

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