Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 1940: same illusion

  Chapter 1940 The same will be the illusion

   This figure is full of blood, and has a pair of black bat wings behind him. His eyes are blood red, his nose is pointed, and his chin is pointed.

   "Oh, I have some skills." After the man was caught, he was not afraid, but looked at Lin Tian with a weird smile.

   Black Widow became suspicious, "Who are you!"

   The man smiled at Black Widow, "Me? That's a long story."

   "Then you speak slowly." Black Widow stared, but the man teased, "Why should I say it?"

   "If you don't say anything, we'll let you die." After the black widow finished speaking, she released spiders.

  The man smiled and said, "I can do your illusion!"

   "How could you possibly!" Black Widow didn't believe it, and the man laughed strangely, "Didn't I transform into a bat just now? And those bats, I made them too!"

After   , the bats flew back and attacked the spiders one by one, causing the spiders to lose their blood in an instant, and then fell there, motionless.

   "This." Black Widow was stunned.

   The man continued to laugh and said, "You don't think you're the only one who has been to the top of the mountain, do you?"

   Black Widow dignified, "So, have you been there too?"

   "Yes, but I learned bat illusion, and you are just a spider." The man said with a smile.

   Black Widow suddenly realized, but the bone monster couldn't help but ask, "Then why are you here?"

   "This is where I practice, it's just that you entered here by mistake and disturbed me," the guy said.

  Black Widow looked curiously at the Bone Monster, but the Bone Monster said, "Impossible, I'm looking for the entrance to the top of the mountain, and I'll guide you here."

   "You are not wrong, this is indeed the entrance to the top of the mountain, but it has become a place for me to practice at this moment, so everyone, please go back." After that person finished speaking, he suddenly turned into countless ghosts and dispersed.

   The next moment, this person condensed from not far away, and smiled at Lin Tian, ​​"Little Earth Immortal, not bad."

  Lin Tian didn't speak, but looked around. As for Black Widow, he even said, "Get out of the way."

   "Get out of the way? Didn't you guys go away?" The man said with a smile, while the black widow frowned, "If you don't let it go, we'll have to go over by ourselves."

   "Go over by yourself? Can you find it?" The man smiled strangely, and the Black Widow began to look around, but found nothing around except for the valley and cliffs.

   "Haha! Don't look for it, the entrance has already been hidden by me, and no one can enter it except me." The man said proudly.

   Black Widow asked in confusion, "Why did you block it?"

   "Why? This, how do you say it!" The man seemed to be thinking about something, but after a while, he laughed again, but then panicked again, as if his entire personality was changing.

  Not only that, this man even hugged his head and cried, while the black widow on the side was stunned, "What happened to him?"

The   bone monster also looked puzzled, "This guy, he was talking well just now, why has he suddenly changed into a person."

  Lin Tian curiously opened his eyes and used his own soul to probe the other party's soul, but there was a powerful force around him, which directly knocked Lin Tian's consciousness back.

   At this moment, the man looked at Lin Tian with a weird smile, as if he was possessed, "Boy, do you want to spy on me?"

   "It seems that there is a powerful force in your body, and this force, you can't control, makes your character changeable, right." Lin Tian stared at the person and analyzed them one by one.

   This man sneered, "What do you know?"

   "I can control that power." Lin Tian stared at the man and said, but the man laughed, "Okay, don't take me for a fool!"

   "Believe it or not." Lin Tian said casually, but the man sneered, "Now you, if you don't want to die, get out of here, or wait, if I take action, you will all become mummified corpses."

   Lin Tian said without flinching, "I actually came, so I won't leave."

"Not afraid of death?"

   "Can you kill me?" Lin Tian asked rhetorically, and the man glared, "You want to die so much, I will fulfill you!"

   The next moment, this person suddenly flashed with blood, and then the whole person turned into a blood shadow, and also turned into a huge bat.

  Black Widow immediately launched a series of attacks, but this attack hit the opponent and had no effect at all.

   Not only that, but the other party is also very proud, "It's useless, any ghost technique is useless to me."

After    finished speaking, the other party laughed, and then rushed over with a leap, and for a moment those blood lights directly hit Lin Tian and others.

   The three of them were immediately knocked out, and the Bone Monster and Black Widow felt the blood in their bodies disappearing on the spot.

  Lin Tian didn't feel it, and he absorbed the blood light, and stood up and said, "Your blood-sucking method is really strong."

   Seeing that Lin Tian was fine, the man wondered, "Aren't you afraid of my blood-sucking ability?"

   "Are you shocked?" Lin Tian teased, but the man was not happy and stared at Lin Tian, ​​"Boy, look at the trick!"

   After finishing speaking, the man shot out another ray of blood and knocked Lin Tian away again, but after Lin Tian stood firm, nothing happened.

   That person wondered, "Impossible!"

   "Are you coming again?" Lin Tian asked back, and the man was in a hurry and attacked again, but this time Lin Tian turned into countless ghosts, holding the Tianyin Qin in his hand, and playing them one by one.

   This guy just frowned a few times, but his body said nothing at all, "Boy, your attack is useless to me."

  Lin Tian murmured to himself, "This guy, what kind of method does he practice, and he has such strong resistance."

   The Black Widow and the Bone Monster on the side were also stunned, until the man hummed, "Go to hell!"

   This time, the man immediately arrived in front of Lin Tian, ​​and then slapped Lin Tian with his palm, but what he attacked was just Lin Tian's ghost.

   "This, how is this possible." The man didn't expect that he would be unable to defeat Lin Tian at such a close distance.

   "What are you thinking about?" Lin Tian asked while standing on a rock staring at the other person, and the man snorted, and with a flick of his hand, a blood blade flew out from a distance.

  Lin Tian still resisted the opponent's attack with the shadow, and the rock he stood on just now was also smashed.

   "Damn!" The other party was not reconciled, so he carried out various attacks, but in the end, neither of them could do anything about the other.

   The man hummed in anger, "Boy, I didn't expect an Earth Immortal to be so powerful."

   "You're not bad either."

   "Nonsense, I'm the Immortal King! Do you compare me to you?" The other party said angrily, but Lin Tian smiled and said nothing.

  The man hummed, "Don't think, I can't help you!"

   "Oh? What else can I do?"

   "Here, there is a big formation. As long as I activate it, anyone here will be crushed." The man said while staring at Black Widow and the others.

   This made the two black widows pale in shock. They didn't know what to do. As for Lin Tian, ​​he looked around and said with a smile, "Great formation? Then you can show me."

   "Look? You probably died if you didn't see it." The other party said contemptuously.

   (end of this chapter)

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