Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 1914: One by one genius

   Chapter 1914 Geniuses come one by one

   At this time, the golden leopard flashed with golden light on its body, then turned into a golden leopard, shuttled in front of Lin Tian, ​​and stretched out its front claws, grabbing hard at Lin Tian.

  Lin Tian's magic shadow spread out, and then teased, "Beast transformation."

  Golden Leopard didn't expect that Lin Tian could avoid it like this and hummed, "Go to hell!"

   This is the golden leopard turned into countless leopard shadows, one by one shuttled on those ghosts, and the ghosts were penetrated one by one.

   The shadow quickly dissipated, and Lin Tian took out the violin in his hand. This Ao Changbai immediately reminded Du Longfeng, "Captain Poison, let your people be careful, this violin is not easy."

   "Don't remind me, it's just an Earth Immortal." This poisonous dragon wind still didn't take Lin Tian seriously, but Ao Changbai looked worried, obviously thinking that these people were too careless.

At this moment, the golden leopard, who was still entangled with Lin Tian, ​​didn't take Lin Tian seriously, and continued to release countless leopard shadows, still triumphantly in his mouth, "Boy, you have more shadows, or I have more shadows. "

  Lin Tianbian released the magic shadow and played the piano, until the sound of the piano came out, the golden leopard screamed immediately, and then the leopard shadows disappeared one after another.

   This golden leopard even screamed, then jumped in fright and returned to the sky.

   "What are you doing?" Du Longfeng was a little angry, while the golden leopard was pale and pitifully said, "Captain, there is something wrong with this guy's qin."

   "No matter what his qin is, you are a fairy!"

   "Captain, me." The golden leopard was very depressed, and the poisonous dragon said, "Trash!"

  Ao Changbai knew that Lin Tian was terrible, so he said, "Captain Poison, in fact, you can't blame him, but this kid, it's terrible."

   "What's so scary? It's just an Earth Immortal!" This poisonous dragon wind still didn't take Lin Tian seriously.

   That Ao Changbai didn't know what to say, but at this time Lin Tian looked at them, "Are you still alive?"

  These geniuses did not expect Lin Tian to be so mad, so one by one they were eager to move, and even invited to fight.

  Du Longfeng ordered a man with a hunchback, "Feng Huozi, you go."

   "Yes." The man's voice was a little hoarse, then turned into an afterimage, fell behind Lin Tian and said, "Boy, you don't even know where I am, how can you fight against me."

   Hearing this, Lin Tian smiled and said, "You are very fast, but you have to be able to attack me, that's all."

   That Feng Tuozi smiled evilly, especially the scars on his face, "Do you know why I'm called Feng Tuozi?"

   "What's your name and what does it have to do with me?" Lin Tian asked rhetorically, while the wind hunchzi said hoarsely, "Because, I'm crazy enough!"

   I saw Feng Tuozi suddenly spread out a flame, and also made a "boom" explosion. In an instant, the buildings around were shattered and turned into a sea of ​​fire.

  Because of the late night, and the fact that this place has been isolated into a battlefield, it didn't attract many people at first, but such a big explosion and a sea of ​​fire caused the monks in the vicinity to come.

   When these people saw that the people in the genius pavilion were all gathered in the air, they started talking one by one.

   "What happened, so many people are needed."

   "Isn't someone invading?"

   "Who knows, let's see!"

   On the ground at this moment, the wind camel put away the flames, and after looking at the ruins, he said to the poisonous dragon wind, "The captain has been killed."

  Du Longfeng laughed, "Okay."

  Ao Changbai was stunned, "Dead?"

   Palace Master Wan was also a little surprised, "Is he really dead?"

  Du Longfeng said to himself, "Don't worry, Feng Tuozi's attack is very powerful, especially at such a close distance, that boy has already been turned to ashes."

  Ao Changbai and Mansion Master Wan were dubious, but the people in the Genius Pavilion knew how powerful Feng Tuozi was, so they all thought that Lin Tian was dead.

   But at this time, Lin Tian suddenly sat on a roof and smiled at the hunchback, "Why do you think I'm dead?"

   As soon as these words came out, everyone looked over, and the people in the Genius Pavilion were stunned one by one. As for Ao Changbai, he was even more demented, "Not dead yet?"

  Du Longfeng's smile froze, but that Feng Tuozi glared at Lin Tian, ​​"Boy, I won't let you go!"

   "Oh? Are you still self-inflicted?" Lin Tianxie laughed, while Feng Tuozi hummed, "Yes, self-inflicted fire killing technique!"

   I saw Feng Tuozi arrive in front of Lin Tian again, and then the whole body "booms" again, and the flames spread out.

  The area where Lin Tian was located immediately turned into a sea of ​​fire, and the powerful force turned everything into ruins.

   Until the flames disappeared, Feng Tuozi glanced around and said after confirming that no one was there, "Now, **** it."

  Du Longfeng also breathed a sigh of relief, and the geniuses were even more discussing. As for the monks nearby, they were curious about who it was that could attract such a strangulation of geniuses.

   But at this moment, Lin Tian appeared behind Feng Tuozi and said with a smile, "I'm still dead, don't be so happy."

   Feng Tuozi's eyes widened and he turned around. Lin Tian's qin had already been pulled, and a powerful force hit this Feng Tuozi, and Feng Tuozi was immediately sent flying.

   Everyone present was stunned, and some even looked at Lin Tian strangely.

  Du Longfeng felt disgraced, especially when Feng Tuozi listened to his body and was bleeding, his brows furrowed, "Feng Tuozi, are you dying?"

  Feng Tuozi strongly supported, "Captain, don't forget, the more I fight, the more terrifying I become."

   After finishing speaking, Feng Tuozi's aura has increased again, and he is stronger than he was not injured just now.

  The onlookers were surprised, and some people muttered, "Is this a maddening technique?"

   "Yes, the maddening technique of fighting more and more bravely!"

   "This genius pavilion, what a genius!"

  Ao Changbai, who was in the air, was also surprised, "Is this the maddening technique?"

  Du Longfeng said proudly, "That's right, Mad Transformation, as long as you get injured once, you will become stronger once, so as long as you don't kill him, he will become infinitely stronger, and it will last for half an hour."

  Ao Changbai took a deep breath, and it was the first time that Palace Master Wan had seen him, so he was surprised, "It's really not easy."

  Lin Tian was very calm, still staring at the wind camel and said with a smile, "You madman, you have a little water."

   "Water? You dare to call me water?" The wind camel was angry, and Lin Tian laughed, "Under normal circumstances, the maddening technique will be more than twice as powerful as the previous one, and you are only twice as powerful."

   "This is just the beginning." The wind hunchzi hummed, while Lin Tian smiled and said, "No matter how long it starts, you are very watery."

   Feng Tuozi felt humiliated, so he came to Lin Tian at once, turned into countless flames again, and Lin Tian disappeared again.

  Everyone was curious about what kind of cultivation this Lin Tian was, and why Feng Tuozi was like this and couldn't hit him.

   At this time, Lin Tian continued to stand in the ruins, looking at the wind camel, "Does this count as promotion?"

   (end of this chapter)

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