Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 1498: Amazing strength, no ability to resist!

   Chapter 1498 Amazing strength, no ability to resist!

   Everyone was curious about what happened, but at this moment a disciple ran in and said anxiously, "Not good!"

   Xuanlu was suspicious, "What's wrong?"

   The other two elders were also puzzled. As for Hua Wufeng, they wanted to know what was going on.

   At this moment, something unexpected happened, and the place began to collapse, and everyone rushed out.

After    came outside, what everyone saw was a group of people attacking the big tree and the palace, as well as some disciples of the painting fairy hall.

  Hua Wufeng was shocked, "How did they find this."

   Qin Fu frowned, "That kid again?"

   That Xuanlu glanced at Lin Tian who noticed the crowd, "Is that the kid?"

   "Yes." Hua Wufeng hummed, and the Xuanlu immediately said to the fourth and fifth elders, "Go ahead, take this kid down, I think the others will have nothing to worry about."


   These two elders were very fierce as soon as they shot, one blue aura and the other red aura were water and fire.

  I saw the chubby body of the Fourth Elder. As soon as he came to Lin Tian, ​​the flames hit Lin Tian, ​​and Lin Tian smiled and said, "You want to take me down without using the power of the Holy Spirit?"

   "You don't have the power of the Holy Spirit. To deal with you, you don't need the power of the Holy Spirit." The fourth elder was crazy, but the fifth elder said shrewdly, "Fourth, stop playing, take him down quickly."

   After finishing speaking, the fifth elder's nine-star holy spirit opened, and then the chill was overwhelming. Suddenly, an ice layer appeared around Lin Tian, ​​trapping Lin Tian inside, while the fourth elder sighed, "It's really boring."

   Then the flames penetrated into this ice layer, and Shui Wu and the others were startled and were about to go over to help, but Lin Tian smiled and said, "You want to fight against me with this ability? How naive!"

   After saying that, Lin Tian directly shattered the ice layer, and then used his ability to weaken the power of the Holy Spirit. The two elders were startled, and before they could react, Lin Tian opened his mouth and went out without a shadow.

   The two were directly sent flying, and they were so frightened that they returned to Xuanlu in the blink of an eye, but they were seriously injured.

Hua Wufeng and others were stunned when they saw this, and Qin Fu didn't expect that Lin Tian could make the two elders so miserable, and Xuanlu stared at them strangely and said, "You, not even one of them has the Holy Spirit. Can't take it down?"

   The fourth elder said depressedly, "This guy is too weird. As soon as he made a move, he shackled our Holy Spirit's power."

   The fifth elder responded, "That's right, as soon as this guy makes a move, we can't guard against it."

   Xuanlu doesn't believe in heresy, "I want to see it."

After finishing speaking, a black pen appeared in that Xuanlu's hand, and then he rushed in front of Lin Tian and stared at Lin Tiandao, "Boy, I don't care who you are, if you dare to oppose our painting fairy hall, that's a dead end. "

   "It's obviously you who are against me, how come it is me who is against you?" Lin Tian said helplessly, but this Xuanlu hummed, "Sophistry."

   Then this Xuanlu drew something, and then pushed it, Lin Tian was trapped in a cage, and that Xuanlu said proudly, "Boy, I'm still satisfied with this painting."

   "I'm quite satisfied, but it's okay to deal with ordinary people, but to me, it's shabby." Lin Tian grabbed with one hand, and the samsara spirit in his body opened, directly absorbing these cages.

   That Xuanlu frowned, but the fourth and fifth elders were surprised, and Hua Wufeng took a breath, "Can this be cracked?"

   Qin Fu began to worry, "This Xuanlu, is it okay?"

  Lin Tian stared at Xuan Lu and smiled, "Is it my turn?"

   After Lin Tian finished speaking, countless demon souls were entangled around this Xuanlu, and Xuanlu was shocked, "Boy, where did you get these demon souls."

   "You are talking too much nonsense." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he directly let these ghosts rush into the opponent's body, and the Xuanlu looked ugly, the last blood spurted out, and then he flew up in fright.

  Lin Tian smiled bitterly, "You can still escape like this, it seems that your soul is not weak."

  Xuanlu stood beside the fourth and fifth elders at the moment, and ordered the two of them, "This kid is a bit scary, let's retreat first and talk about it later."

   "Yes." The two elders immediately ordered the evacuation, and the people who painted the fairy hall evacuated one after another, but during the evacuation, many people were hit by ghost books, even that Qin Fu.

  The third prince and the fourth prince were shocked, but Hua Wufeng was dragged by a force and quickly evacuated from here.

  The people from the secret academy chased them out, but they escaped, so they had to run back to report, while Lin Tian stared at the Qin Fu who was taken down again and said with a smile, "This is the third you."

   Hearing the third one, Qin Fu hummed, "Boy, as long as my deity is still there, I will always fight you to the end."

  Lin Tian sneered, "Then I'll catch your shadows one by one, and see how you look like a waste in the end."

   "You." Qin Fu was so angry that he gritted his teeth, and after Lin Tian sealed him up, he looked at the people in the secret academy and said, "Okay, the Water Flower Jingyue is broken, let's go."

   Everyone hummed, and immediately followed Lin Tian and the others and left.

After    walked out of the forest, Hall Master Cang looked at the number of people and asked about the situation inside. After hearing this, Hall Master Cang said in surprise, "So the third prince and the fourth prince were taken away by Qin people?"

   "Yes." Shui Wu said, and Hall Master Cang said solemnly, "This matter is a bit big, I have to tell the king."

   "Hurry up and tell my royal father." Shui Wu urged, and Hall Master Cang hummed, and immediately left here, and Shui Wu and others also left here, as for the people in the secret courtyard.

   However, after Shuifu and the person wearing the helmet came out, there was no one around, which made Shuifu wonder, "Master, why did we come out again?"

   "Maybe, Shuihuajingyue was broken." The man in the helmet said, and Shuifu widened his eyes, "What?"

   "Let's go, go back to the Prince's Palace first to find out the situation."

  When these people returned to the Prince's Palace, the Cang Palace Master appeared again, announcing that the third and fourth princes had betrayed the Water Kingdom, and also announced that the eighth prince had obtained the crown of the prince.

   This news made Shuifu unacceptable, and even screamed, "No, my prince, this is my prince."

  The man in the helmet stared at Shuifudao, "I should go too."

   "Master, you, where are you going?" Shuifu said depressedly, while the man in the helmet explained, "I still have something to do."

   After finishing speaking, the person wearing the helmet left, and Shuifu left in despair. As for the matter of the eighth prince becoming the prince, it quickly spread throughout the water country, causing countless ministers to visit the eighth prince.

  The originally desolate Eighth Prince's Mansion suddenly became lively, and there were things sent by others everywhere in the courtyard.

   Seeing those things, Shui Wu spit out, "Before this, everyone regarded my Eighth Emperor as transparent, but now everyone is flattering, it's really hateful."

  Lin Tian smiled helplessly. As for the eighth prince, he could only receive them there until the Cang Palace Lord appeared and looked at the eighth prince, Shui Wu, and Lin Tian, ​​"The prince wants to see the three of you."

   "My royal father?" Shui Wu wondered why she saw them at this time.

   (end of this chapter)

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