Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 1493: painting without wind

   Chapter 1493 Painting without wind

  The third prince and the fourth prince were overjoyed when they heard this, obviously very happy, and the Cang Palace Master said after seeing that everyone was ready, "Go, go through the teleportation array with me and go to Shuihuajingyue."

   Everyone immediately followed, and after a while, they came to the outside of a forest, and above the forest were white clouds, which looked very strange, while the inside of the forest was completely empty.

   Cang Palace Master looked at everyone and said, "It's five days, it's up to everyone."

  The third prince and the fourth prince immediately brought Qin Fu to enter, and Shui Fu also brought the person wearing the helmet. As for Shui Wu, looking at Lin Tian, ​​"Let's hurry in too."

  Lin Tian smiled and said, "No hurry, take your time."

  Shui Wu asked in confusion, "Why take it slow?"

   "This is a painting, you should appreciate it slowly." Lin Tian smiled and walked forward, while Shui Wu was puzzled, "Painting? What are you doing?"

   But the Eighth Prince and the others hurried to keep up, so Shui Wu had to keep up.

   After seeing everyone entering, the Cang Palace Master immediately returned to the observation platform to report, "Lord, they have all entered."

   After the king hummed, he looked at the water, "Master, you said, can they rescue people and understand the situation inside?"

  Shui Liu said, "It should be fine."

  The king seemed to understand something, and said after that, "I hope they are all right."

   At this moment, the other hall masters would like to know why the king must choose the seventh mission in this water flower jingyue. After all, this place has become a place where there is entry and no exit.


   At this time, the third and fourth princes in the woods had been taken to a safe place by Qin Fu in advance.

  There, the two princes saw many people who were trapped in a group of mountains but could not get out.

   Qin Fu pointed at the people inside and said with a smile, "Two princes, see, these people are all inside."

   "Then can I take them out?" The third prince obviously wanted to complete the task quickly, but Qin Fu hesitated, "I have to ask Huaxiantang about this."

After    finished speaking, Qin Fu shouted to everyone, "Come out."

   Then a group of people who painted the fairy hall appeared, and the young man at the head walked step by step, holding a picture scroll in his hand, as if there was something inside.

   Qin Fu saw the young man and said with a smile, "Elder Qin Fu in the Ancient Alliance of Heaven."

  I saw that Qin Fu also made a picture with one hand, which was his exclusive token, and the young man said, "I, the painting of Xiantang has no wind."

   "Painting without style? That one of the ten geniuses in the painting fairy hall?"

  Hua Wufeng's snow-white face showed an evil smile, "Yes, it's me."

   Qin Fu said with a smile, "These two are the third and fourth princes of the Water Kingdom."

  Hua Wufeng immediately put away his smile, "Elder Qin, what does this mean?"

After Qin Fu explained them one by one, Hua Wufeng didn't know what was going on, but he said, "I can't promise you this."

   "Why?" The third prince asked anxiously, while Hua Wufeng explained, "The people in the secret academy know the secrets here, if I let them out, wouldn't I let the people in the water country know the secrets here?"

  The third prince was stunned, not knowing what to say, and Qin Fu had to say, "Then Master Hua, help us do one thing."


   "This time, besides us, there are the eighth prince, the ninth princess, and a nasty guy. You can help us solve these three, or you can leave them here forever." That Qin Fu said with a smile.

   "It's easy, show me what they look like."

   Qin Fu showed the Eighth Prince and the others with one hand, and then said, "Please everyone."

   "Small meaning." Hua Wufeng took the master away from here, and the third prince wanted to see how Lin Tian died, so he looked at Qin Fu, "Let's go and watch the play."

   "This is the world of painting, don't run around, or you will easily get lost." That Qin Fu didn't dare to walk around, so he said to them.

  The third prince had no choice but to say, "Then let's wait for the news here."

  Qin Fu smiled evilly, "Don't worry, there is no wind in painting, but he is one of the top ten geniuses in Huaxiantang. No matter how strong that kid is, he will not be able to escape."

  The third prince understood the sound, and Lin Tian, ​​who was in the forest at the moment, was leading a few people towards the center of the painting.

  Unexpectedly, something unexpected happened. At this time, there were fewer trees around, and instead a pile of rocks appeared, but Lin Tian smiled and said, "Okay, come out, don't hide."

  Shui Wu and the others were curious about what Lin Tian meant, but at this time, some people walked out of the surrounding boulders.

   Among them, Wu Feng also came out, stared at Lin Tian and the others and said with a smile, "It's you."

  Shui Wu immediately shouted, "Who are you?"

   "We? Qin State, who painted Xiantang, and I, who painted Xiantang's top ten geniuses, has no style."

   Hearing the painting without wind, Master Fu said in surprise, "I didn't expect the rumored genius to be so young."

  Hua Wufeng laughed, "You know me?"

Master   Fu explained, "It is rumored that painting Wufeng with one hand can change the world and create unpredictable forces around it."

  Hua Wufeng likes others to praise him so much, so he laughed, but Shui Wu complained, "No matter how powerful you are, you are still weaker than our Shui Kingdom."

   "Shuiguo? I said nine princesses, you probably don't know, the people from your Shuiguo have never been out." The painting Wufeng laughed.

   Shui Wu hummed, "We're here to save them."

   "Save? You can't save yourself, what can you use to save it?" Hua Wufeng sneered, while the other Hua Xiantang disciples laughed at each other, "This nine princesses are really stupid."

   "That's right, those masters from the Secret Academy came, and they couldn't go out. They dared to come here to make trouble."

   Hearing these words, Shui Wu was dissatisfied, and pointed at Lin Tian, ​​"Do you know who he is? He is a master, an omnipotent master, you better be careful."

  The eighth prince didn't expect the water dance to move Lin Tian out, but Lin Tian smiled and said, "Nine princesses, you touted me so much, have you asked me?"

   "I can't be angry with them." Shui Wu said depressedly, while the painting Wufeng disdainfully said, "A man without the power of the Holy Spirit, you still expect him? Are you kidding me?"

  Shui Wu immediately laughed when she saw that these people looked down on Lin Tianhou, "If you don't have the power of the Holy Spirit, then you go up and see how terrifying he is."

   Painting without wind and self-belief, "I can take him down with any disciple of mine."

   After finishing speaking, Hua Wufeng shouted, "Who is up?"

   "I." A person who painted Xiantang walked out, took out a brush in his hand, and immediately drew a strange golden letter in the air, and then pushed it, and the golden letter flew to Lin Tian.

   Lin Tian avoided it easily, but when the golden letter hit Lin Tian's original place, a big hole exploded there.

   Seeing this scene, Shui Wu had to admire the other party, and the Master Fu even sighed, "It's not easy to attack people by drawing characters."

   (end of this chapter)

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