Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 1487: Wear it right away

  Chapter 1487

  Shui Wu was in a hurry, and she stared at these people and said, "You guys are spitting blood."

  The Eighth Prince also said, "Who instructed you?"

   "We weren't instructed, we just saw it." One person said firmly, and the others also said that they saw it, and the president of the executive court told the eighth princes to take it easy.

   The three princes were gloating over the misfortune, but Lin Tian laughed and said, "Well, let me ask you, what skills did I use to kill them?"

   One person said, "You use a sword, then hold the sword, and kill these people one by one."

  Lin Tian smiled and asked, "Sword? Then don't I have the power of the Holy Spirit?"

   "Nonsense, you must have the power of the eight-star or nine-star Holy Spirit to be able to display such a powerful swordsmanship." One person also took it for granted.

   The others also roared, but Lin Tian laughed strangely, "The power of the Holy Spirit, then ask these hall masters, do I have the power of the Holy Spirit?"

   As soon as these words came out, those people looked at each other in disbelief, and some didn't believe, "Impossible, you must have the power of the Holy Spirit."

   But Cang Hall Master and others have a very high cultivation base, and they can see through it at a glance whether they have the power of the Holy Spirit, so the Cang Hall Master frowned, "He really doesn't have the power of the Holy Spirit."

   "This, how is it possible, we clearly saw it, there is a golden light flashing above your head, it must be the power of the Holy Spirit."

Lin Tian smiled and looked at the president of the executive court and the others, "Look at the wooden slips carefully, the people who shot have the power of the Holy Spirit, but they used a special magic weapon to cover the radiance of the Holy Spirit's power, so it looks very strange. It is very faint, and it is difficult to find it even when recording, but if you look at it several times, you will know that it is blocked."

The hall masters immediately studied them one by one, until Cang hall master said, "Yes, there is a black cloth on the top of these people who shot, what kind of magic weapon should it be, to block the light of the Holy Spirit's power, and then cooperate with the surrounding streets. The faint light emitting from it makes it difficult for everyone to spot it.”

   Hearing this, the fourth prince immediately didn't believe it, and went forward to check, and Shui Wu was overjoyed, "You see, it's completely slander."

  The fourth prince was not reconciled, but the third prince said, "How can you explain the aura of the wounds on these people?"

   "Breathe, as I said, it's all fake." Lin Tian smiled, while the third prince sneered, "If you say it's fake, it's fake."

  Lin Tian smiled and looked at everyone, "Have you heard of Qingling Formation?"

   Cang Palace Master seems to know something, "It is rumored that the Qingling Formation can clean up some counterfeit things."

   The President of the Executive Court also nodded and said, "That's right, on the Qingling Array, all the hypocrisy will disappear, thus revealing the real thing."

  Lin Tian smiled and said, "That's right, next, I'll set up a clear spirit formation, and the fake aura on these corpses will slowly dissipate and turn into real aura."

   Cang Palace Master was shocked, "Really?"

   The President of the Executive Court did not believe it and said, "This has been lost, how is it possible."

  The Youth Palace said expectantly, "You try."

  Lin Tian immediately told everyone to step aside, and he started to set up the formation, but the fourth prince sneered, "Struggling to the death."

  The third prince said, "Boy, you are making everyone waste time."

  Lin Tian ignored it, but Shui Wu said, "Even if the hall masters agreed, you shouldn't be messing around here."

   Sanxingzi and the fourth prince were both guilty, so they continued to slander Lin Tian there. As for Master Fu, he looked puzzled, "This kid, can't he really clear the spirit formation?"

   For the Eighth Prince, his master is omnipotent, so he believed in staring at Lin Tian until a quarter of an hour later, Lin Tian smiled and said, "Let's see the real breath on these wounds."

After   , the formation was activated, and the fake breaths changed one by one, and finally returned to their original state.

   Not only that, there are hundreds of scents, which means that hundreds of people have shot, and hundreds of people have faked it.

   The president of the executive court was shocked, "So many people."

   Cang Palace Master said, "It seems that we have to cooperate with the enforcement court to catch these people."

   "It's better to keep it secret, or else the trouble will scare them away." Lin Tian smiled at the third prince and the fourth prince, and the fourth prince stared, "Boy, what do you mean?"

   "Looking at this situation, someone wants to frame me, so in order to prove that the two princes are not suspicious, the two princes will not use the sound transmission stone, and also wait here for the Cang Palace Master and the others to arrest them."

  The fourth prince pretended to be stupid, "Boy, do you want to say that we framed you?"

   "Isn't it?" Lin Tian asked with a smile, and the fourth prince said in a fuss, "Okay, we won't leave, we'll just wait here."

  But the third prince looked ugly, so he quickly transmitted the sound of the fourth prince, "You have been fooled."

"what happened?"

   "If we don't leave, how can we spread news to Qin Fu and the others and let them hide."

   Hearing this, the Fourth Prince was shocked, and the Cang Hall Master looked at the Hall Master of the Youth Hall, "The people here are handed over to you, and the people from the Executive Court and I will find someone."

   "Well, let's go." The Hall Master of the Youth Palace responded, and the Cang Hall Master and the people from the Executive Court immediately left.

  Shui Wu looked at the fourth prince and the third prince happily, "Don't let the hall masters find those who framed this kid, otherwise it will be bad if you pull out the people behind the scenes."

  The fourth prince said firmly, "We wouldn't do such a thing."

  But after finishing speaking, the fourth prince was so anxious, and the third prince was even more restless.

  However, Lin Tian and others were here, and the two of them could not leave, so they had to wait there all night, until the next day, a group of people was arrested, but there were only more than 100 people, and the rest were obviously not found.

   But Hall Master Cang said happily, "The group of people we caught has been found."

   The fourth prince asked curiously, "Then, who are they?"

   Cang Palace Master's smile gradually disappeared and said, "However, these people will not open their mouths, and the President of the Executive Court is trying to find a way."

  The fourth prince breathed a sigh of relief, and the third prince said proudly, "It was caught, can we go?"

"Don't worry, wait." After the Cang Palace Master finished speaking, he waited there until the President of the Executive Court came, and he frowned, "According to our review, we found that they all have soul shackles, and this, Looking at Kyushu, only people from the Sky Ancient Alliance have it.

   Hearing this, Cang Palace Master said in a hurry, "The people of the ancient alliance are really hateful."

  Shui Wu asked curiously, "Who instructed these people?"

   "If there are soul shackles, they won't say it, otherwise they will lose their souls." The president of the executive court said, but Lin Tian smiled and said, "I have a way to break the shackles."

   "What?" Everyone stared at Lin Tian in astonishment, but the fourth prince didn't believe it, "Boy, do you know what the soul shackles are?"

   (end of this chapter)

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