Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 1484: Pit, you have to rush to jump!

   Chapter 1484 The pit, you have to rush to jump!

   That Qin Fu continued to laugh, "Don't be naive, how could this eighth prince break my identity."

  Lin Tian said to the eighth prince, "Using the ability to control everything."

   "Master, can all things be used?"

"Yu Wan Wan has an effect on anything, it's just how strong the effect is, and his sub-figure is too far away from the deity, so his deity's control over this sub-figure is very weak, you just have to control it in turn That's it."

  The eighth prince immediately understood what he was hearing, so he stared at that Qin Fu, and used that Yu Wanwu, and this sub-figure Qin Fu immediately found that his deity's control over this sub-figure was weakened.

   This shocked Qin Fu, "What's going on here?"

  The Eighth Prince stared at Qin Fu and said proudly, "You are now under my control."

   Hearing this, Qin Fu was in a hurry, and he was not willing to struggle. Who knew Lin Tian smiled and said, "Don't struggle, here, your deity is far from you, so your control is very low."

Hearing this, Qin Fu was not reconciled and wanted to escape, but the Eighth Prince kept him under control so that he could not leave, and Qin Fu stared at Lin Tian in anger, "Boy, let me tell you, I will never let him go. Let go of you."

   "You think I'm afraid of you?" Lin Tianxie smiled, while that Qin Fu hummed, "If it wasn't for the Eighth Prince, I would have deposed you long ago."

  Lin Tian smiled without saying a word, but the eighth prince said, "My ability is taught by my master, you are not even better than me, let alone fight with my master."

"Hmph, my deity is not here, if I am here, you will all be finished." That Qin Fu hummed, but the eighth prince ignored him, controlled him directly, and sent him to Lin Tian, ​​"Master, what are you doing now? manage."

   "I'll seal it first." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he took out the seal, sealed it, and said to the Eighth Prince and Shui Wu, "Go, go to the ninth gate."

  The eighth prince hummed and rushed inside immediately, and Shui Wu followed, and Lin Tian slowly followed behind.

   After about a while, everyone came to the ninth gate, and this ninth gate.

   At this moment, those who came in were looking for an exit, but they were like a labyrinth.

   At the same time, a voice sounded in the air, "Whoever comes out first will be the winner today, and will be recognized by the Valley Master and rewarded with a fruit."

  The Eighth Prince looked at Lin Tian, ​​"Master, what should we do now?"

   "Just follow me." Lin Tian smiled and walked in one direction, while the fourth prince cursed when he saw Lin Tian and the others, "Why did they come in?"

   "That person from the ancient alliance is really unreliable!" said the third prince.

  The fourth prince said depressedly, "Then what should we do now?"

   "Follow them, get an early chance and rush to them." The third prince said, and the fourth prince said, and then they secretly followed.

   After Shuifu saw it, he looked at the man wearing the helmet, "Master, what about us now?"

"Follow." The man in the helmet said, and followed silently, while Shui Fu was depressed, especially when he thought that Lin Tian and others were the first, he complained, "Master, when will we be able to win? ?"

   "Look at the opportunity," said the helmeted man.

  Shuifu suddenly said depressedly, "Master, is it really impossible to take the position of the prince?"

   "Isn't there a few more missions in the future?" The person wearing the helmet is safe at will, and Shuifu can only encourage himself, "That's right, there must be opportunities in the future."

   So Shui Fu and the others followed, but in front, the three of Lin Tian saw a corridor, and when they were about to go out, the third prince and the fourth prince immediately threw some medicinal pills.

   "Boom boom boom." These medicinal pills erupted in the area of ​​Lin Tian and the three of them, and formed a black mist. The three princes immediately rushed into the corridor with their own people happily.

   Not only that, the fourth prince also said proudly, "Haha, the first is ours."

   Shui Wu cursed, "These people, why are they so shameless."

  But Lin Tian stopped and smiled, "Let's go."

   At this time, Lin Tian walked in the other direction, and the water dance was stunned, "Didn't you go out here?"

  The Eighth Prince didn't understand, "Isn't this corridor?"

   "This corridor is confusing. The real road is on the other side." As soon as Lin Tian finished speaking, there were screams in that corridor, "Ah."

   Shui Fu and the others were startled and stopped immediately, while Shui Wu laughed and said, "Haha, these people deserve it."

  The eighth prince also became demented, "This."

   "I really thought that I would find a good way for them." Lin Tianxie smiled, then walked to another place, and finally a stone ladder appeared, and he walked up to the stone ladder.

   After about a while, halfway up the mountain, I saw a pavilion, and Lin Tian said to the eighth prince, "Let's go."

  The eighth prince was stunned and walked over, and the pavilion immediately flashed with golden light, and the last token and a box fell into the hands of the eighth prince.

  The Eighth Prince was surprised, "This."

   A voice came from the dark, "Congratulations on your recognition and reward from the Valley Master."

  The eighth prince was very excited, but at this time, the people in the dark also said, "Those who are approved by Shuiyougu can get an invitation letter. This invitation letter will be delivered to you within three days."

As soon as the    voice fell, the surroundings were like an illusion, all appearing outside the earliest waterfall in the water valley.

When Master   Fu and the others saw Lin Tian and the others coming out, they quickly stepped forward to ask what was going on.

  The eighth prince excitedly said, "I won."

  Little Fatty asked about the process, but Shui Wu saw a group of **** people nearby, two of them were the disfigured third and fourth princes, which made Shui Wu feel uncomfortable, "These two?"

   The fourth prince said, "Stinky girl, don't be complacent!"

  The third prince was also annoyed, and complained to Lin Tian, ​​"Boy, wait, I won't let you go."

   "You want to grab the road, but now you're blaming me?" Lin Tianxie laughed, the third prince became even more angry when he heard this, and then shouted to his own people, "Withdraw."

   These people hurriedly fled in despair, and Shuifu was unwilling to escape with the person wearing the helmet.

  Lin Tian looked at everyone with a smile, "Go, go back."

  The Eighth Prince immediately took the things and returned to the Prince's Palace together, and handed the reward to the Hall Master Cang. After the Cang Hall Master announced the victory of the Eighth Prince, he let everyone rest for five days and prepare for the seventh stage.

  But after Lin Tian walked out of the Prince's Palace, he asked the Eighth Prince, "Has that invitation letter arrived?"

  The Eighth Prince shook his head and said, "I've been with Master all the time, and I haven't seen any outsiders give me anything."

  Shui Wu said suspiciously, "What is the invitation letter that Shuiyougu said? Why have I never heard of it."

   (end of this chapter)

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