Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 1456: Missing

   Chapter 1456 Missing

  Lin Tian smiled, "Just watch it, don't worry too much."

  Little Fatty had to keep staring, while other people present were curious whether the city lord would have a seizure, but at this moment, the city lord exploded, suddenly flew from the original position, and then rushed to the sky.

   Everyone was frightened, and then there was a sound of "Boom", this book fell from the sky after too long, and then the hair turned white and spread out, as if going crazy.

   That brother Liu was taken aback, "No way, really crazy?"

   Ben was too long, but his eyes were clear, as if he didn't go mad, and he walked towards the brother Liu and asked suspiciously, "Have you added water to this wine?"

   That Brother Liu froze and shook his head, "I, I didn't."

   "You, you obviously added water, otherwise I would have gone mad." Ben noticed the problem after too long, but even so, he still saw the power of the wine.

   Brother Liu was frightened, "I, I did add some water, just because I was afraid that something would happen to you, City Lord."

   "Really, what a waste of time." Ben Taijiu sighed helplessly, while Brother Liu was nervous and didn't know what to say.

   Ben too long went to Lin Tian, ​​"Can you give me some of that wine?"

  Lin Tian smiled and said, "That's that deal."

   Ben Taijiu knew that he was in some kind of bottleneck at this moment. After he was in urgent need of Lin Tian's drink, he hesitated for a while, and then gave a bottle to Lin Tian, ​​"Here, that fairy water is all here."

  Lin Tian brought it over and took out a small bottle, "What you want, here it is."

  Everyone was curious about what the two were trading, and Ben was so excited for a long time that he drank it in one breath. The next moment, his whole body started to turn red, and then a roar, the next moment turned into a shadow and disappeared.

  The people present were dumbfounded and didn't know what to do, but Brother Liu stammered and shouted, "Withdraw, quickly withdraw."

   These people quickly evacuated.

   The little fat man was curious, "Boss, why did that city lord drink your wine and suddenly become?"

"Actually, it's that magic wine, let him change, and then add my fairy wine, it becomes interesting." Lin Tian laughed, but Xiao Pang didn't understand very well, Lin Tian smiled and said, "Go, put that What Brother Liu's brought me here."

   "Boss, who are you?"

   "I'm very interested in his magic wine." Lin Tian smiled.


  Little Fatty left, and Lin Tian waited in the yard until the next day, but did not see Little Fatty appear, which made Lin Tian puzzled, so he closed his eyes and looked for Little Fatty's contract.

   But Xiao Chuan seems to have disappeared, the contract seems to have disappeared.

   "Strange, why did he disappear." Lin Tian looked suspicious.

  The Wolf King asked curiously, "Boss, what's wrong?"

   "Looks like Xiaopang is in trouble." Lin Tian said, but the wolf king widened his eyes, "Really?"

   "Well, let's go, go to the City Lord's Mansion and look for that brother Liu." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he brought the Wolf King to the City Lord's Mansion.

   Brother Liu, who was still sulking in the city lord's mansion at the moment, said depressedly, "The city lord has almost disappeared for a day."

  The other guards were helpless, and some people complained, "When is the city lord going to disappear?"

  Some people also said, "The city owner used to disappear often, and it didn't appear until the end."

   Just then, a voice came from the corridor, "Everyone is there."

   Everyone looked over, it was none other than Lin Tian, ​​which scared everyone.

  Some people are still staring at Lin Tian, ​​"You, what are you doing here?"

   Brother Liu was even more alert, "Boy, let me tell you, I won't be afraid of you."

  Lin Tian stared at Brother Liu and asked, "Do you have anyone who caught me?"

   "The person who arrested you?" Those people looked at each other, while Brother Liu said, "Boy, don't slander us, how could we arrest your person."

  Some people also said, "That's right, we've been here all the time, don't spit your blood."

  Lin Tian became suspicious, "Really?"

   Brother Liu muttered, "We've never been out since we came back here. How can we arrest your people?"

  Lin Tian hesitated, "Where did this little fat go?"

   "Boy, what's the matter? Shame?" Brother Liu asked strangely, and Lin Tian replied, "I did lose someone, and I came to find you."

   "Look for me?" Brother Liu looked at Lin Tian strangely, and Lin Tian said, "Come with me first."

   After Lin Tian finished speaking, he turned to leave, but Brother Liu stared, "Who do you think you are? Let me go, and I'll follow?"

  Lin Tian asked, "What? Don't you want to leave?"

   "Don't go!" Brother Liu snorted, and then stood behind the crowd, but Lin Tian smiled strangely, "Really don't go?"

   That Brother Liu said firmly, "That's right."

   "Take him." After Lin Tian finished speaking to the wolf king, the wolf king came to Brother Liu at once, and just as Brother Liu was about to resist, the wolf king took him down at once.

   Brother Liu immediately yelled, "You are bastards."

  The wolf king injected demonic energy into his body, making that brother Liu feel uncomfortable, and at the same time he was frightened and said, "I don't want to scold me, can I still do it?"

   "Go away."

   Brother Liu had to keep up with him depressed, and Lin Tian asked Brother Liu to take his own people to the city to inquire about the whereabouts of Xiaopang, and this Brother Liu had to listen to Lin Tian and let the guards to inquire around.

   About half an hour later, Lin Tian and the others received news from several guards on the street.

   The news is that when Xiaopang just walked out of the wine list, he was knocked out by someone and took him away.

   "Stunned?" Lin Tian became suspicious. After all, it would take a lot of power to knock Xiaopang out in an instant, and make him unable to send any news.

   Brother Liu said, "Boy, what you want to investigate, I have investigated, you can let me go now."

   "Don't worry, I still need you in some places." Lin Tian said, but this brother Liu was annoyed, "Boy, are you trying to find fault?"

   "Do you want to live?" After Lin Tian finished saying a sentence, that brother Liu's arrogance disappeared immediately, and he stared at Lin Tian with a depressed expression, "Say, what do you want to do."

  Lin Tian smiled at this brother Liu, "It's very simple, just listen to me, everything is easy to say."

   Brother Liu was so angry that he vomited blood, but he had to say, "Tell you, I compromised not because I was afraid of you, but because of my city lord."

   "Oh? Where's your city lord?"

   "He also disappeared for a day." When Brother Liu heard the city lord, his expression was ugly, but Lin Tian grabbed Brother Liu's shoulder with one hand, and Brother Liu was trembling with fear, "Boy, what are you doing?"

   "I can't trust you."

   Brother Liu widened his eyes, "Could it be that you want to kill me?"

   "It's unnecessary to kill you, but I have to take a good look at your memory and make a decision." Lin Tian's explanation made this brother Liu go wild, "Are you crazy?"

   (end of this chapter)

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