Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 1451: too strong to be shocked

   Chapter 1451 Too powerful to shock

Lin Tian glanced at the eagle king in the mist and smiled, and the eagle king swept down Lin Tian and found that he was not very strong, and he didn't have any fluctuations in the power of the Holy Spirit, and immediately reprimanded the old crow, " You say this kid is the boss that the little fat recognizes?"

   "Yes." The old crow nodded with a chain on his body at the moment, but the eagle king didn't believe it, so in order to confirm, he questioned the little fat man, "Little fat man, why do you think one person is the boss."

  Xiao Pang said without hesitation, "Because he is amazing."

   Hearing this, the Eagle King hummed, "What kind of power can a little human be?"

   Seeing that the other party didn't believe it, Fatty sighed, "That's your ignorance."

   "Hmph, then I'll kill him and let you go back to my Monster Beast Mountain." The eagle king said proudly, but Xiao Pang said, "Don't do it, you're not his opponent at all."

   "I'm not his opponent? Little Fatty, you underestimate me too much." The Eagle King snorted.

   Not only that, the Eagle King waved his hand, and a golden light flashed in the air, reaching directly in front of Lin Tian.

   But Lin Tian moved a little, and his entire body evaded the attack.

  The Eagle King was stunned and attacked again. When the other monsters saw it, they were startled one by one, and some even muttered, "This guy can actually escape the King's attack."

   As for Lin Tian, ​​facing the attack that came flying again, he still avoided it with ease, and still said with a smile, "It's boring to stand on the top, let's come down."

   "If you come down, you will die." After the eagle king finished speaking, he took a leap and rushed towards Lin Tian, ​​and when he reached Lin Tian, ​​the eagle king revealed his true colors.

   I saw that the body was covered with golden light, and it was a sculpted head. At the same time, countless golden palm prints were made with one palm, and the speed was very fast.

  Lin Tian moved around there, making the opponent's attack completely miss.

   This shocked the monsters present again, and some couldn't believe that Lin Tian, ​​a little human being, was so terrifying.

   The little fat man said, "Your Majesty, you are afraid."

   "Scared? How dare you say I'm afraid?" The Eagle King snorted and immediately turned into a golden eagle, and this time he went to collide with Lin Tian.

   I saw that the golden eagle turned into countless afterimages during the collision process, and the speed can be said to be very fast.

   Faced with such a speed, Lin Tian divided into countless shadows at once.

   In this way, the golden eagles were blinded, and he didn't know which one was the deity, so he could only look around, and Lin Tian smiled and said, "What else is there to do?"

  Golden Eagle was in a hurry and stared at Lin Tian, ​​"Boy, I must have many ways to deal with you."

   "Many ways? I don't know which one you're talking about." Lin Tian smiled at the golden eagle.

  Golden Eagle gritted his teeth in anger, and then his wings flew past, and the powerful airflow shattered all of Lin Tian's ghosts one by one.

   "It's a bit of a skill." Lin Tian stood on a tree and laughed.

  Golden Eagle glared angrily, "Boy, do you know that I'm good?"

   "It's awesome, but."

   "But what?"

  Lin Tianxie smiled, "But with your ability, you still can't do anything to me."

  Golden Eagle was furious, "I'm still afraid that you won't succeed?"

   "Try it, you'll know." Lin Tian smiled at the golden eagle, and the golden eagle snorted, "Then I'll show you my herd."

   After finishing speaking, the golden eagle gave an order to all the monsters on the Monster Beast Mountain present, "All monsters obey the order."

   "Yes." Those monsters responded one by one, making the sound of monsters all over the mountain, as if surrounded by an army.

  Little Fatty knew that Lin Tian was in trouble, so he quickly said, "Boss, there are too many monsters here, do you want to retreat?"

   "No, let them all come." Lin Tian didn't take it seriously, while Little Fatty looked around after saying a word. As for the wolf king, he also released his breath and began to guard the surroundings.

   After about a while, those flying in the air and those running on the ground slowly surrounded him.

  Lin Tian looked around and laughed after all the monsters, "It's just right."

   Seeing that Lin Tian was so mad, the Eagle King said, "Boy, there are many strong monsters like me, do you think you can handle it alone?"

   "You're optimistic." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he first turned into countless ghosts, and these ghosts performed the trapping technique.

  Those monsters, one by one, felt as if the power within their body was being suppressed, and one by one, they were startled.

   Some even shouted, "Your Majesty, my strength is about to run out."

   There are also monsters shouting, "Me, mine too."

  For a while, everyone felt as if their power was bound by something, but Lin Tian laughed, "Okay, stop shouting, as long as it is a monster, it will be bound by me."

   Hearing this, the monsters were startled one by one, unable to believe that all this was true.

  But Lin Tian smiled and said, "Everyone, stop struggling, it's useless, now you are all within my control."

   Hearing this, these monsters became frightened one by one, not knowing what to do.

  The Eagle King was in a hurry, and stared at the demons, "What are you all stunned for, give it to me."

  Those monsters had to bite the bullet and attack Lin Tian, ​​but the power after being restrained hit Lin Tian, ​​but it could not cause any damage to Lin Tian.

   That little fat man laughed, "Everyone said, you are not my boss opponent, and you still don't believe it."

  Those monsters were scared, but King Eagle became angry and yelled at those monsters, "Continue for me."

   But Lin Tian smiled and said, "You guys, do you want to condense the demons and become demons?"

   As soon as these words came out, these monsters were startled one by one, and Lin Tian continued to laugh and said, "I can make you condense monsters, and it's the one right away."

   These monsters naturally don't believe it, but Lin Tian's words are too shocking, and the eagle king reminded everyone, "Everyone, don't be deceived, this kid is lying to you."

   Having said that, after Chubby and Wolf King released their power, they showed off there.

  Some monsters also asked, "Little Fatty, is it true?"

   "Really, my boss has a kind of fruit, if you eat it, you can condense a monster, become a monster, and save the training process." The little fat said proudly.

   As soon as these words came out, many monsters were eager to move, and some were still drooling, until a monster came to Lin Tian, ​​"Well, can I do it?"

   With one, other monsters also stepped forward, and the eagle king said, "Are you rebelling?"

   A monster said, "Your Majesty, we can't do anything about him anyway, we might as well submit to him."

   "Damn, traitor, a group of traitors." The eagle king glared angrily.

  Lin Tian laughed strangely, "What? Scared?"

   The eagle king gritted his teeth, "Afraid? Do you think I would be afraid?"

  Lin Tian smiled and said nothing, and chose some powerful demons, and then asked them to make a contract first.

   But the eagle king frightened them, "You make a contract and you are fooled."

   (end of this chapter)

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