Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 1443: break into bandit den

   Chapter 1443 Breaking into the Bandit's Den

   Shuifu, who was on the side, also laughed, "That's right, only four levels have passed, and there are still six levels to come!"

  Shui Wu looked at everyone and believed, "Anyway, my Eighth Emperor is so powerful, I can definitely get the first place."

  Everyone showed disbelief, especially the third prince said, "Wait and see."

   At this time, Hall Master Yan appeared, he looked at everyone, "Everyone, are you ready?"

  Everyone was already gearing up for it, and Hall Master Yan said, "This fifth level, although simple, is also difficult."

   Everyone wonders what this fifth level is.

  The Hall Master Yan sent everyone a wooden slip with some contents recorded in it.

   When everyone saw it, they were all startled.

   Palace Master Yan stared at the crowd and said, "There are bandits in many places in Shuiguo, and the biggest one is the famous Shanwang bandit in Shuiguo. Their forces are all over the place, and this wooden slip is recorded."

  Some prince wondered, "Then we are going to capture the owner of this mountain king bandit, Wang Zhongfei?"

   "Yes, Wang Zhongfei is a ghost, but everyone said that he is usually in the Zongzhai, so you can go there, but I don't need to tell you the degree of danger." Lord Yan stared at everyone.

   Of course everyone knew about the difficulty, but one prince asked, "Can you find help?"

   Palace Master Yan said with a smile, "For the sake of fairness, each of you should not have more than three people."

   Everyone looked at each other, brows furrowed, obviously this was too difficult, and Hall Master Yan said, "This is a teleportation array, which leads to the vicinity of the main village."

  When everyone heard this, they had to leave one after another, while the Eighth Prince looked at Lin Tian, ​​"Master, what about us?"

"lets go."

  Eighth Prince Ensheng immediately followed Lin Tian, ​​and Shui Wu also quickly followed. Apart from these three people, Xiaopang, Wolf King, and Master Fu also followed.

   At the moment in the observation deck, the lord of the country and others are ready, but the lord of the Cang Palace is a little worried, "The lord of the country, this Wang Zhongfei is very cunning, and there are many high-level bandits in the mountain king, can they do it?"

   "Let's see and talk about it." The King said, but everyone wondered why the King chose such a difficult task.

   However, at the moment near the Shanwang Bandit General Village, the princes and princesses were thinking about how to infiltrate this mountain king bandit group, find the village owner, and attack him.

  Lin Tian took Shui Wu and the Eighth Prince and others slowly forward, as if the mountains of swords and flames in front of them had nothing to do with them.

  The fourth prince hurriedly looked at the third prince, "Brother Third Emperor, look, these guys are going directly to the mountain king bandit group."

   "Do they think this mountain king bandit group is easy?" The third prince sneered, and the fourth prince wondered, "Brother Sanhuang, do you have a solution?"

   "I have notified some people in advance that they should contact the Shanwang bandit group."

   "What? You even know the mountain king's bandits?" The fourth prince was a little surprised, while the third prince sneered, "In the water country, how can there be someone I don't know?"

  The Fourth Prince immediately said excitedly, "Then these people go in, aren't they courting death?"

   "That's for sure, the people in the Shanwang bandit group are probably waiting for them to enter." The third prince said proudly.

  The fourth prince immediately looked forward with joy, but Shuifu looked at the person wearing the helmet, "Master, what should I do now?"

   "Don't worry, let's see how these people got into the bandit cottage." After the masked man finished speaking, he brought people along and followed silently in the distance.

  Shui Wu said to the Eighth Prince in front, "Eighth Prince, look, those people are behind."

  The eighth prince said, "Ignore them, listen to my master."

  Shui Wu looked at Lin Tian without saying a word, "What is his plan?"

  The eighth prince didn't understand, so he could only shake his head, and Shui Wu had to follow first, until after a while, everyone saw a group of mountains.

   These mountains are all around, and there are still many flags and some secret posts.

   At the same time, outside the mountain, there is also a formation, which seems to be heavily guarded.

  Shui Wu quickly shouted, "Look, there are people everywhere on those mountains."

  The eighth prince looked at Lin Tian, ​​"Master, are we still going on?"

   "Follow, that's it." Lin Tian said with a smile, and the Eighth Prince snorted and continued to follow.

  Shui Wu wondered, "We've all been exposed, aren't we afraid that they will come out to trouble us?"

  Lin Tian didn't speak, and Shui Wu had to mutter, "I see what you should do next."

  Lin Tian remained silent and continued to walk his own way, while the people behind were curious about what would happen to Lin Tian and others.

   But next, Lin Tian's actions made everyone stunned.

  I saw Lin Tian standing beside the formation and said to the inside, "Where is your village owner?"

   At this time, a group of bandits ran out, stood in the formation, looked up and down at Lin Tian, ​​and a big man in the lead, carrying an axe, glared, "Boy, what are you looking for our village master?"

   "I'm going to catch him."

   As soon as these words came out, the bandits first froze, then laughed, and the princes and princesses scolded Lin Tian like a lunatic from a distance.

  The Hall Master Yan in the observation platform said, "This kid, is he crazy? He just exposed his purpose?"

   The Cang Palace Master was also puzzled, while the other Palace Masters did not know what Lin Tian had planned. As for the King, he asked Shui Liu curiously, "National Master, what did he do this for?"

  Shui Liu didn't understand, so he could only say, "I don't know about this either."

   Yan Palace Master said, "I think this kid is arrogant and self-righteous."

   However, Shui Wu looked at Lin Tian with a shocked expression, "I said, are you crazy?"

  Lin Tian did not speak, but smiled at the bandits.

   After these bandits laughed, the big man pointed at Lin Tian with an axe, "Boy, at your level, do you still want to arrest our village owner?"

   "Where is he, let him come to see me." Lin Tian still said unscrupulously, but the big man was unhappy and shouted to the people around him, "Everyone, take care of him."


   I saw these people casting spells inside, and the eighth prince wanted to fight back, but found that the spells blocked his attack, but the people inside were not affected.

   This made the Eighth Prince wonder, "What's going on here?"

  Shui Wu was also puzzled, "This, what's going on."

   "This formation is unilateral, that is to say, the inside can attack the people outside, but the people outside cannot attack the people inside." Lin Tian explained.

   Hearing this, Shui Wu was startled, "There are other things."

  The eighth prince hurriedly shouted, "Master, let's step back."

   "No, it's just some small spells, you guys are waiting here." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he took the initiative to walk towards the formation, and while everyone was watching, he passed through the formation.

  Those bandits were startled, they stared at the monsters and stared at Lin Tian, ​​and at the same time took out their own spells to attack Lin Tian.

   But the spells of these people had no effect on Lin Tian at all, so those people used the power of the Holy Spirit, but the power of the Holy Spirit was weakened by Lin Tian, ​​making these bandits look like monsters and hurried to the deep mountains.

   (end of this chapter)

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