Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 1438: Summon the Demon, the Two-Headed Skeleton King

   Chapter 1438 Summons Evil Ghost, Two-Headed Skeleton King

  Lin Tian laughed, "I have already laid out the layout, it will be done soon."

  The city owner had to wait until half an hour later, a faint light flickered over the courtyard opposite Lin Tian, ​​and Lin Tian smiled, "Come on."

   After finishing speaking, Lin Tian looked at Xiaopang and the Wolf King, "Search according to the breath."

   The two monsters immediately looked at the breath in the air, and then quickly separated.

  The city owner was puzzled, "You said breath, where's the breath?"

   "Look at the breath in the sky across the courtyard, it's that evil fox."

  The city owner was stunned, "This?"

   Obviously the city owner didn't know what Lin Tian meant at all, but Lin Tian didn't explain much, but instead calmed down and said, "Let's go."

  I saw Lin Tian stand up alone, and then let those from the Black Martial Sect wait here, and then Lin Tian and the city lord left there.

   When Lin Tian appeared again, he happened to see the red light of the wolf king and Xiaopang, surrounding a fox demon.

The people nearby    said in surprise, "Look, that fox demon."

   I saw that the fox demon was holding a black bag in his hand, which obviously contained a person, and when Lin Tian walked over, the fat man said, "Boss, it's him."

  Lin Tian smiled at the fox demon and said, "I've been waiting for you for a long time."

   The fox demon made a manly voice, "Who are you, why are you arresting me?"

   "You hurt so many girls, why did you say I caught you?" Lin Tian asked with a smile, and the fox demon hummed, "Boy, don't meddle in your business, or I'll kill you."

   "Kill me? Is it just you?" Lin Tian asked with a smile, and the fox demon was so angry that he wanted to do it, but the blood light prevented him from exerting his power.

   But at this moment, the sound of a flute came from nearby, and the fox demon immediately went mad.

   Everyone was startled, and they all wondered what happened to the flute sound, when a person flew down from a distance.

   I saw this man with white hair on the temples, and holding a green flute in his hand. At the same time, behind him there were a group of princes and princesses, as well as the one wearing a helmet.

   "It's you?" Lin Tian looked at these people with a smile, and the third prince smiled and said, "Boy, this evil fox belongs to us."

   "What you said is yours?" Lin Tian sneered, while the third prince teased, "With this master here, you can't catch this evil fox today."

   "No matter who he is, he can't stop me." Lin Tian believed in himself, but the third prince smiled and said, "He is the master of the Ghost Immortal Sect, Di Yin."

   When everyone heard Di Yin, their eyes widened, "Is he Di Yin?"

  The city lord also said to Lin Tian after being shocked, "Sir, be careful, this Di Yin is said to have a very strong soul, no ghost technique or soul method can hurt him."

   Lin Tian smiled, but the third prince said proudly, "Boy, we know that your soul skills are very powerful, so we specially asked Senior Di to deal with you."

   "Do you want to deal with me? Then you have to line up." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he made a leap, rushed into the blood light, and then hit the evil fox with a talisman.

  The evil fox immediately disappeared from its original position, the little fat and the wolf king regained their calm, and everyone wondered where the evil fox went.

   This Di Yin stared at Lin Tian, ​​"You actually made a formation to restrain it."

   "It's good to know." Lin Tian smiled at this Di Yin, but Di Yin said, "Then I have to defeat you and find that evil fox again."

   "You beat me? Don't say that." Lin Tian didn't take the other party seriously, and Di Yin said to the third prince and others, "You guys stand back."

  The third prince and others immediately stepped back, wanting to see what this Di Yin would do, and Lin Tian also asked the city lord and others to step back.

   As for the onlookers, their eyes widened, wanting to see who was stronger and who was weaker between Di Yin and Lin Tian.

   As soon as Di Yin came up, he played the flute, the sound made the surrounding walls start to shake, as if the ground was about to shake the mountain, but Lin Tian was in the sound, nothing at all.

   This made Di Yin feel puzzled and wondered, "This boy is not afraid of my voice?"

  Lin Tian stared at Di Yin and said with a smile, "What are you thinking about?"

  Di Yin returned to his senses and said with cold eyes, "Boy, I admit, you are a bit capable, but I have to increase my efforts now."

   After finishing speaking, this Di Yin added the sound of the flute, some surrounding walls were shattered, and the ground began to crack.

   Everyone was terrified when they saw it, and some people who came close also felt the blood in their bodies shaking frantically, as if they were about to rush out of the body.

   The third prince who was watching there proudly said, "Master Di's ability is really amazing."

  Shuifu said with a smile, "Of course, it was sent by the ghosts, you should know that all of them are ghost-cultivating monsters."

The third prince asked curiously, "How do you know the Ghost Immortal Sect?"

   "Three princes, you don't need to know this." Shui Fuxie laughed, and the third prince muttered to himself, "This guy is still guarding me."

  Shuifu sneered, "I won't let anyone else take this crown prince position."

   But at this moment, Lin Tian said to that Di Yin, "This is your greatest strength?"

Everyone was confused, especially Lin Tian, ​​who had nothing to do, making everyone wonder how he did it, and Di Yin frowned and stared at Lin Tian, ​​"Boy, my voice, even if it has Xiange's voice People are hard to resist, why can you stop them?"

   "Because I'm better than you." Lin Tian said without hesitation.

   This made Di Yin snort, "You kid, you have a thick skin."

   "Then take out your other skills and let me see if there are any better ones."

   "Okay, I'll show you my ghost art." After that Di Yin finished speaking, he took out a black flag in one hand, and then the black flag danced, and a huge vortex appeared above Lin Tian's head.

   This vortex exudes a ghostly aura.

  The crowd exclaimed, "What a powerful ghost."

   "What's going on here."

   At this moment, a huge figure appeared, and this figure had two heads, while the body was composed of many skeleton shadows.

   The people present said in shock, "Summon the two-headed ghost skeleton king."

   "What? The Two-Headed Ghost Skull King?"

   "How can this thing appear here."

   "It is estimated that the summoning ghost technique was used to attract one of the top ten Skeleton Kings in Jiuyou Ghost Capital."

   Everyone heard the top ten Skeleton Kings, trembling one by one. Obviously, many people have heard the rumors about it, and at this time the two-headed Skeleton King made a long voice, "Who, who called me."

   Di Yin said, "Me."

   "What's the matter?" The double-headed Skeleton King's eyes flashed, while that Di Yin pointed at Lin Tian, ​​"His soul is very special, I invite you, and it will naturally be eaten by you."

The two-headed Skeleton King is a soul-eating evil spirit, and when he heard this, he sniffed the area where Lin Tian was, and found that Lin Tian's soul was really "scent" and said excitedly, "It's really special, I like it. ."

  The people present were blinded, and the third prince asked suspiciously, "This two-headed Skeleton King treats him as a delicacy?"

   The person wearing the helmet said, "The two-headed Skeleton King is a soul eater, and a person with a more powerful soul, in his eyes, is a delicacy."

   (end of this chapter)

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