Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 1436: This picture is interesting

   Chapter 1436 This picture is very interesting

  Lin Tian's words shocked the city lord, but Xiao Pang was not reconciled, and rushed up with a leap, only to be suppressed by a mysterious force.

The   Wolf King also transformed into a huge wolf shadow, and then attacked the surrounding frantically, but these attacks were like hitting a barrier, and they rebounded wildly.

   This made the wolf king very annoyed, and the city lord was even more demented, "This."

   Yi Wangtian snorted in the dark, "How naive you are, with such a mob, and delusional thinking of breaking my immortal sky map?"

  Lin Tian smiled and said, "Although this Immortal Heaven Diagram is an immortal artifact and has great power, do you think it can really trap me?"

   "Boy, I have been studying this picture for a thousand years. Although it is not completely controlled, I can let it trap you. It is still very simple." Yi Wangtian believed.

   The city lord who heard this was frightened, but Lin Tian didn't take it seriously, "Little Xiantu, it won't be able to do anything to me."

   "Naive." Yi Wangtian said contemptuously.

   But Lin Tian jumped up, and the city owner thought that Lin Tian would also be suppressed, and even Yi Wangtian in the dark thought that Lin Tian would be suppressed by the power inside Xiantian Tu immediately.

   Who knows, Lin Tian was floating in the air, not affected at all, but there was a layer of white light around him.

   These white lights were crazy to bind Lin Tian, ​​but the reincarnation soul in Lin Tian's body was swallowed up by this white light, making it impossible for Bai Guang to do anything to him.

   Not only that, Lin Tian also crossed the sky and entered a cloud.

  In this cloud and mist, there is a palace floating, and this palace is called Xiantian Temple.

   But this Immortal Heavenly Hall was looming, until Lin Tian walked over, that Immortal Heavenly Hall turned into nine afterimages again, and one of them was flashing with white light, while the others were dim, like an ancient hall, standing there motionless.

  Lin Tian went to touch those dim halls and found that there was no response, and in this hall with white light, there was a powerful force isolating Lin Tian.

  Lin Tian's reincarnation primordial spirit opened, and he resisted the white light little by little, and finally, the whole person walked into this hall.

  In this hall, Lin Tian saw two people.

   It is this Yi Wangtian and Yi Jiansha.

  I saw Yi Jianzai seeing Lin Tian, ​​just like seeing a demon, "Dad, look, he actually found us."

   Yi Wangtian didn't dare to believe, "Boy, this hall, I studied the immortal sky map for thousands of years and found it, and you don't have a map, how did you find it?"

   "Break the spatial constraints of this picture, it's fine." Lin Tian said with a smile.

   "Break the space bond?" Yi Wangtian stared at Lin Tian strangely, but Lin Tian smiled and said, "What? Don't you understand yet? Would you like me to explain it to you."

   Yiwang said, "No need."

   After saying that, Yi Wangtian grabbed Yi Jian and disappeared in the hall, but Yi Wangtian's voice was still in the dark, "Hmph, I'm hiding, I don't believe you can still find it."

   Hearing this, Lin Tian smiled, "It's still very easy to find you."

  Lin Tian finished speaking, took a leap, came to the dark place, and saw a wall.

   On this wall, Lin Tian saw a painting, and this painting had dense forests and rocks, and it looked like a map.

   At the same time, there is white fog around this map.

"Is this the Immortal Sky Map?" Lin Tian wondered, and Yi Wangtian said proudly, "Yes, what you saw is the Immortal Sky Map, and there are nine copies, corresponding to the nine areas of Kyushu, and these nine blocks Together, the regions are the entire map of Kyushu.”

  Lin Tian didn't expect it to be so interesting, and laughed, "It seems that this Xiantian map is somewhat similar to the Kyushutian map."

"Boy, do you even know this?" That Yi Wangtian became weird, and Lin Tian laughed, "There is a huge formation between each country in Kyushu, and this formation is so huge that it even uses the power of heaven and earth as expenses. , so there must be a map of Kyushu Heaven, but I didn't expect this map of Immortal Heaven to have similar abilities."

  Yi Wangtian snorted, "Boy, tell you the truth, it is rumored that whoever masters the Jiufen Xiantian map will be able to unravel the mysteries of Kyushu, and even control the great formations among the various countries in Kyushu."

   "The rumor is true." Of course Lin Tian knew, and Yi Wangtian said proudly, "So, to escape from the Immortal Heaven Map is like breaking the Kyushu Heaven Map, it is impossible."

   "Impossible, but what if I mastered this immortal sky map?"

   "It's ridiculous, I've studied this picture for a thousand years before I know how to get in and out. You still want to control it? Dream about it."

  Lin Tian smiled and said, "Just keep your eyes wide open and see how I break it."

After Lin Tian finished speaking, he put one hand on the immortal sky map, and then a powerful force was resisting Lin Tian. soul.

  The soul of the picture is like the soul of a magic weapon. Once you control it, you can easily take down this magic weapon.

   That's what Lin Tian has to do at the moment, and the image soul just started to resist and struggle frantically, until finally Lin Tian controlled it, and then quickly entered the soul mark and controlled it in his hand.

   The next moment, the painting and Lin Tian merged into one, and Lin Tian had a thought, and all the pictures in front of him disappeared.

  Lin Tian and others continued to stand in the teahouse in the city, while the city owner was stunned and looked around, "How did we come out?"

   The little fat man said excitedly, "It must be the boss."

   Yi Wangtian, who was not far away, was already furious, and that Yi Jianshen was puzzled, "Father, how did they escape?"

   "My painting, out of control."

   "Painting, that Xiantian map, don't you listen to you?" Yi Jiansha asked anxiously, Yi Wangtian said with an ugly expression, "I have lost contact and cannot sense its existence."

   "What?" Yi Jianshu was stunned, while Yi Wang was furious, "I will definitely catch him."

   After saying that, Yi Wangtian hurriedly took Yi Jianshao and retreated first.

  The city lord opened his mouth and said, "They escaped."

   "Let's escape." Lin Tian was still very happy when he thought of what he had achieved today, but the city lord hesitated, "It is said that there are powerful forces behind this Yi family. If they escape like this, they will definitely find a way to deal with you."

   "I'm not afraid of the Temple of the Immortals, I'm afraid of them?" Lin Tian sneered.

   As for the city lord, when he heard the Temple of Killing Immortals, he said, "Sir, are you really afraid of killing the Temple of Immortals?"

   "What's there to be afraid of."


   "Okay, don't do it anymore, just stay with me." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he rested and waited there.

   One day passed quickly, and the next day, Lin Tian let Xiaopang and the wolf king cheer up, but the city owner was puzzled, "Sir, why do you keep sitting here?"

   "Wait for the evil fox."

   "What is the evil fox?" The city lord obviously didn't know that the fox demon was the evil fox, but after the little chubby on the side explained one by one, he suddenly realized, "I didn't expect it to be the evil fox."

   (end of this chapter)

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