Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 1424: Nine princesses who are about to vomit blood

   Chapter 1424 Nine princesses who are about to vomit blood

   Fighting with the Hall of Killing Immortals? Even in Kyushu, no country lord dared to do this, but Lin Tian did it alone.

   Palace Master Yan even said to the country lord, "The country lord, if this guy does such a thing, we have to find a way to solve him, otherwise it will bring trouble to the water country."

  Shui Liu immediately frowned, "Dianzhu Yan, let's not interfere in the matter of killing the Immortal Temple."

   "What does the national teacher mean?" The Hall Master Yan didn't understand, and Shui Liu said, "This is something he will solve, why are you so eager to deal with him? Are you also the one who killed the Immortal Hall?"

   "No, I'm not, I just don't want to cause trouble to our water country." The Hell Palace Master explained.

  Shuiliu looked at the lord, and the lord knew Lin Tian's identity, so he opened his mouth and said, "Even if the national teacher said it, let's not interfere, let him and the Temple of Killing Immortals solve it by ourselves."

   "But." Lord Yan thought that he could take the opportunity to solve Lin Tian, ​​but who knew that the lord had no intention of taking action at all, but let Lin Tian continue to develop.

"Okay, Hallmaster Yan, I know what you think, but I've already decided, so don't say more." After the king finished speaking, Hallmaster Yan had no choice but to stop speaking, but his heart flashed cruelly, "You have to dig your own grave. , then wait."

   is killing the temple at the moment, Lin Tian has already walked out of the street, those killers have already experienced Lin Tian's terrifying, so these people do not dare to go forward.

   Ke Sha Tianyan followed Lin Tian, ​​"Sir, if you continue to stay here, killers from other places will come one after another, I'm afraid."

   "Come when you come." Lin Tian didn't take it seriously, but returned to the inn.

   The matter of Lin Tian destroying the Temple of Killing and fighting against the Temple of Killing Immortals spread all over the city at once, and the princes and princesses who participated in the competition laughed one by one.

  Especially in the city lord's mansion, the fourth prince drank wine and said with a smile, "Is this kid sick? He even went to challenge the Hall of Killing Immortals."

  The third prince sneered, "He thought he was so powerful that he could ignore everything."

   The city lord on the side also complimented, "No, this kid, I don't know who is so daring."

   "Just an arrogant guy." The third prince said coldly, while the fourth prince said expectantly, "I really want to see him being chased by killers."

   At this time, Iron God came in, he looked at everyone and said respectfully, "Two princes."

   "Who is this?" The fourth prince was puzzled, and the city lord immediately introduced, and also said, "Today, all of this has to be thanks to Iron God's calculation, and there is such a thing."

   "Oh? What's going on?" The fourth prince was very curious. After the city lord explained them one by one, he realized that it was the iron **** who had killed the captain and caused so much trouble to Lin Tian.

  The fourth prince was overjoyed when he heard this, "Yes, you are a very good advisor."

  The third prince also praised, "It's more exciting to make this kid on the death warrant than to deal with him by any means."

  Tie Shen said with a smile, "Small idea."

  The city owner also laughed and said, "This is what we should do."

  The fourth prince was very satisfied, "You guys work hard, and when we find the fox demon, we will promote you well."

  The city owner was overjoyed, "Thank you two princes."

  Iron God was also grateful, but when Lin Tian returned to the inn, countless people stared at him with strange eyes.

  Lin Tian ignored them, but went straight back to the inn to rest, waiting for Fatty and the Wolf King to find the fox demon.

   For Shui Wu, she had to wait on the first floor with Master Fu and the Eighth Prince.

   "Brother Eighth Emperor, do you think your master is playing too much?" Shui Wu always felt that this was a bit too big.

   But the eighth prince smiled and said, "My master has decided, that means he must be capable."

   Shui Wu spit out, "My master, he doesn't even dare to fight against the Hall of Killing Gods, how can your master have this ability."

   "Sister Jiuhuang, don't underestimate my master, he is very powerful."

  Shui Wu didn't think so, and said there, "I think so, this guy, it is estimated that he might run away when he looks back."

   "No way." The Eighth Prince firmly believed.

Master Fu on the side of    frowned, because he knew that this matter was no trivial matter, but at this time, the discussions of the people around attracted Shui Wu.

   After listening to their discussion, Shui Wu said, "Is this Wu family member released?"

  The Eighth Prince also heard it, and said helplessly, "It seems that this City Lord's Mansion has a close relationship with the Wu family."

   "Damn it, I'm going to find them to settle the account." Shui Wu said, and the eighth prince asked, "Do you have any evidence?"

   "Is it not evidence that they released people?" Shui Wu said depressedly, but the Eighth Prince said, "I'm afraid it's not that simple."

   "Jane is not easy, let's talk about it first." Shui Wu got up and was about to go, and the eighth prince said, "I'd better call my master first."

After   , the Eighth Prince went to find Lin Tian and told him about the City Lord's Mansion, but Lin Tian smiled and said, "Isn't it obvious that the City Lord's Mansion has something to do with the Wu family?"

  Shui Wu said excitedly after seeing that Lin Tian agreed with her opinion, "Go, go and have a look."

   "It's fine anyway, just go and have a look." Lin Tian smiled, then followed Shui Wu and the others to the City Lord's Mansion.

  But as soon as he arrived at the gate of the city lord's mansion, the iron **** was there, and then said with a smile, "Eighth prince, ninth princess, you are here."

"Why did you let the Wu family's people go?" Shui Wu said angrily, and Tie Shensuan had already thought of an excuse and said, "I have already interrogated, and then Wu Gongzi said that he mistook you for bad people, so he wanted to teach you a lesson. , but before the lesson is completed, you will clean up."

"Mistake? Do you think I'm a fool?" Shui Wu said, while Tie Shen said with a smile, "Nine princesses, we all enforce the law impartially, and the interrogation records have been recorded, you can check, if there is any If the operation is improper, you can go to the enforcement court and sue us."

  Shui Wu stared angrily, "You."

  The Eighth Prince said helplessly, "Sister Jiuhuang, stop making trouble, let's go first."

  Tie Shensuan said with a smile, "It's still the eighth prince wise."

   "You, you bastard." At this moment, Shui Wu could not wait to get this Iron God over and beat him.

  Iron God relied on the fact that there are three princes and four princes behind him, so he has the confidence, so Shui Wu can only stare blankly.

  Lin Tian smiled slightly, and the Shui Wu said depressedly, "Are you still in the mood to laugh?"

   "Are you going to cry?"

  Shui Wu was so angry that he was speechless, and Tie Shensuan continued, "If the nine princesses feel that there is a problem with my interrogation, they can take me down immediately, and I will never resist."

  Shui Wu really wants to do it. Who knows that there are more people nearby, especially many of them are the guards of the City Lord's Mansion.

  These guards have already started acting there according to the requirements of the Iron God.

   "Look, the nine princesses mainly hurt people."

   "How can these nine princesses hurt people at will?"

  Shui Wu's hand that had been raised slowly put it down again, but Lin Tian smiled at the iron god, "Who are you working for?"

   "Of course I am for the imperial court, for the water country." Tie Shensuan vowed.

   (end of this chapter)

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