Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 1420: kill

   Chapter 1420 Murder and silence

   The captain trembled when asked, "Nine princesses, me."

   "What are you? Hurry up and explain it honestly!" Shui Wu drank, and the captain said in fright, "I, I also listened to it."

   "Up above, say, who is it." Shui Wu said coldly, and just as the captain was about to speak, a flying needle flew from the dark and hit the captain, the captain immediately paled, and then died.

   Everyone present was stunned, and Shui Wu quickly checked and found that the captain didn't even have a soul.

"Come on, come and have a look." Shui Wu hurriedly called Lin Tian, ​​while Lin Tian sat there and said quietly, "The soul-breaking needle, once penetrated into the body, if the soul is not strong enough, it will be shattered by this needle. ."

   "What?" Shui Wu's eyes widened, while the Eighth Prince was stunned, "Who is so vicious?"

  In the observation deck, the country lord became even more gloomy, "The soul-shattering needles have appeared. It seems that this fifth-class city is becoming more and more interesting."

   Yan Palace hurriedly said, "King lord, do you want to suspend the game and wait until the troublemaker is caught."

   "No, keep watching." The country lord believed in Lin Tian's ability, so he did not pause, while the other palace lords looked at each other in dismay.

   However, the water dance in the inn ran wild. Looking at the remaining guards, he asked, "Did you see anyone who shot?"

  Those people shook their heads one after another, while Shui Wu was in a hurry, so she could only look at that Uchi and ask, "Is it you!"

   Uchi shook his head, "No, not me."

   At this time, someone rushed in from outside, and quickly said respectfully to Shui Wu, the Eighth Prince and others, "Eighth Prince, Ninth Princess, you are here, why don't you come to our mansion as a guest."

   "Who are you?" Shui Wu stared at the man holding the fan in front of him, and the man bent down, bowed his head and said, "As a counselor in the Xiacheng Lord's Mansion, Iron God will count."

   The people in the inn were startled when they heard the Iron God, "So he is the Iron God?"

   "Unexpectedly, he doesn't look old."

   "Not really."

  Shui Wu stared at the iron **** and asked, "Do you know how this captain died?"

  The Iron God looked blank, "I don't know."

   "I don't know?" Shui Wu got angry, and Tie Shen said embarrassedly, "Ninth Princess, I also heard that you are here, so I rushed over from the City Lord's Mansion, but when I got here, I saw him dead."

  Shui Wu was so angry that she explained what happened, and Tie Shensuan immediately reprimanded the guards, "I told you a long time ago that you must protect the city well and don't let any rules break, why are you so disobedient?"

  The guards looked at each other and the Uchi was sweating on his forehead.

   Until Tie Shenshou shouted, "Come here, **** the Wu family and others to the prison for interrogation, you guards, please go back and review for me."

   "Yes." The guards hurried up, took away the Wu family, and then the guards also left.

   Shui Wu was not reconciled, and was about to have a seizure, but Iron God said respectfully, "Nine princesses, don't you know that you are so satisfied?"

   Shui Wu was not satisfied, but said, "Who killed this person, I didn't investigate clearly, so you just let everyone go?"

   "Nine princesses, you may not know the complexity of our city."

"How complicated is it?" Shui Wu said, and the Iron God explained, "Our city, although poor and small, has many people, and the killers are particularly active, so he may have offended others, It's possible to be killed by a killer."

   "Killer?" Shui Wu was stunned for a moment, while Tie Shen said kindly, "The one who uses the soul-breaking needle must be a formidable expert."

   Shui Wu said, "So, you can't continue the investigation?"

   "I will investigate who he has offended, and report the results to the Ninth Princess."

  Shui Wu immediately felt aggrieved, and Tie Shensuan asked, "I don't know if the Eighth Prince and Ninth Princess should go to the City Lord's Mansion. After all, it's too dangerous outside."

   "No, that's all." Shui Wu said depressedly, and the Iron God said, "Well, if there is any problem, come to the City Lord's Mansion to find us at any time."

  Iron God finished speaking, turned around and left, and then smiled evilly.

   That Shui Wu was depressed, "Why do you stay so unlucky?"

   The eighth prince reassured him, "Miss Jiuhuang, these killers are desperadoes. As long as you give them money, they will do things. You can't find them if you look for them."

   "But." Shui Wu was very depressed, but Lin Tian smiled and said, "It seems that this city will become lively."

  Shui Wu saw that Lin Tian was still in the mood to laugh and said, "Boy, are you crazy? Are you still laughing?"

   "I don't laugh, do I want to cry?"

"Not only have we not found the fox demon now, but we have been bullied by the **** in the city, and this **** is also colluding with the city lord's mansion, but we are about to find evidence. Now that the captain is dead, there is no proof!" Shui Wu thought about it! This is frustrating.

  Lin Tian laughed, "Want evidence? It's actually very simple."

   "Simple? You're a big talker." Shui Wu stared, while Lin Tian smiled and said, "Bring me this soul-breaking needle."

   "Which Soul Breaker?"

   "Go through the captain just now and hit the one on the ground." Lin Tian pointed to the ground, while Shui Wu was puzzled, "The ground? Where?"

  Lin Tian looked at her like a fool, then looked at the Eighth Prince, "You should go get it."

   "Yes, Master."

  The eighth prince came to the place where the corpse lay down just now, then stretched out his hand and used Yu Wan Wan's ability.

   The next moment, the needle was sucked out of the ground and fell into the hand of the eighth prince, and a red needle was about a finger long.

   Shui Wu gasped when she saw this, "How did it get into the ground."

   "The person who uses acupuncture is powerful and can penetrate people instantly, and this soul-breaking needle can also quickly break the soul." After Lin Tian explained, he took the needle and checked it.

  Shui Wu looked at Lin Tian and said, "With a needle, can you find the murderer?"

  Lin Tian smiled, "Anything has its own unique aura, and through this aura and this needle, you can confirm the approximate location of its owner."

   "You brag." Shui Wu laughed, but Lin Tian closed his eyes and immediately pushed back his ability to calculate.

   All of a sudden, he saw the person who cast the needle, then opened his eyes and smiled, "Show you a picture."

   "What are you looking at?" Shui Wu was in a bad mood, and Lin Tian showed the picture he just saw.

   When everyone saw a man hiding in the crowd, after taking a shot and leaving, everyone was startled.

  Young Master Fu said dementedly, "With a needle, you can see who used it. This ability is too powerful."

   Not only Master Fu, but even the country lord in the observation platform was stunned, "What a powerful skill."

   Several hall masters were even more stunned, and Shui Liu sighed inwardly, "Master, how did you learn these skills."

   (end of this chapter)

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