Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 1411: The harassment of the ghost doctor and the saint

   Chapter 1411 Difficulties of the Ghost Doctor Saint

  Lin Tian was very calm, as if nothing could trouble him, and under the leadership of Xiaoyixian, he came directly to Tianyitang.

  This day, the medical hall is not far from this Lingcao Valley, so I came there in less than half a day.

   It’s just that this Heavenly Medicine Hall is a bit big, and there is a formation outside. If you want to go inside, you can only go to one entrance except for the disciples of this sect.

  This entrance is specially used for people to see a doctor. Therefore, those who want to see a doctor must sign up first, and then get the approval of Tianyitang before entering.

   Therefore, those who want to see a doctor make an appointment a few days in advance and wait for the arrangement.

  So when Lin Tian arrived, the line was already very long, and some of them were lying nearby, sitting, waiting for the time to come, and then going to Tianyitang to see a doctor.

   But Xiaoyixian appeared, and immediately attracted countless people's ideas, "Look, it's Xiaoyixian."

   "Little Doctor Immortal, not only has good medical skills, but also has a kind heart."

   "No, it would be great if I could meet her to see a doctor."

   Xiaoyixian has long been accustomed to these people, and has brought Lin Tian to the front, and everyone is curious who this Lin Tian is and why he can be with Xiaoyixian.

   But just when Xiaoyixian was about to bring Lin Tian in, a disciple of the guard stopped him and said, "Senior sister, he didn't make an appointment."

   "I brought him, do I need to make an appointment too?" Xiaoyixian asked, and the disciple said embarrassedly, "This is the rule of Tianyitang, as long as people who are not from us must make an appointment."

   "I'm responsible for him, and if something goes wrong, it's mine." Xiaoyixian said, and everyone looked envious.

   But that disciple didn't know what to do, until a woman came from the hall and said, "Little Junior Sister, what do you mean? Are you going to be selfish?"

   At this time, a woman was wearing a black robe, and there were two words "unhappy" written on her face.

   When those disciples saw her, they respectfully said, "Senior Sister Luo."

   Xiaoyixian also respectfully said when she saw her, "Senior Sister Luo, he is my friend. I will take him up the mountain and ask the sect master for something."

   "Sect Master, who do you think he is? You can meet him if you want to?" This woman obviously deliberately wanted to make things difficult for the little doctor, and the people nearby started to talk about it.

   "Have you seen it? This woman is Tianyitang, the most terrifying woman."


   "Yes, let's just say that her medical skills are relatively evil, so everyone doesn't like to see her, so they are very jealous of Xiaoyixian."

   "So, she is going to trouble Xiaoyixian now?" Someone was surprised.

   "It must be the case."

   The black-robed woman who was said to be very unhappy, with a stern face, "Do you still want to see a doctor?"

  Everyone didn't dare to say more, for fear of being cleaned up.

   Xiaoyixian said, "Senior Sister Luo, his medical skills are very good. I want to call him to let the sect master know him."

   "I said, little junior sister, what do you think of our Tianyitang? If anyone says he has excellent medical skills, you will bring him?" The woman continued to make trouble.

   Xiaoyixian was depressed, "Senior Sister Luo, what I said is true, his medical skills are really good."

   "Awesome? Ridiculous." The woman still didn't give face, and the little doctor said anxiously, "Senior sister, his medical skills are better than me and even you."

   Now the woman is unhappy, "I said little junior sister, who am I? I am the first female doctor in Tianyitang, known as the Holy Maiden of Ghost Doctors, that's me, Luo Qingxia!"

  Xiaoyixian knew the character of her senior sister, so she gritted her teeth, "Sister, he is really powerful."

  Luo Qingxia sneered, "Little Junior Sister, are you trying to stimulate me on purpose?"

"What I'm saying is true."

"Okay, he is better than me. If his medical skills are better than mine, I will let him in immediately." That Luo Qingxia said proudly, while the little medical fairy looked at Lin Tian, ​​but Lin Tian said, "I am afraid she will be hit. ."

   Luo Qingxia went wild, "What did you say?"

  The people present were shocked, they couldn't even believe what Lin Tian said, and some people even muttered, "Is this kid crazy, dare to say that about the ghost doctor saint?"

   "Whether he's crazy or not, I support him anyway and have a backbone."


   Then everyone cheered, and the little doctor said embarrassedly, "Senior sister, he is really powerful."

  Luo Qingxia glared at Xiaoyixian, then looked at Lin Tian, ​​"Boy, I will compare with you, if you lose, immediately kowtow to me and apologize. If I lose, I will let you in, how?"

"you sure?"

   "Yes!" Luo Qingxia glared, while Lin Tian smiled slightly, "Then tell me, what is the comparison?"

   "There are many patients here, let's pick one at random and see who treats him first, how about that?"

  Lin Tian smiled, "Then you choose."

  Everyone didn't expect Lin Tian to be so mad, but that Luo Qingxia glanced around, and finally pointed to a man lying on a tree, dying, who was about to open his eyes and said, "It's him."


   Finished speaking, Luo Qingxia, let someone carry that person over, and this person was covered in black spots and had a stench on his body.

   Someone asked in surprise, "Did he get corpse poison?"

   "It seems to be a serious corpse poison."

  Luo Qingxia stared at Lin Tian, ​​"Boy, are you ready?"


  Luo Qingxia immediately saw a needle in her hand, and the needle was black and flashed with black light.

  Lin Tian smiled and said, "How long are you going to spend."

   "Half an hour is enough." That Luo Qingxia believed herself, and everyone exclaimed, obviously this kind of corpse poison is difficult to solve.

   But Lin Tian said, "I only need a moment."

  Luo Qingxia froze for a moment and said, "Boy, are you fighting me?"

   "Then you come first, or I come first, whatever you want." Lin Tian smiled at Luo Qingxia.

   And Luo Qingxia hummed, "One and a half."

   "One person and one half?" Lin Tian wondered, but Luo Qingxia took out a magic weapon, which was a translucent leaf, and with a flick, the leaf passed through the patient.

   Then this person's body is divided into two parts, and then two people are transformed.

   Everyone was stunned, and some people stammered, "Is this a copy technique?"

   "Yes, it is said that Tianyitang's most commonly used copying technique is to copy a person's body and use the copy to study, so as not to hurt the deity."

   "It's amazing." Someone exclaimed.

  Luo Qingxia looked at Lin Tian coldly and said, "Boy, choose, you want the deity or the clone."

  Lin Tian said with a smile, "The clone has no pain, so you can treat it any way you want, but the deity has pain. If you don't get it right, you will die."

  Luo Qingxia smiled evilly, "So, you want a clone?"

   Who knows Lin Tian believes in himself, "My deity, your clone."

   Hearing this, everyone was shocked. After all, if anyone chooses, it is the best clone, and you can toss at will, but the deity is not good, and it is easy to kill people.

   (end of this chapter)

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