Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 1404: into a monster

   Chapter 1404 Entering a strange formation

   Shui Wu was shocked, and quickly looked at Lin Tian, ​​"What should I do now?"

   There were people everywhere at the moment, obviously surrounded them all, and the eighth prince also stared at Lin Tian, ​​"Master, my poison and totems don't have much effect on them."

   "It's not that it doesn't work, it's that the person wearing the mask is much better than you." Lin Tianxie smiled.

  The eighth prince also knew the gap between himself and the other party, but now these people are approaching step by step, so he doesn't know what to do.

  Shui Wu also said, "Boy, don't you think you are strong? Do you think of a way?"

   The fourth prince laughed, "We are close to 200 princes and princesses, plus the people we have brought together, there are as many as 400 to 500 people. I don't know if a few of you can withstand our attack."

  The third prince also said coldly, "Let me see how strong you are."

  Shuifu was even more excited, "Boy, give me the grass, and I can spare you."

  Lin Tian smiled and said, "Do you think it's amazing that you have a lot of people?"

  Shuifu said proudly, "Yes, four or five hundred people, more than enough to meet a few of you."

  Lin Tian smiled strangely, "Then open your eyes and see."

   Everyone was curious about what Lin Tian was going to do, and everyone in the hall also wanted to know what Lin Tian was going to do.

   At this time, Lin Tian's magic shadow technique changed from one to ten, to one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand.

   All of a sudden, the whole valley is full of forests.

   Everyone present was shocked, and Lin Tian's voice echoed there at the same time, "Is there more of you now, or more of me?"

  The masked man shouted, "These ghosts are defenseless, just attack as much as you like."

   Everyone immediately went to attack, and sure enough, the ghosts disappeared one by one, but Lin Tianmu didn't do this, but directly took the Eighth Prince and others to withdraw from the army.

  The Eighth Prince was stunned and said, "Master, this."

   "Don't worry, my ghosts are enough for them to toss." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he took everyone away slowly.

   As for those people, they killed a batch of ghosts, and another batch of ghosts, as if they couldn't finish killing them.

  The Hall Master Yan in the main hall scolded, "It's really despicable."

   "This is called strength." The Hall Master of the Youth Hall admired, and the Hall Master Cang also said, "Yes, this young man is very capable."

   The lord even laughed and said, "If you let him go to the battlefield, it is estimated that this trick will give countless people a headache."

   Palace Master Yan frowned, and in the Lingcao Valley, Shui Wu turned around, stared at the back, and asked urgently, "I'm sure those people won't come after them."

   "Will it happen in a while?" Lin Tian said to himself.

  Shui Wu snorted, but as he was walking, Lin Tian suddenly stopped and smiled bitterly, "Here, there are so many incomplete teams."

   "What's the matter?" The Eighth Prince was puzzled, while Lin Tian explained, "Just now, an incomplete formation hit us."

   Shui Wu was stunned, "Crashed into us? Are you kidding me?"

  Lin Tian said with a smile, "I'm not joking, it was this formation that moved and then hit us, that is to say, we were in the formation."

   "Ah? There is such a formation?" Shui Wu was startled, while Master Fu frowned, "I have heard of this formation, but I have never seen it before. I didn't expect to encounter it at this moment."

  The eighth prince looked at Lin Tian, ​​"Master, you must have a solution."

   "This kind of formation is intricate and complicated. If I want to break it, it is still very difficult to break it with my current strength, but it is still very simple to go out." Lin Tian said to himself.

  Shuiwu didn't believe it, "Bragging."

   "Let's go, don't talk nonsense." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he walked forward, but on the big screen in the main hall, there was no trace of the Eighth Prince and others.

  The king wondered, "What's going on here?"

   The Cang Palace Master reported, "The Lord of the Kingdom, in Lingcao Valley, there are incomplete fairy formations everywhere. If we enter by mistake, we will not be able to see this."

  The king was a little disappointed, "Then, what if they were trapped inside?"

   Cang Palace Master hesitated, "According to the rules, if the game is over within five days and they haven't appeared, I will go and bring them out, but they will be considered a loser by then."

  The king understood, and then said, "Well, wait a minute."

  The Hall Master Yan said, "They disappeared suddenly, which means that it was a mobile formation that hit them directly, so it's difficult to figure it out."

   Everyone looked at each other in dismay, but no one objected, because this formation is indeed one of the most difficult formations, and no one has been able to crack it so far.

   "It seems that it depends on their luck." The king laughed, but everyone wondered why the king still had the heart to laugh at this time.

   However, everyone who killed a bunch of ghosts at this moment wondered where Lin Tian and others went.

  Especially that Shuifu asked the masked man, "Master, where is the man?"

   "These people seem to have disappeared out of thin air." The masked man said solemnly, while Shui Fu was suspicious, "Master, did you mean to disappear out of thin air?"

   "It's just that I might have strayed somewhere, and I can't sense it." The masked man explained.

  Shuifu was depressed, "This grass is in their hands. If we can't find a second grass, don't we have to wait for the end of time?"

   The masked man sighed, "Now let's see if we can find the second grass."

  Shuifu had no choice but to curse, "Let me meet that kid again, I'll kill him."

   Then these people left, and the fourth prince solemnly said, "Brother Sanhuang, what should we do?"

   "There is no grass in this game. Even if you reach the palace, you will have no points." The third prince looked ugly.

  The fourth prince was depressed, "Then let's find the second one now?"

   "This is the only way, otherwise there is no way." The third prince was very helpless, but he had no choice but to take the fourth prince and a few people and left there together.

   But at the Eighth Prince's place, Shui Wu kept nagging, "Did you go out? Why does it seem to be going around all the time?"

  Lin Tian smiled and said, "It's coming soon."

   "It's almost time? Why didn't I feel it." Shui Wu was depressed, and at this moment, a hut appeared in the white fog ahead.

   There are flowers and plants around this hut, and it looks like someone lives here, which can scare Shui Wu a few people.

   You Qi Master Fu wondered, "There are people living in the formation?"

   "Didn't you say that this formation moved?" The Shui Wu was depressed and blamed Lin Tian, ​​but Lin Tian stared at the room and smiled after feeling a familiar atmosphere, "It seems to be an acquaintance."

   "Acquaintance?" Shui Wu stared at Lin Tian strangely, and the eighth prince asked curiously, "Master, are you really an acquaintance?"

   "Well, let's go." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he walked towards the room, but after reaching the outside of the room, a flower condensed around the room.

  The flower floated there, and a woman made a clear voice, "Who, why did you trespass this place."

   "Wow, a talking flower." The Shui Wu was shocked, and the eighth prince was also shocked. As for Lin Tianxiao, he said, "The flower that becomes the essence."

   (end of this chapter)

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