Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 1397: Another batch was discarded

   Chapter 1397 Another batch was abolished

  Lin Tian laughed without saying a word, walked out of the transparent cover, and after Fang Ji put away the cover, he began to pester Lin Tian and followed Lin Tian.

  The face of the third prince was black, and he said to the other party, "Elder Fang, you are a little unkind."

  Fang Ji replied, "Three princes, I need to break through now and pursue a higher realm, so I really don't care about money or anything."

  The third prince looked ugly, "So, how much money and resources I gave you are useless?"

   "En." Fang Ji was very straightforward, and the third prince was so angry that he gritted his teeth until Wu Botian appeared, and he also took out a bunch of immortal artifacts mobilized from other places.

   It's just that he appeared in high spirits, and when he was about to find Fang Ji to verify the magic weapon, Fang Ji said, "Let's show him, he can say whatever he says."

  Wu Botian was stunned for a moment, then looked at the third prince with a puzzled expression, "Three princes, what's going on here?"

  The people present were already overjoyed, but Wu Botian was still like a fool, completely unaware of what was going on.

   It wasn't until everyone explained that this Wu Bo didn't know what was going on, and then his face changed color.

  Lin Tian looked at Wu Botian with a smile, "Come on, let me see if there is any problem with your new batch of immortal artifacts?"

   Wu Bo had to grit his teeth, but he could only hand over the fairy weapon to Lin Tian, ​​"Boy, these are all good."

   "Whether it's good or not, you won't know until you use it." After Lin Tian finished speaking, he took the pile of immortal artifacts, and then fiddled with them in his hands, then threw them into the air and instantly turned into pieces.

   Everyone present was stunned, and Wu Bo had to grit his teeth, "Boy, you."

   "Fuck me with a pile of broken copper and iron." Lin Tian sighed helplessly, and this Wu Botian shouted, "Boy, these are all fairy weapons."

"It's just a fake fairy." Lin Tian replied directly, but everyone was curious about why it was fake, so everyone looked at Wu Botian, and some people shouted, "Master Wu, this Nine Treasure Pavilion's fairy weapon, Are they all fake?"

   "Master Wu, you Jiubao Pavilion, didn't you say that you never sell fakes?"

   These people asked one by one, and Wu Botian knew what was going on, but he could only stare at Lin Tian, ​​"Boy, don't make trouble, can you?"

   "Finding the fault? I just bought your immortal artifact, and you have a rule that it can be replaced. Can you blame me?" Lin Tian asked with a smile.

   Wu Botian's eyes widened, "You."

The people around    cheered and supported Lin Tian in defending his rights, and the Shui Wu even said with a smile, "Master Wu, you should hurry up and find a new batch of fairy weapons."

   Wu Botian scolded inwardly when he saw those fragments, "Look for it? Where to find it?"

   The shopkeeper on the side is even more anxious, "Brother Wu, we have lost more than 30 fairy artifacts today."

   More than thirty pieces, even if one piece is 200 million, it will be 6 billion. How long will it take to earn it back.

   This made Wu Botian very annoyed, but the third prince said on the side, "Master Wu, prepare for him."

   "What?" Wu Botian was stunned, he didn't expect the third prince to let himself prepare, and the third prince said to him, "I have a way to deal with him."

   Wu Botian then returned to his senses and said to Lin Tian, ​​"Okay, I'll prepare now."

After speaking, Wu Botian snorted, turned and left, and the third prince and others also left, but Shui Wu shouted to the fourth prince, "Fourth prince, remember your ten billion, otherwise I will find the father and emperor's. ."

   The fourth prince twitched his face and said, "I'll give it to you when I turn around!"

  Then the fourth prince left angrily, and the scene was heatedly discussed, as for Lin Tian returning to the lounge to wait.

   There was only one more Fang Ji. He kept standing there and asked Lin Tian curiously, "Senior, who taught you your crafting skills?"

   "Is this important?" Lin Tian asked back, Fang Ji said embarrassedly, "Then, when will you teach me?"

   "Don't worry, just wait." Lin Tian said with a smile, Fang Ji naturally didn't dare to disobey, and thanked him, while Shui Wu on the side muttered to himself, "This kid, he really considers himself a master."

   On the street at this time, that Wu Botian hurriedly looked at the third prince, "Three princes, what can you do?"

   "He must have done something to the magic weapon, so we just need to find some special fairy tools, and then add some special runes to the fairy tools."

   "Special rune?" Wu Botian was curious, and the third prince said kindly, "Yes, as long as any force touches this fairy weapon, this rune will release a powerful force and attack that person."

   Hearing this, Wu Botian was overjoyed, "Three princes, I know what you mean."

   "Go, find a good fairy weapon, come to the Prince's Palace to find me, I will let my people get some talismans for those magic weapons." The third prince said with a smile.

   Wu Bo Tian's kind voice, "Okay."

   Then Wu Botian immediately asked the shopkeeper to prepare, and then everyone left and returned to the Prince's Palace.

   However, the news quickly spread throughout the palace of the prince, especially the fourth prince lost 10 billion, which immediately attracted everyone's ridicule.

   The fourth prince was annoyed, "Ten billion, how many years of resources will it take me."

   "Money can be earned slowly, but this person must die." The third prince flashed coldly, while the third emperor got up and said, "I'll go back to the mansion and ask my brother to learn more about this kid."

   "Well, let's go."

  After the third concubine left, in another part of the Prince's Palace, Wu Bo Tianzheng reported to the Hall Master Yan, and the Hall Master Yan glared and said, "So, Fang Ji was surrendered by him?"

"should be."

   Palace Master Yan frowned, "This Fangji, I spent a lot of effort, but couldn't win him over. I didn't expect that I just met this kid, so I followed this kid."

   Wu Botian said, "The main thing is not this, but this kid. Now he is targeting me, staying in the Nine Treasures Pavilion and not leaving. He insists on the dozen or so pieces of fairy artifact, and every time he smashes the fairy artifact."

   "Didn't the third prince give you advice?"

   "Well, I'm preparing. It is estimated that a new batch of fairy artifacts will arrive tomorrow." Wu Botian said with an ugly expression.

   Hall Master Yan said, "This method should be fine, you just need to follow the request of the third prince."

   "Yes, Hall Master."

   "Go, kill that kid properly." Yan Palace Master said, and Wu Bo Tian Ensheng turned and left.

   Palace Master Yan said coldly, "Boy, wait and see how you die."

  Lin Tian leisurely waited in the lounge until the next day.

  Because of what happened last night, many people from the city came here one by one, so the entire Jiubao Pavilion became more lively.

  Shui Wu was shocked when she saw the crowd outside, "So many people."

   At this time, the third prince and others appeared again, and Wu Botian was also there, and shouted to Lin Tian in the lounge, "Boy, come out."

  Lin Tian got up and went outside, while Fang Ji and others followed.

  Shui Wu came out and saw the Fourth Prince and said with a smile, "Come on, money."

  The fourth prince took out a bag, threw it out, and snorted, "Count it well!"

  Shui Wu took it and swept it a few times, then said with a strong smile, "Thank you."

   The fourth prince cursed in his heart, "Don't be complacent, wait and see how he dies!"

   (end of this chapter)

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