Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 1386: Teach the eighth prince some dirty tricks

   Chapter 1386 Teach the Eighth Prince some dirty tricks

  Shui Wu was immediately frightened, and hurriedly looked at the Eighth Prince, "Eighth Prince, what should we do now?"

  Master Fu looked at Lin Tian, ​​"Do you want me to release poison?"

   "Blood Sirius, immune to poison." Lin Tian explained, while Master Fu's eyes widened, "What? Immune to poison?"

   Lin Tian's kindness, while some princes and princesses nearby laughed, especially the fourth prince, who laughed strangely, "Poison, it's useless, as for the attack, can you guys resist such a mighty herd?"

  Shui Wu was very unwilling to see these people proud, and then the eighth prince looked at Lin Tian, ​​"Master, what should we do?"

  Lin Tian was silent, and in the hall, the lord of the country began to worry, "These people are useless, can they resist these beasts?"

   The Hall Master Yan said, "These **** wolves are not afraid of poison, and their skin is very thick, making them difficult to deal with. And that wolf king, our hall masters, are not necessarily his opponents."

  The king stared at the palace masters, "Is that so?"

   Cang Hall Master Ensheng said, "This wolf king is very strong, and we don't know how powerful it is."

  The king had to look at Shui Liu, and Shui Liu was very confident in Lin Tian, ​​so he said, "As long as the magic doctor is there, it should be fine."

  The lord of the country believes in the flow of water very much, and You Qi laughed when he heard this, "The teacher said that if it's okay, it's okay."

   That Hall Master Yan sneered in his heart, "Is this okay? How strong do you really think that kid is?"

   At this moment, the wolves are approaching one by one, and Lin Tian has many ways, but he is useless, but smiles at the Eighth Prince, "Wait and listen to my orders."


  I saw Lin Tian retreating step by step, while the fourth prince and others laughed, "Boy, you're not going to run away, are you?"

  The third prince even laughed evilly, "It seems that running away is the only way."

   Shui Wu was not reconciled, "Boy, what the **** are you doing? You let everyone escape?"

  Lin Tian smiled without saying a word, seeing that after stepping back a distance, the wolves gradually passed by the princes and princesses.

   At this moment, Lin Tian flashed his eyes coldly, "Eighth prince, get the magic weapon of the third prince."

   "What?" The Eighth Prince was stunned.

   "Get it here, use it for us, and let them be baptized by the wolves." Lin Tianxie laughed, but the Eighth Prince hesitated.

  Lin Tian wants to exercise the kindness of the Eighth Prince at this moment. After all, sometimes being too kind is cruel to himself, so he said coldly, "You want us to die or they die, you choose one."

  The Eighth Prince was stunned and said, "I see."

  I saw the eighth prince's thought, and the third prince's umbrella took control.

   The next moment, everyone saw a shocking scene, that is, the third prince and others were not protected by magic weapons, while Lin Tian and others were instead protected by umbrellas.

   As a result, those wolves felt the third prince and others, and immediately went to attack the third prince and the others.

  The fourth prince immediately cursed, "Bastard."

  The third prince said in a hurry, "You dare to smack me."

   Shui Wu was overjoyed and said, "Didn't you guys say that my Eighth Emperor can't control other people's magic weapons? How do you feel now?"

  The third prince gritted his teeth in anger, and hurriedly shouted to the others, "Fly up."

   These people flew up immediately, but at this moment the wolves also flew up, and a blood-red whirlwind not far away flew from the air and directly knocked these people away.

  After the third prince fell, he spat out a mouthful of blood and cursed, "Bastard."

  The fourth prince was even more miserable, and the whole person could not move. At this time, the man wearing the mask said, "Everyone, if you don't want to die, I can help you."

   As if seeing hope, the third prince immediately looked at the masked man and shouted, "Hurry up and help us."

   At this time, the masked person threw a similar black barrier to the area of ​​the third prince and others, protecting them.

  The third prince and others breathed a sigh of relief in an instant, but the blow just now made them uncomfortable and cursed in various ways.

   As for the inside of the hall, the country lord laughed, "This move is a bit interesting."

   Palace Master Yan couldn't help but complain, "This eighth prince is a little sinister."

  The country lord smiled, "It's like a battlefield now. Being kind to others is cruel to yourself. The genius doctor just now is right."

   Palace Master Yan was speechless for a moment, and at this time Lin Tian said to the Eighth Prince and others, "You guys are here, Xiaopang and I go out to deal with those wolves."

   "Resolve?" The Eighth Prince was stunned, but Shui Wu didn't believe it, "Boy, are you kidding me? Resolve these wolves?"

   Not only Shui Wu did not believe it, but Master Fu also stared at Lin Tian strangely, while the third prince provoked, "Boy, there are at least a few thousand wolves here, do you think you are the only one? Can you solve it?"

   The fourth prince hummed, "How could they know how to solve it, they probably went for a run."

  Lin Tian ignored it, but looked at the little fat man, "Go."

   "Yes." The little fat man immediately followed Lin Tian's pace, and those wolves rushed towards Lin Tian and the little fat man frantically.

   But when these wolves approached Lin Tian and everyone thought Lin Tian was going to die, the wolves suddenly saw some terrible monsters, and they turned around and fled in fright.

  When everyone saw this scene, they were curious about what was going on. Even the king in the hall was puzzled, "Why did these wolves run away?"

   At this moment, the wolf king in front suddenly roared, and the wolves were so frightened that they came out to attack, and Lin Tian approached step by step, and the wolves stopped again.

  In this way, a wave of wolves, like encountering two "kings", do not know how to choose.

   At this moment, a huge wolf shadow appeared, and it was like a small hill, and the body was still flashing with flames.

   Everyone was stunned, and some people stammered, "The Mutated Blood Sky Wolf King."

  Shuifu wondered, "Master, is this wolf king powerful?"

   "It's so powerful that I can't solve it." The man in the helmet said solemnly, while the fourth prince said excitedly, "Now they are dead."

  The eighth prince was startled, and quickly shouted to Lin Tian, ​​"Master, come in quickly."

Master   Fu also shouted to Lin Tian, ​​"Boy, don't be arrogant, come here quickly."

Although Shui Wu felt that Lin Tian was very good, but after several times, she found that Lin Tian's ability was somewhat useful, and it also improved the eighth prince's strength a lot, so she also shouted there, "Boy, hurry back. Well, I won't laugh at you!"

   Everyone thought that Lin Tian would return to the umbrella, but Lin Tian was unmoved, which made everyone wonder what he was going to do.

   Palace Master Yan, who was in the hall, even teased, "This kid really doesn't want to die."

  The Hall Master of the Juvenile Hall said, "It means that he has the ability to deal with it."

   Palace Master Yan laughed, "Ability? Don't talk about mutants, it's just ordinary, our Palace Master can't fight, isn't it?"

   "We can't do it, it doesn't mean other people can't." Although the Hall Master of the Youth Palace felt that Lin Tian was not good, he would fight to the end with the Hall Master Yan.

   Palace Master Yan sneered, "Just wait and see how he dies."

   (end of this chapter)

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