Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 1383: Show the Holy Spirit and terrify the crowd

  Chapter 1383 Showing the Holy Spirit, terrifying everyone

   These words irritated several princes, especially the fifth prince who was very annoyed and still struggling frantically, but the king in the hall laughed, "Little rattan, how powerful is it?"

  The other hall masters also thought it was a bit strange, and Shui Liu didn't understand, "This is a bit strange."

   Just when everyone was curious, the fourth prince in the Yaogu Mountains shouted to the fifth prince, "Brother fifth prince, are you releasing water?"

   "I didn't." The fifth prince defended, but the fourth prince didn't believe it, while the eighth prince stared at the fourth prince, "Come too."

   "Me? Are you going to 1v2?"

   "Yes." The eighth prince has the power of the nine-star holy spirit, and he has long since ignored these people, and is still proud.

  The fourth prince was angry and was about to start, but the third prince stopped him, "Don't do it yet."

   "Why?" The fourth prince was puzzled, while the third prince said, "There is something wrong with this rattan."

   "The rattan?" The fourth prince was puzzled, but he still took out a sharp sword and cut the rattan, who knows that his strength is not enough.

   Especially the fourth prince released it, but it was the eight-star Holy Spirit, and it was of the water system and sword.

   Even if the blessing is placed on the sword, blue light flashes, but it cannot be cut off.

   This made the fourth prince confused, and the third prince stared at the eighth prince coldly, "To be able to release such power from just a cane, it shows that your Holy Spirit's power is terrible."

   "Brother Sanhuang has good eyesight." The eighth prince also became a lot more confident when he spoke, as if he didn't take these people seriously at all.

   This made the third prince's eyes twinkle strangely, "Let the Holy Spirit out, what else are you hiding?"

   The eighth prince who heard this looked at Lin Tian, ​​but Lin Tian smiled and said, "Show them."

   "Okay." After the eighth prince finished, the Holy Spirit with nine layers of light was displayed above his head.

   Seeing the Holy Spirit, they all widened their eyes, and You Qi, who was standing beside him, stammered, "Nine Star Holy Spirit, how is this possible."

   Not only Shui Wu, but those princes also didn’t believe that the Eighth Prince already had the Nine-star Holy Spirit, and the king in the hall also stared, “What’s going on here.”

  Shuiliu also showed a strange look, and Hall Master Yan and others were also stunned, but at this time the eighth prince proudly said, "My master, it took me less than half a day to get me from the six-star Holy Spirit to the nine-star Holy Spirit."

   "No, it's impossible." The fourth prince killed him in disbelief, and the third prince said solemnly, "It is absolutely impossible to make the Holy Spirit go from six stars to nine stars without half a day."

   But that Shui Wu had recovered from his stun, looked at Lin Tian, ​​and then looked at the Eighth Prince and asked strangely, "Eighth Prince, what did he give you? It's really improved?"

  The eighth prince smiled and said, "My master is very good."

  The eighth prince obviously didn't say the specific process, and Shui Wu stared at Lin Tian strangely, and muttered in his heart, "This guy can really improve the Holy Spirit."

   Not only Shui Wu, but Master Fu also showed a weird look, obviously he didn't expect Lin Tian to be so scary.

  The third prince did not believe that he was beaten to death, "Impossible, he is just a person who knows medicine, how can he have such a skill."

   "Brothers, I don't care how much you look down on my master, but my master is so powerful, and I am indeed a Holy Spirit from six stars to nine stars." The eighth prince said arrogantly.

   The third prince's face twitched, and Lin Tian said to the eighth prince, "Tangle these people."


  The eighth prince prepared his hands, and the third prince immediately shouted to the fourth prince, "Withdraw."

  The fourth prince also knew how terrifying the gap in the power of the Holy Spirit was, so he turned around and ran away.

   The fifth prince widened his eyes and shouted, "Hey, and me."

   But at this moment, the two princes and those people completely disregarded the safety of the fifth prince, and directly lost the fifth prince.

   This made the fifth prince start to be afraid, and the water dance walked over and smiled at him, "Brother Wuhuang, what is your feeling now?"

   "What do you want?" The fifth prince glared, and Shui Wu smiled and said, "During the mission, you can fight and kill, what do you think we can do?"

   "Sister Jiuhuang, how do you say, I'm also your brother, isn't it?"

   "Before this, you don't think so, and you can't wait to repair my Eight Emperor Brothers!" This Shui Wu stared.

   The fifth prince said nervously, "Just now, now is now."

   "Then say something, I like to hear it, maybe, I'll let Brother Eighth Prince let you go." Shui Wu smiled.

   The fifth prince begged for mercy in various ways, and said that he was not a human being, but in the hall, the king was already stunned, "It takes less than half a day to increase the power of the Holy Spirit."

  Shui Liu was also stunned by his own master's ability, but Hall Master Yan opened his mouth and said, "Lord of the country, will it be a flash in the pan?"

   "A flash in the pan?" The country lord asked back, and the lord of Hell Palace said with kindness, "From ancient times to the present, there have been many people who can suddenly increase the power of the Holy Spirit, but after that, it will cause great harm to the body, and the power of the Holy Spirit has completely disappeared."

   These words shocked many hall masters. After all, this is a life-threatening ability, but the king muttered, "Eighth prince, you have chosen, which means that this will not be a flash in the pan."

   Palace Master Yan still didn't believe it, "Lord, don't be too optimistic."

   "Then let's take a look. If the eighth prince is fine after a day, it means that it is not a flash in the pan." The king was looking forward to it.

   Palace Master Yan was anxious, "What the **** did this kid do to the Eighth Prince to make him reach the Nine Stars Holy Spirit."

   At this moment in the Demon Valley Mountains, the fifth prince had already descended to cry, but Shui Wu smiled strangely, "You are here, waiting for the monster to welcome you."

   The fifth prince was stunned when he heard it, "Don't, I don't want to tie it up."

   "Then you abstain." The Eighth Prince suddenly said to him, while the Fifth Prince was stunned and said, "Abstain?"

   "Yes, in the prince's selection, there are people who abstain in the middle, but once they abstain, you can't continue the game later." The eighth prince explained.

  The fifth prince looked ugly, but in order to survive, he had to say, "Okay, I abstain."

  Shui Wu smiled and said, "That's what you said."

After    finished speaking, Shui Wu shouted to the surrounding, "Someone is about to abstain, everyone in charge, come out and save it."

   Sure enough, these words just fell, and after a while, the Cang Palace Master appeared, and the Cang Palace Master looked strangely at the Eighth Prince and said, "The Holy Spirit of the Eighth Prince is really amazing."

  The eighth prince smiled modestly, "My master made it."

After    Palace Master Cang stared at Lin Tian for a while, he grabbed the fifth prince and took the fifth prince away.

   Then a voice sounded in the formation, "The fifth prince abstained."

   Hearing this voice, Shui Wu was extremely excited, "Brother Eight Emperors, in the second stage, we will eliminate one of them."

  The Eighth Prince smiled, "Let's go, find the palace quickly, or we won't be the first this time."

   "Okay." Shui Wu was overjoyed, but Lin Tian looked around, guessing that this formation might be monitored by someone, otherwise it would be impossible to be there on call.

   (end of this chapter)

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