Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 1363: Three princesses please

   Chapter 1363 The three emperors are invited

   So Song Qu stared at this ignorant Master Fu, "Come if you have the guts!"

Master   Fu stared at Song Qu, "You said this, you can't blame me!"

   After finishing speaking, Master Fu really did it, and one after another green poisonous gas hit Song Qu, and Song Qu immediately itchy.

   Not only that, Song Qu's face turned green.

   The people present were startled, while the people outside watched and discussed.

  Song Qu was overjoyed when he saw the opportunity, and then shouted to the guards, "Come here, take down all those who hurt me."

   Those guards listened to the order and were ready to do it, and this Master Fu took out a token with a few big characters on it, "The water country poison order."

  The people present were stunned, and the guards were even more surprised, and Song Qu was stunned and said, "Are you Master Fu?"

   "Yes, it's me, is there a problem?" Master Fu said, and everyone outside exclaimed, "He is Master Fu."

   "What does this water country poison order mean?"

   "It is said that it is a special title token issued by the lord of the country, and the person who owns this token has the function of immunity from accountability." Some people are envious.

  Lin Tian didn't expect this little token to have this effect, and that Song Qu couldn't believe it when he was beaten to death, this Master Fu actually stood in Lin Tian's place.

  Master Fu smiled and looked at Song Qu, who was aggrieved, "Do you still want to arrest me?"

   "I." Song Qu You can't tell, but Master Fu threw out an elixir, "This is detoxification, take it back, and it will be fine in a day."

  Song Qu was depressed and took the medicine pill, "Got it, Master Xie."

   "In the future, don't let me take action again, otherwise I will take the key." That Master Fu was half-smiling.

  Song Qu said with a grateful expression, "Thank you Master for not killing him."

After    finished speaking, Song Qu immediately took the people away, but before leaving, he stared at Lin Tian resentfully.

   After everyone left, the inn resumed its liveliness again, but everyone was curious why this Master Fu followed Lin Tian.

  Lin Tian returned to his room, that Master Fu walked behind Lin Tian like a worm, and Lin Tian said strangely, "You are so famous, why do you still follow me?"

Master   Fu explained, "I lost to you today, so naturally I am willing to admit defeat, there is nothing to say."

   "I don't even worry about it, do you remember?" Lin Tian smiled bitterly, and the Master Fu insisted, "I am like this, as long as I lose, I lose, there is no excuse."

  Lin Tian said helplessly, "You're hindering me like this."

   "Why did I get in your way? I'll be right behind you, it's fine, I can help you clean up some people who are looking for trouble for you, that's great." After this Master Fu finished speaking, it seemed that Lin Tian had to thank him.

  Lin Tian smiled bitterly, "What? I have to thank you?"

   "Yes, you have to thank me, if it weren't for me, I would have been tossed by them today, so you must thank me." The Master Fu showed off again.

The little fat man on the side of    complained, "Why do you like to show off so much?"

   "I want to prove that I'm better than him." Master Fu spoke his mind without any hesitation, but Lin Tian smiled helplessly, "Are you really going to follow me?"

   "Yes, unless you admit that you are weaker than me, and let me have face, so that I will not be laughed at when I return to the Wandu Gate." This Master Fu said.

   Ke Lin Tian smiled, "I want to admit, you're still dreaming."

   "I will definitely let you admit that I am better than you." After Master Fu finished speaking, he sat and waited.

  Lin Tian closed his eyes, but after night fell, a family came and took out an invitation letter, "Is Mr. Lin?"

  Lin Tian saw the invitation and asked, "What is this?"

   "Our three emperors, we want to invite you to a gathering." The servant said, and Lin Tian thought of Zeng Xiaoyao's sister.

   "This woman, what are you doing for me?" Lin Tian was puzzled, while Lin Tian tried to contact Zeng Xiaoyao.

  The answer given by Zeng Xiaoyao is that there will be many princes gathering at the third prince's mansion today, and these people want to see Lin Tian.

   Hearing several princes, Lin Tian took the invitation letter, and Master Fu smiled and said, "Boy, I advise you not to join these princes together."

"Is there a problem?"

   "A lot of princes are now forming gangs, and you are on the wrong side a little bit. When the prince becomes the prince in the future, it is not the person in your heart. Then you will be in big trouble."

  Lin Tian didn't take it seriously and said, "This prince, whoever is good will be the one, what am I afraid of?"

   "Boy, in any country in Kyushu, choosing a prince is a big deal, because the prince is related to the person who will become the lord of the country and control a country in the future," said Master Fu.

   "Oh? Are you going to change the country so soon?"

"Generally, a country, no accident, will change its lord in 10,000 years, and our country lord is almost 10,000 years old, so when the prince is elected, it will take a few years for him to be enthroned. "

  Lin Tian said with a smile, "Then I see who is suitable to be the lord of this country."

After    finished speaking, Lin Tian left, and Master Fu was stunned and said, "Are you crazy? Are you really going to join this muddy water?"

  Lin Tian ignored it, because he wanted to see what these princes were like and whether they were suitable to be the prince.


   After half an hour, it was completely dark, and Lin Tian came to the Third Prince's Mansion. The guards who watched the door saw Lin Tian holding the invitation letter and immediately led these people.

  Master Fu was chatting, "Little guy, someone here will tell you that you must be involved in the muddy water, otherwise there will be endless troubles."

   "What do I participate in that has something to do with you?" Lin Tian asked back, but the Master Fu insisted, "Of course there is."

"what relationship?"

   "If you get caught up in the turmoil and die, who will I ask to win or lose?" The Master Fu wondered.

   Who knows, Lin Tian replied, "If you die, it's not my turn to die."

   "You, can you speak?" The Master Fu wondered, but Lin Tian ignored it and continued to walk in the aisle of the Three Princes Mansion.

   After about a while, they came to a yard, and the yard was full of tables and chairs, and each person had a table and a chair.

   There are several princes present at the moment, and besides the prince, he is the concubine of the third prince.

   This imperial concubine was sitting at the table in the center, and she was a little pretty, and Zeng Xiaoyao was on the side. After seeing Lin Tianlai, she immediately introduced to the imperial concubine, "Sister, he is here."

   Zeng Fei, she stood up wearing the imperial concubine's uniform, then stared at Lin Tian and said with a smile, "Lin Shen doctor, please take a seat."

   Then a family member stepped forward and arranged some tables and chairs for Lin Tian and others, but the princes showed doubts.

   There was a prince holding a wine glass, his face was a little red, and he asked as if he was drunk, "Who is this, who is qualified to be equal to us."

   Another prince, swinging his fan, although he didn't speak, his eyes also showed contempt.

  The third imperial concubine stared at the two princes and said, "The fourth prince, the fifth prince, this is a genius doctor."

   (end of this chapter)

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