Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 1360: a tough master

   Chapter 1360 A Competitive Master

  Wenyuan stared at Lin Tian excitedly, "Thank you."

   Wen Yuan was able to get up and stand up after that, but his legs were still a little uncomfortable because he hadn't walked on the ground for a few days.

   But soon after Wen Yuan got used to it, he stared at Lin Tian and said with a smile, "Fortunately I have you, otherwise I don't know what to do."

  Lin Tian smiled, "It's a small matter."

   Wen Yuan said, "This is not a trivial matter. Many people in our youth hall have been recruited."

"so serious?"

  Wen Yuan Ensheng, "If you can, please follow me to the Youth Hall and help me take a look, otherwise it's not an option for everyone to drag it like this."

  Lin Tian thought for a while and said, "Okay, I'll go with you to check it out, and by the way, see who is making trouble."

   "Missing? What do you mean?" Wen Yuan was puzzled, while Lin Tian smiled and said, "Are these poisonous snakes falling from the sky for no reason?"

  Wenyuan said hesitantly, "We also suspected that there was something wrong with the origin of these snakes before, but we caught them and studied them for a few days, but we didn't find anything."

   "I'll go take a look." Lin Tian opened the mouth and said, Wen Yuan was kind, and immediately brought Lin Tian with him.

   After half an hour, they came to the youth hall, but the youth hall was very calm.

   "How do you feel, there are not many people." Lin Tian glanced around and asked after finding that there were no people.

   "Since the poisonous snake incident a few days ago, most people have moved out of here." Wen Yuan was helpless.

  Lin Tian snorted and let Wen Yuan continue to lead the way until he came to the outside of the main hall after a while.

  I saw formations around the temple, and in this temple, a bunch of black snakes were moving and even climbing around.

   "See, it's these inconspicuous snakes, but they are very vicious." Wen Yuan looked depressed when he thought of being bitten a few days ago.

  Lin Tian was planning to go there when a group of people came, led by a fat middle-aged man.

   The middle-aged fat man said curiously when he saw Wen Yuan, "Brother Wen, how can you be active?"

  Wen Yuan immediately laughed and said, "This little boy gave me an antidote."

  The middle-aged fat man immediately looked at Lin Tian curiously, and Wen Yuan introduced to Lin Tian, ​​"He is a teacher in the Youth Hall, known as Duoduo Duoduo."

   The fat duo duo said with an embarrassed smile, "Brother Wen, if there is no introduction, just say my name."

   "That's more intuitive." Wen Yuan said while pointing at the other person's big belly and smiling.

   Fat Duoduo smiled bitterly, "Brother Wen, are you making fun of me?"

  Wenyuan smiled and asked, "How are the hall master and the other teachers?"

   "The other teachers are still being poisoned, and the hall master is asking someone to observe them. It is estimated that they are still in our rest yard." Fat Duoduo explained.

   "Take us there, and I'll ask the genius doctor to show them." Wen Yuan said, while Fat Duoduo said gracefully, "Okay, please come with me."

  Wenyuan looked at Lin Tian, ​​"Please."

  Lin Tian had to leave this place first, intending to look back at these snakes, but when Lin Tian and others came to a yard, they found that there were many people gathered in the yard.

   These people all seem to be skilled in medicine, and the leader is still a blind man.

  The blind man had red hair and calluses on his hands, and he was groping on several people lying on the beds in the yard.

  Beside the blind man, stood an old man, and the old man looked solemn, "Master, how is it?"

   The blind man withdrew his hand and boasted, "This poison has already entered the bone marrow and melted into the blood."

   "Then what should we do?" The old man was shocked, and the blind man said, "As long as I cast spells and cooperate with my abilities, it will definitely be cleaned up."

   "Thank you so much."

  The blind man shouted to a group of disciples behind him, "Come here, prepare a formation for me."


   Those disciples stepped forward and formed formations around the beds one by one, while Fat Duoduo stepped forward and said, "Palace Master Lu."

  The old man turned his head, first looked at Fat Duoduo, but found Wen Yuan, and then he said in surprise, "Wen Yuan, are you alright?"

   "Drag this little brother's blessing, I'm fine." This Wenyuan said with a smile.

  Once the old man was overjoyed, he stepped forward and looked Lin Tian up and down, "Little brother, what's your name?"

   "Lin Tian."

   The old man was very happy, "Then can you help me see other people?"


  Lin Tian was about to step forward, but the blind man became gloomy, "Boy, everything comes first, you know?"

  The old man realized that those people were still there and said embarrassedly, "I'll introduce you to everyone."

   After finishing speaking, the old man introduced to Wen Yuan and others, "These are from Wan Po Sect. They have strong restraint and control skills on poison, and this one is Master Fu."

   "Master Fu? Rumor has it, a master who can detoxify any poison?" Wen Yuan was surprised, obviously he knew this blind man very well.

   The old man was kind, and the Master Fu said arrogantly, "Yes, I am Master Fu, the master of detoxification of Wandu Sect."

  But Lin Tian said, "You set up an array to detoxify, are you sure it's feasible?"

   "Boy, I've never missed, so you don't have to doubt me." Master Fu said proudly, while Lin Tian smiled, "That's fine, come first, I won't disturb you."

  Wenyuan knew Lin Tian's identity, so he looked at Lin Tian nervously, "I'm so sorry, I didn't expect such a thing to happen."

   "It's okay, I'll just study." Lin Tian smiled, but Wen Yuan snorted, but he was not at ease.

  The hall master looked at the blind man and said, "Master Fu, then you go first."

Master   Fu said to Lin Tian, ​​"Boy look good, see how I detoxify!"

   After finishing speaking, Master Fu finished the formation, then sprinkled some green powder in his hand, and then sprinkled it into the formation.

  These green powders entered those people one by one, and then Master Fu said something silently in his mouth.

   Then everyone saw that everyone's thighs were green, and there were black spots in the green.

   That Master Fu said proudly, "See, these black ones are poisonous, let's see how I can force them out."

   After finishing speaking, Master Fu intends to force these poisons out. Who knows that these poisons spread, and the green legs turn black instantly.

   This shocked Master Fu, "Strange, how could this be."

  The old man on the side explained, "This poison is very strange. Several imperial doctors have checked it and used various detoxification things, but every time it is just cleaned, the legs will turn black, and it is impossible to completely remove it."

Master   Fu was not reconciled, so he tried several times, but the final result was the same, and he couldn't solve it at all, which made him very embarrassed.

   The little fat man on the side couldn't help but said, "It's my boss."

  Master Fu is blind, but he has spiritual sense. He turned his head to Lin Tianbing and said coldly, "I can't even clean it up, do you think you have a solution?"

   "Everyone has their own abilities, and what you can't do doesn't mean I can't." Lin Tian's words made Master Fu immediately dissatisfied, "Boy, do you mean that I'm not as good as you?"

   (end of this chapter)

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