Craziest Ancestor Ever

Chapter 1348: It's not over yet!

   Chapter 1348 This matter is not over yet!

  Elder Qing was at a loss at the moment, especially seeing the trembling of the formation, his expression was solemn, "I didn't expect him to make the wind formation so powerful."

  Song Yu only wanted the result, so he asked urgently, "Tell me if it's possible."

   Elder Qing hesitated, "This."

  Lin Tian smiled and said, "I'll tell you with my actions."

   At this moment, Lin Tian pushed with one hand, and the compressed wind was very violent. It hit the incomplete Immortal Formation and shattered it instantly.

   Everyone in this Immortal Formation was seriously injured.

  Elder Qing's face was pale and ugly, but he was ready to evacuate, so he said to everyone, "Detonate the formation."

   "Detonate?" Song Yu didn't expect these people to be so crazy, and Elder Qing and the others had already taken out some weird pills from their hands and hit the surrounding formations one by one.

  The wind gust immediately trembled, and at the same time, the people in the Nine Demon Palaces flickered with magical energy one by one, and finally shrank a little bit, and then disappeared one by one.

  Song Yu's eyes widened, "You, don't leave me behind."

  Elder Qing ignored it and stared at Lin Tian, ​​"Boy, if you survive today, we will meet again!"

After   , the elder Qing disappeared, and the surrounding formations began to expand, as if they were about to explode.

  Song Yu cried anxiously, "I asked you to come, so you could deal with him, not leave me here."

   At this moment, Song Yu knew that he had been tricked, and Lin Tian smiled and said, "The formation will soon be broken, and the power of destruction is enough to destroy your Song family building."

  Song Yu's eyes widened, "What?"

   "This is the result you want." Lin Tian laughed, and Song Yu was in a hurry at the moment.

  Lin Tian smiled at him, "If you don't want to die, just surrender to me. I can keep you from dying, or else you will die when it blows up here."

  Song Yu said with red eyes, "I, I won't die, I definitely won't."

  Lin Tian didn't beat him, but controlled a gust of wind and hit this Song Yu directly, and then passed by quickly, and then hit a false annihilation.

  Song Yu was hit by such a double hit, and the whole person felt uncomfortable, "You."

  Lin Tian took the opportunity again, inserted a few needles, sealed him, and finally caught him again, then looked at the little fat man, "Follow me, I'm going to escape."


   At this time, Lin Tian brought the two of them into the ground and walked through the underground defense formation.

   Not long after the three left, there was a loud "bang" in the Song family, all buildings collapsed, and countless corpses turned bloody.

   For some people who had surrendered to Lin Tian, ​​they had already withdrawn from the Song family under Lin Tian's reminder.

   But there was such a big commotion in the city, and it was still the Song family, and all of a sudden, countless people came to watch.

   You can see that a huge Song family has turned into ruins and a pile of corpses, and they all widen their eyes, wondering what happened.

  Leng Feijia and the others looked at each other in dismay, and felt fortunate in their hearts that they escaped quickly, while Liu Yunfeng in the city lord's mansion heard about this important event and immediately brought people to inquire.

   When Lin Tian appeared again, he had emerged from the underground of the city lord's mansion and returned to his room.

  Su Jing saw the motionless Song Yu and stared at the avenue, "Old Ancestor, what's going on?"

  Bai Jue and Zeng Xiaoyao were also puzzled. As for Xiao Leizi, he was stunned, and he couldn't even believe that Lin Tian had just taken down the Song family.

  Lin Tian stared at the four people and said, "You don't see anything, so if anyone asks, just say I'm cultivating."

  Su Jing and the others nodded, although they didn't know why, and Lin Tian entered the painting, leaving the little fat man to stay, while Lin Tian began to put a soul imprint on Song Yu's soul.

   After about a while, Lin Tiantian untied Song Yu.

  Severely injured Song Yu showed a complicated look after seeing that his soul was being controlled by Lin Tian, ​​"You, you actually controlled me."

   "You can also choose to die, but I have backed up your memories." Lin Tian smiled at Song Yu.

  Song Yu now has the heart to die, but after feeling dead and useless, he is going crazy, and he is still beating his chest like crazy.

The fat man on the side of    said, "Boss, what is he doing?"

   "Can't stand the blow."


  Lin Tian smiled and said, "He wanted to deal with me, but I took him down. Do you think he can't stand the blow?"

   The little fat man said after listening, "This is unbearable? Is it too wasteful?"

   Lin Tian smiled helplessly, "Leave him alone, let him go crazy, let's go out first."

   "Yes." The fat man said kindly, but that Song Yu suddenly stared at Lin Tian with his hair disheveled, "Qin's spy, what's wrong?"

   "Are you still in the mood to care about them?" Lin Tian smiled at Song Yu, but Song Yu didn't want to be confused, so he said, "I want to figure it out."

   "You don't need to worry about this matter, it has nothing to do with you. You should just stay here. When the world is peaceful, maybe I will consider letting you go." Lin Tian smiled and walked out of the painting.

   Song Yu couldn't help crying while looking around, and then went crazy again.

   Outside the painting, Su Jing and others were chatting about the Song family, when Liu Yunfeng's voice came from outside, "Shen Doctor Lin, are you there?"

   "Yes, what's the matter?" Lin Tian returned to his senses, while Liu Yunfeng hesitated, "The Song family was destroyed, do you know?"

  Lin Tian smiled, stepped forward to open the door, stared at Liu Yunfeng outside and said with a smile, "Is there such a good thing?"

  Liu Yunfeng stared at Lin Tian curiously, "This matter has already made a lot of trouble. It is estimated that the Song family will soon send someone to investigate."

   "Why, you doubt me?" Lin Tian smiled at Liu Yunfeng, while Liu Yunfeng shook his head, "That large area was destroyed, you can't do it alone."

   "Oh? So what conclusion did you draw?"

"According to some people who escaped from the Song family, it was the people from the Nine Demons Palace who made a large formation under the Song family. As a result, the formation broke down, causing the entire Song family to be destroyed, and the whereabouts of the Song family's head are still unknown." Yunfeng explained.

  Lin Tian snorted, "Does this Nine Demon Palace have any grudge against the Song family?"

   "This, I don't know yet. It is estimated that we will have to wait until the national capital, Master Song, and the others to send people to investigate." Liu Yunfeng replied.

   Lin Tianen said, "I understand. If there is anything you need to cooperate with, you can call me at any time, and I will be there whenever I am called."

   "Okay." After Liu Yunfeng finished speaking, he stepped back, and after the door closed, Su Jing and the others stared at Lin Tian in shock.

  Because these people knew that the Song family was in Lin Tian's hands, and just now Lin Tian was calm and pretended not to know anything.

   "Why are you looking at me like this?" Lin Tian smiled at the group of people, while Su Jing said embarrassedly, "Ancestor, did you destroy the Song family?"

   "No, it was the people from the Nine Demons Palace who did it, but I really took this Song Patriarch away." Lin Tian smiled.

Su Jing and the others didn't think it was credible, but they didn't ask more, while Lin Tian stared at them and said with a smile, "You forgot what happened today, or if the people from the Song family come back, they will definitely dig something out of you. ."

   "Ancestor, do you mean that the people of the Song family will doubt you?" That Su Jing was curious.

Lin Tian sneered, "As far as I know, several generations of the Song family have colluded with the Qin state, and the people of the Qin state are eager to take me down, so this time, even if it wasn't because of me, They'll put this hat on my head too."

   Everyone was dubious, but Lin Tian's idea was soon verified.

   In less than half a day, people from the Song family came, and they even went to the city lord's mansion, and asked the city lord to speak to Lin Tian.

   (end of this chapter)

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